The first day of school
I can't believe it, I reached senior high! We'll be role models of the undergrads! Really, I'm still in shock...
I stepped out of the van and scrutinize things that has changed. Old establishments were painted and looks brand new.
The Dome has changed too, its so covered that wind may not pass by. And of course, the people. I saw many new faces
from the freshmen. I recall myself being one of those innocent kids who'll be brought to a war, I mean kids who doesn't knew
what a highschooler was like. They didn't knew how we crammed every deadline of projects, quizzes and exams. They'll
be in shock when days went by for sure, but I know they'll get used to it.
I went up and reached the second floor, and saw the juniors. Wow, lots of juniors! Are they overpopulated or is our batch
too few? I dunno... I passed through them and reached the seniors' corridor. Of course no new faces, transferees we're only
accepted up until sophomore year. Even if there are no new students, I still see lots of changes. Many got taller, many had their
new hairstyle, some got whiter skin.. Crap, they all looked better, except for me. Same height(I guess), same frizzled hair and
same tan skin(I'm contented with my skin color, really!) and same blemished and pimpled face.. I think there's one thing that has
changed in me, my weight. I'm freakin' sure of it. I felt it this morning, my skirt got tighter.
There, I saw my group of friends, people that I missed so much the whole vacation. I received hugs and morning greetings and heard
the latest gossips of resigned teachers. I scanned the class schedule and saw that there are many of new teachers! They were five!
Oh, how I wish they were good enough unlike the past uh, not so good ones. I want to learn the things that we missed the previous
year and learn more things that I would need to pass that UPCAT exam, I know it's impossible though. But I'll still try my very best!
School days are here again. Before, I hate school days, but now.. Now that I've grown this much, now that I've studied long in this school,
now that we'll be graduating this school year.. I think, this should be the time to get serious in studying and the time to treasure every
moment I'll encounter in my last year of high school. I should have realize it earlier, so that I'll be much better.
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Bad Luck Is My Other Twin
it always comes my way.. it always ruins my day.. bad luck..
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