I only write in this thing when something bad happened. >_<'' That is so weird! Anyway, it is summer break and I am happy! YAY SUMMER BREAK! I'm really not looking forward to high school..especially since I wont be with any of my friends.
SO ANYWAY, I need to make this summer somewhat entertaining! I'm going to watch FMA! Maybe...I swore to myself I'd never watch it...but maybe I will..Meh Idk! Roy is so hot! Okay I'mma watch it..for Roy..
I read this super awesome book! It was about this16 year old Nazi boy that was half Germam and half Russian and during a battle he gets stuck on the Russian lines and to avoid being killed he switches uniforms with a dead Soviet soldier that's next to him on the ground! Then he wakes up in a hospital and he falls in love with this girl and a bunch of crazy s**t happens and at the end they're all old and happy together! At one point in the book the Americans come and mistake them for Nazis and shoot them and the dude thinks his chick is dead and goes all depressed and s**t! I actually cried! I like never cry during books! Why am I using explanation points! I dont know!
Meh, I guess I have to start all over again and make new ones. =__= Fun.View User's Journal
So little stuff so much time
Journal of a crazy bored white chick
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