Best friend.
It was the school year of 06-07. Around the 3rd quarter. I was in 5th grade, at discovery. Attending Mrs. Rocha’s class. One day, our class was doing a reading project. on a certain book (something rising, cant remember). Then right in the middle of it. I saw 2 sisters standing at the classroom door. One with glasses, one without. The girl with glasses entered the class room, the other stared heading to another class room. Mrs. Rocha. Announced we had a new student attending our class. That girls name was Rachael song. To me I just thought, “Oh a new student, that’s cool” nothing more than that. I didn’t really get to know her that well; she hung out with Megan, Ashley, nowelle, and Lizza, girls I wouldn’t usually hang out with. im sure the girls she hung out with, told her about me, Marc deluna, who HAD a crush on lizza. Then that’s how she met me. I rembered, the last day of school. It was a theme day. Athletics theme, I remembered I dressed, as a karate kid. Which I regret. Lol. I remembred this as if it was yesterday. Megan took the karate belt I used. So we ended up playing tug a war, with it. Lol. This is how I met the other girl the first day I met Rachael. Michelle. With my karate belt being held at both ends. Megan, Rachael, Michelle, on one side, and me by myself on the other side. After the tug of war, they ended up getting it and tying it in a knot xD. That is the first time I actually hung out with her. Well kind of xD. Then I actually wanted to know more about her. Then came 6th grade, 07-08…..
It was the first day of 6th grade; I ended up having the same class of Rachael. When I came to school to check my class. I scrolled through the list; I noticed I wasn’t in a class with any of my good friends. Then I noticed Rachael’s name. Nothing really happened in 6th grade, except. The time when Rachael and her friends tried to get lizza to talk to me. That didnt turn out really well. But, she did talk to me. But, it kinda felt like REALLY small talk. Then lizza quit Gaia. Then I thought, “how am I gonna talk to lizza now?”. Then this was the time. Me and Rachael. Started talking to each other more. Through the whole time, we got to know each other more. And I remembred b4. All the conversations we would have. I would always hear “so, who do you like?”. She got the same awenser everytime. “a girl”. Lol. When it summer. I thought. “ugh, just another boring summer” but that’s when I got to know Rachael. A lot more. We would talk to each other a lot more. This is when we became friends im pretty sure. She was so curious of me. Then the real fun started. 7th grade, 08-09…..
Towards the end of summer me and rach. Got our schedule for Fruitvale. We noticed something very wrong. Our elective, It wasn’t the one we chose. We picked art and Spanish, but we ended up getting band. We never figured out how. But I figured, this isn’t as bad as I thought it would be, throughout the whole year. We had many exciting band competitions. Marching band, concert band, and my favorite of all PPAACC drumline competitions. But it wasn’t just us that had all this fun. We made many new friends. Like junil Kim. At first, Rachael, never really liked junil. None of us knew why. But just like me. They both ended up as friends. We had other competitions too that didn’t have to do with band, but one I would always remember was. Math field day. Not because of the hot girls that thought I was cute. But that day, Rachael’s friends. Started telling me to ask Rachael out. It almost worked… because, around February… I gathered feelings for Rachael. Not that friend feeling, but felt like she started to be come more than a friend to me. A week after math field day….i learned the worst news ever…Rachael was moving to Boston. I was at Anaheim, and then I got that text message from Rachael. As I read those words. I felt I was being torn apart. We had 3 weeks of school left. I wanted those days I still have with her, memorable. They were, but the last day… I will most likely never forget. That day. Was filled with much happiness and sadness. The happy part was, we had an awesome hang out her her place. And I never thought we would be doing this but b4 I left we played couple pool games. One I really remembered was….
Tug of war. The game that started it all. And sadly ended it all... at the end of the day. Me rach, and others had many hugs and good byes. It was so memorable even some took pictures, PAULA XD loll. Then came the last good bye… on my way home, I cried my eyes out. Thinking about all the good times we had. Also thinking, will we ever have those times again? I hope so. When I got home I got an im from michelle telling me. Rachael was crying when I left. I felt so happy and sad. Just hearing that. Happy? Cause I know how much she cares. Sad? My best friend is crying because of me. Then she told me. To come back. So I did. When I got there I was greeted by rach and megan. We didn’t do much but it was still fun. We did what most teenagers our age would do. Prank calls xD. Then after wards, in the end. We were outside... Looking at the sky, making shapes. With the starts, and staring at giant flashes. Then my parents car headed up the drive way. That’s when I thought “this would be the last time ill see Rachael in a long time.” We had our farewells. And out last hugs… when I got home. I read a message I received. A message from Megan. Saying that she was sorry for annoying me on my last day with Rachael. Then she told me something. Something I wished that happened. She told me. Rachael was going to tell me “I love you”… sadly. She didn’t get that chance. She didn’t want to do it in front of my parents, and I understood that. And now. I sit here wondering about my future….how it will turn out…how our friend ship will turn out. And im hoping it will reach higher points….

In the end. Me and Rachael. Were best friends. More than best friends…. And I will never forget all these times we had. you were the first person i actually loved, and i thank you for giving me this feeling.
Marc D.
And I know, this wont be our last good bye :]
while writing this I listened to: “musician” this song will always remind me of you.