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and things went to the way they shall be...
The Screaming Pen - Mouse's Profile
The Screaming Pen
DrownAboutMouse's Profile

.: Behind The Screen :.
Username: DrownAboutMouse
Nickname: Mouse
Occupation: Student, Full-time summer-worker
Country: Canada
Gender: Female

.: Pixels :.
Games: Fishing, zOMG, Cards
Forum: Writer's and ED
Personality: Friendly, open - but pretty snarky when tired.
Fave Item: Autumn Glory (given as a gift! whee )
Least Fave Item: Newsprint Fro

.: Quirks :.
Minor Pet Peeve: Plastic-covered, multi-coloured paper clips.
Major Pet Peeve: The butchering of foreign words (my own horrible pronounciation is subject to this, as well).
Fave Colour: Earth Green
Fave Animal: Tie between Dogs and Giraffes
I say "Random", you say: BEANS!
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, mask-making, poi, juggling, block- and screen-printing - I'm pretty spread out.

.: The Screaming Pen :.
Usual Drink (Alcoholic): Tequila shots.
Usual Drink (Non-alcoholic): Monk's Rooibos Tea
Favorite Seat: The third from middle at the bar - or the corner couch seats.