there's a story of one of his students approached him an asked are you a Messiah. no he replyed well are you a healer. no he replyed again well are you a teacher. no again then what are you buddha replyed i am awake . believe nothing no matter where you read it or how said it unless it agrees with your own reason an comman sence .frist rely on the spirit an meaning of the teachings not of the words second . rely on the teachings not the personality of the teacher thired rely on realy wisdom not on superficial interpretations fourth . rely on your own pure wisdom of mind not on judgemental perceptions . if you knew what i knew about the power of giving you would not let one meal pass with out shareing it in some way . 1,000's of candles can be lite form one candle an the life of the candle will not be sortend . happyness never decreases by being shared . nether fire nor wind nether birth nor death can easers our good deeds . you, yourself as much as anyne eles in the universes diserves your love an affection . there is no fire like greed . no crime like hatered . no sarrow like separation . no sickness like hungure of heart . no joy like the joy of freedom . health an commentment is your greatess passion an freedom your greatess joy look with in be still free from fear an attachment no sweet joy of living in the way
the thuoght manifest as the word
the word manifest as the deed
the deed manifest as the habit
an the habit hardends into character
so watch the tought an its ways with care an let it spring from love or out of concern of all beings there's nothing more bredful then the habit of dought . dought separates people it is a poisn that desenergates friendships an breaks up plaesent relations it is the thorn that irrates an hurts it is the sword that kills.the tunge like a sharp knife kills without spilling blood . words have the power to destory an heel when words are ture an kind thay can change our world . anger will never disappeare so long as thoughts of resentment are chairest in the mind anger will disappeare just as soon as thoughts of anger are forgotten . everything is based on mind , is lead by mind , is fashioned by mind. if you speak if a poluted mind suffuring will follow as the wheels of the ox cart follow the foot steps of the ox . if you speak with a pure mind happness will follow like a shadow cleanings to a form . whats better then a 1000 hollow words . is one word thats true . hatered dose not see through hatered at anytime .hatered disupates thruoght love this is an unaltrable law . holding on to anger is like graspinga hot coal with the intent of throughing ti at someone eles you are the one who get burned . what we think we become fill your mind with compassion .pay no attention to the fualts of others . things done or lift undone by others consider by oneself is done or left undone . an ensenser and evil friend is more to fear then a wild beast it my wound your body but an evil friend wounds the mind .
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beliefs an diff stuff i like in my reaserch
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i no true love is the strongest force on this planet it warms even the coldest places just by a lovers touch ,love an passion melting away hatered an anger fear.leaveing beauity true love over comes anything no matter how hard or impossiable