Project # <02644-20840106>
Last updated <15th/October/2084>

Lead Scientist: Silk Stiletto
Subject Name: Avril Winters
Date of Birth: 15-June-2065
Notable Relationships: N/A
Home Country: United Kingdom
+++Physical Description of Subject
Avril is a fairly pretty girl, she isn't exotic looking, but she obviously likes to take care of herself. Her skin is lightly tanned, which seems to be natural, and her eyes are a deep blue in color. Her hair is a rich chocolate brown and naturally straight, fringing over one eye. She always wears the same leather jacket, and always wears skinny jeans tucked into leathery heeled boots. She stands to be at about five feet and ten inches Tall.
Lilith has the body of a Dancer, her abs are toned as are her legs and arms, and she carries herself with elegant posture. Under her right eye there is a small scar, it looks as if she was knicked by a blade, barely noticeable. Her teeth are straight and brilliantly white, she had obviously had braces some point in her life. Her ears are pierced on the lobe, filled with one silver stud each.
+++Biological Difference Record
Nature of Difference: Animated Hair
Notes on Difference: Every Strand of Avril's hair has a greater tensile strength, modules of elasticity, and sheer resistance than an iron wire of the same thickness. She possesses the Psychokinetic ability to animate her hair for a number of feats, including elongating it to almost five times its original length, and using her hair to lift heavy objects.
Avril is able to control the movements of her hair as if they were thousands of thin appendages growing from her head. A type of Psionic field permeates through her hair cells, causing mutual attraction across the gaps between strands. These reletively small attractions operate in conjunction to develop larger forces. Through concentration she can Psionically move her hair in any manner imagineable.
Order of Mutation: Two
Drug Type: Daily Tablet
Living Quarters: General
Time Incarcerated: Six months
+++Psychological Report
Linguistic Abilities: Fluent english and partial German
Educational Level: Graduated from High school, Excels in math and English
Avril seems exceptionally calm for one who struggles to accept what she really is, she has the mentality of someone far beyond her years. She is unusually kind to the doctors and security, very obedient. Although avril was taken against her will, she has accepted that it is for her own good and the well-being of those around her. She has a deep phobia that one day she will be turned into a weapon, she fears that she is some sort of monster. Coping is not her strong suit, she constantly has nightmares about her brother, she blames herself for the way he is.
Avril is very much a team-player, she enjoys communicating with other people. Se maintains a degree of distance from anybody emotionally while still being able to empathize with people.
+++Record of Events
Prior History: Most of Avril's life was normal, she went to school like a normal child, was average in intelligence. She had a younger brother who was born with a disorder that made his learning a little slower than unusual. Her mother worked in a Salon and her father managed an Art studio. At the age of sixteen Avril fell in with a crowd of kids at her high school that loved music, her parents were proud of her and her little brother loved watching them rehearse. All in all, Avril had been pretty happy with her life up untill her brother turned sixteen. On the day of his birthday, he had a seizure, and in the hospital, doctors were baffled by him, his disorder had gone, and his brain capacity was growing at extremely large rates. That night, they drove him home from the hospital, and the family started to argue amongst themselves, it was an hour later they noticed that her brother had run away. All three of them went looking for him, it was a rainy night, and Avril was downtown, she was searching the allies, thinking that he might hide somewhere unfamiliar to everyone.
She knew those areas weren't safe, and she knew increasingly when the thugs approached her, she gave them her purse and started to walk away, they seemed satisfied, she was getting ready to call her parents when she heard a clicking noise and felt somebody grab her arms and spin her around, the thug pinned her to a wall and began to unbuckle his belt. Avril screamed for help but nobody could hear over the roar of traffic and the pouring rain, she desperately struggled and to her surprise something answered her plea for help. Her hair sprang to life, extending and curling around the thug's neck, it squeezed and she watched in horror as blood began to trickle slowly down, her brought a gun up and out of his pocket and a shot was fired. Avril yelped but noticed that her body wasn't harmed, he had shot himself in the head, her hair had gripped onto his wrist and pulled the trigger itself, it had now fallen limp as it should normally be.
Avril fell to her knees and puked on the ground, her cell phone was drenched, incapable of functioning in the state it was in. She hadn't known she was under surveillance by Alphafour, but she had been for a while. They arrived silently and swiftly, taking her away, she hasn't heard from her family since that night.
Riotous History:none.none.
History of Incarceration:
Subject Name: Avril Winters
Date of Birth: 15-June-2065
Notable Relationships: N/A
Home Country: United Kingdom
+++Physical Description of Subject
Avril is a fairly pretty girl, she isn't exotic looking, but she obviously likes to take care of herself. Her skin is lightly tanned, which seems to be natural, and her eyes are a deep blue in color. Her hair is a rich chocolate brown and naturally straight, fringing over one eye. She always wears the same leather jacket, and always wears skinny jeans tucked into leathery heeled boots. She stands to be at about five feet and ten inches Tall.
Lilith has the body of a Dancer, her abs are toned as are her legs and arms, and she carries herself with elegant posture. Under her right eye there is a small scar, it looks as if she was knicked by a blade, barely noticeable. Her teeth are straight and brilliantly white, she had obviously had braces some point in her life. Her ears are pierced on the lobe, filled with one silver stud each.
+++Biological Difference Record
Nature of Difference: Animated Hair
Notes on Difference: Every Strand of Avril's hair has a greater tensile strength, modules of elasticity, and sheer resistance than an iron wire of the same thickness. She possesses the Psychokinetic ability to animate her hair for a number of feats, including elongating it to almost five times its original length, and using her hair to lift heavy objects.
Avril is able to control the movements of her hair as if they were thousands of thin appendages growing from her head. A type of Psionic field permeates through her hair cells, causing mutual attraction across the gaps between strands. These reletively small attractions operate in conjunction to develop larger forces. Through concentration she can Psionically move her hair in any manner imagineable.
Order of Mutation: Two
Drug Type: Daily Tablet
Living Quarters: General
Time Incarcerated: Six months
+++Psychological Report
Linguistic Abilities: Fluent english and partial German
Educational Level: Graduated from High school, Excels in math and English
Avril seems exceptionally calm for one who struggles to accept what she really is, she has the mentality of someone far beyond her years. She is unusually kind to the doctors and security, very obedient. Although avril was taken against her will, she has accepted that it is for her own good and the well-being of those around her. She has a deep phobia that one day she will be turned into a weapon, she fears that she is some sort of monster. Coping is not her strong suit, she constantly has nightmares about her brother, she blames herself for the way he is.
Avril is very much a team-player, she enjoys communicating with other people. Se maintains a degree of distance from anybody emotionally while still being able to empathize with people.
+++Record of Events
Prior History: Most of Avril's life was normal, she went to school like a normal child, was average in intelligence. She had a younger brother who was born with a disorder that made his learning a little slower than unusual. Her mother worked in a Salon and her father managed an Art studio. At the age of sixteen Avril fell in with a crowd of kids at her high school that loved music, her parents were proud of her and her little brother loved watching them rehearse. All in all, Avril had been pretty happy with her life up untill her brother turned sixteen. On the day of his birthday, he had a seizure, and in the hospital, doctors were baffled by him, his disorder had gone, and his brain capacity was growing at extremely large rates. That night, they drove him home from the hospital, and the family started to argue amongst themselves, it was an hour later they noticed that her brother had run away. All three of them went looking for him, it was a rainy night, and Avril was downtown, she was searching the allies, thinking that he might hide somewhere unfamiliar to everyone.
She knew those areas weren't safe, and she knew increasingly when the thugs approached her, she gave them her purse and started to walk away, they seemed satisfied, she was getting ready to call her parents when she heard a clicking noise and felt somebody grab her arms and spin her around, the thug pinned her to a wall and began to unbuckle his belt. Avril screamed for help but nobody could hear over the roar of traffic and the pouring rain, she desperately struggled and to her surprise something answered her plea for help. Her hair sprang to life, extending and curling around the thug's neck, it squeezed and she watched in horror as blood began to trickle slowly down, her brought a gun up and out of his pocket and a shot was fired. Avril yelped but noticed that her body wasn't harmed, he had shot himself in the head, her hair had gripped onto his wrist and pulled the trigger itself, it had now fallen limp as it should normally be.
Avril fell to her knees and puked on the ground, her cell phone was drenched, incapable of functioning in the state it was in. She hadn't known she was under surveillance by Alphafour, but she had been for a while. They arrived silently and swiftly, taking her away, she hasn't heard from her family since that night.
Riotous History:none.none.
History of Incarceration: