An evolutionary stone is a type of item with mysterious properties. It radiates energy that causes some Pokémon to evolve.
A Pokémon whose evolution requires the use of a stone may have it used on them at any time, causing instant evolution which cannot be canceled. The evolutionary stone must be directly used on the Pokémon, rather than being held by it, with the exception of the Oval Stone.
Many Pokémon which evolve by use of a stone no longer learn new moves by leveling up, or have a radically different level-up learnset.
There are eleven types of evolutionary stones.
Dusk Stone: Evolves a Misdreavus, evolves a Murkrow
Dawn Stone: Male Kirlia and female Snorunt
Shiny Stone: Roselia
Oval Stone: Hapinny
Firestone: Eevee, growlithe
Thunderstone: Eevee, magnemite?
Waterstone: Eevee, lombre
Leafstone: gloom, egxecute, weepinbell? nuzleaf,
sunstone: gloom, sunkern

As the name suggests, it is strongly associated with Fire-types. It is a bright yellow color with a fire pattern depicted.
Vulpix → Ninetales
Growlithe → Arcanine
Eevee → Flareon

Water Stones can be bought at the Celadon Dept. Store for 2100, or are given in exchange for a Blue Shard in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. In Gold and Silver they are given away only by Bill's Grandpa if he is shown a Staryu when requested. In Pokémon Crystal, they are also given away by Fisher Tully. They can also be found on the ground in certain locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh.
As the name suggests, it is strongly associated with Water-types. It is a blue color with a bubble pattern depicted.
Poliwhirl → Poliwrath
Shellder → Cloyster
Staryu → Starmie
Eevee → Vaporeon
Lombre → Ludicolo

Thunderstones can be bought at the Celadon Dept. Store for 2100, or are given in exchange for a Yellow Shard in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. In Gold and Silver they are given away only by Bill's Grandpa if he is shown a Pichu when requested. In Pokémon Crystal, they are also given away by Lass Dana. They can also be found on the ground in certain locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh.
As the name suggests, it is strongly associated with Electric-types. It is a green color with a thunderbolt pattern depicted.
Pikachu → Raichu
Eevee → Jolteon

Leaf Stones can be bought at the Celadon Dept. Store for 2100, or are given in exchange for a Green Shard in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. In Gold and Silver they are given away only by Bill's Grandpa if he is shown an Oddish when requested. In Pokémon Crystal, they are also given away by Picnicker Gina. They can also be found on the ground in certain locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh.
As the name suggests, it is strongly associated with Grass-types. It is earth colored with a leaf pattern imprinted onto it.
Gloom → Vileplume
Weepinbell → Victreebel
Exeggcute → Exeggutor
Nuzleaf → Shiftry

This is one of five stones which can never be bought at stores. It can be found in a few locations in the wild and underground in Sinnoh. In Generation II, one can be found in Tohjo Falls, plus one on each Monday night in Mt. Moon's relaxation square by using Rock Smash on the rock that the Clefairy dance around. Also, the player's mother will give one to the player through the PC after she has saved up a certain amount of money. There is also a small chance of stealing one off of a wild Lunatone or Clefairy in Generations III or IV by catching them or with Thief or Covet.
It is related with the moon. Most Pokémon that evolve with the Moon Stone have some connection to it. It was once depicted as grey in color, but it is now depicted as being dark as the night sky. It also sparkles.
Pokémon that evolve using this item have a higher probability of capture with the Moon Ball.
Nidorina → Nidoqueen
Nidorino → Nidoking
Clefairy → Clefable
Jigglypuff → Wigglytuff
Skitty → Delcatty

This stone was first introduced in Generation II.
This is one of five stones which can never be bought at stores. In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, it is the first prize at the National Park's Bug-Catching Contest. In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, a man in Mossdeep City will give one away. There is also a very small chance of stealing one off of a wild Solrock with Thief or Covet. In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, one can be found in Ruin Valley on Fortune Island. It, like the other stones released prior to Generation IV, is often found underground in Sinnoh, but one can be found hidden near Hotel Grand Lake.
It is related to the sun. Pokémon that evolve with the Sun Stone have a connection to it. It is orange in color and spherical in shape with spikes around its circumference.
Gloom → Bellossom
Sunkern → Sunflora

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV. One can be found on Iron Island, and another on Route 228. They are also readily available with the Pickup ability, or can be Mystery Gifted from Pokétopia for 7200 Poké Coupons.
It is imbued with radiant energy. Pokémon that evolve with the Shiny Stone have a connection to the day and light. It has a brilliant white glow to it.
Togetic → Togekiss
Roselia → Roserade

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV. One can be found in the Team Galactic HQ, and another in an area of Victory Road that can only be accessed after the defeat of the Elite Four. They are also readily available with the Pickup ability, or can be Mystery Gifted from Pokétopia for 7200 Poké Coupons.
It is imbued with a dark energy. Pokémon that evolve with the Dusk Stone have a connection to the night and darkness. It has an unusual dark purple glow to it.
Murkrow → Honchkrow
Misdreavus → Mismagius

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV. One can be found in Mt. Coronet and another can be found on Route 225. In Pokémon Platinum, one more can be found hidden in Route 212. They are also readily available with the Pickup ability, or can be Mystery Gifted from Pokétopia for 7200 Poké Coupons.
It is imbued with a mysterious energy. Pokémon that evolve with the Dawn Stone must be of a specific gender. It is a turquoise color with a starburst pattern onto it and it is said to sparkle like eyes.
Kirlia ♂ → Gallade
Snorunt ♀ → Froslass

This stone was first introduced in Generation IV.
An Oval Stone can be found in the Lost Tower. More can be found underground and there is a good (50%) chance it can be held by a wild Happiny or Chansey. Unlike other stones, it is not used on the Pokémon to evolve it, but instead held by it. It can be selected to be used like the other stones, however, it has no effect on any Pokémon.
It seems like an ordinary rock, but it is shaped like an egg.
Happiny → Chansey (level up when held during the day)
This stone was first introduced in Generation II.
An Everstone is unlike any of the other stones, as when a Pokémon holds it, they will not evolve for whatever reason. Furthermore, a Ditto or a female Pokémon that holds an Everstone has a 50% chance of passing its nature to its offspring when at the Pokémon Daycare. These can be found underground or attached to wild Geodude and Graveler in Generations II and IV. An Everstone can also be found in the Granite Cave in Generation III
It looks like an ordinary dull grey rock.
i got most of the info from here: