Me and Sabrina! We were both crying that time because I'm not going to the same school as her. =[

Lol. It's Niel! =D Christian's all in the back ground. xDDD

Me and Mitchel. We look so emo. xD I love that guy. He's so awesome. I'll miss him.

xDDD Look at Julian! I'm hiding his monkey face! Lol. Look at Jerry. He has a cigarette in his mouth. Sebastian. D'aw. He's getting abducted by an alien.

Lol! It's patrick taking a picture of Sabrina while Sabrina is taking a picture of him! xD I'm in the picture. Like, half of my face. Lol. I have that orange-half force field around my face. Jan and Andrea are in the picture too! =D

Aw! It's Ishmael and Mario! =D I love those guys. They're pretty cool even though they can be mean.

Aw! It's Hannah!!!! =D Is she sad? =[

Aw! It's Sabrina!!!! =D How adorable! =]

Me and Sabrina! This was WAY back in January. Good times. =]

Look at that! Group picture!!! =D Lol. How cute. I love this picture.

Isn't that cute? A group picture of most of the guys. Everyone looks adorable in this picture! =D Yes, that means Ishmael and Mario too. xD Ishmael is all walking and Mario is all facing the back.

Aw! This makes me cry. It's a group picture. =[ It's so beautiful!!! Look at Sebastian. All putting up the bunny ears. Lol. Jerry took this picture.