2 - Boarding School.

*NOTE - In this Storyline, I start.*
You are the poplular kid who always got the great grades and a whole lot of friends to go with it. She is the new girl, who cant get her grades to be perfect and is always picked on. She is also the girl you take under your wing and shows the ropes of the school.
*NOTE - You may give advice as you wish and set the scene of the school other than the picture above as you like. For example, -if i dont do so first- make up a character and use them and/or the inside of the school buildings. I am the new girl, i know nothing.*
All the basics for a school. Can also include gadgets such as phones, laptops and any others. No Weapons. No Powers. No Magic Things of any kind.
My Character:

Tina is a short, black haired girl who never really got accepted by her parents. Her mother died giving birth to her and her dad has stuggled to keep hold of her and her two older sisters. So, her dad sends her away to boarding school. She loves technology and is quite smart. Her favourite colour is black, however she is not emo nor goth. She snuck her bird, Yappy, in the dorm with her and hides him in her closet.