Colo(10 gold)r: Blue, pink, yellow, red, orange, rainbow, white, black, or teal
Type(10 gold): fizzy, soda, lemonade, water, milk, juice
Extra(20 gold each): whipped cream, straw, or umbrella
Fruits-Each is 50 gold

Ooooh, a new section! 8D Only 100g each.

I-C M A R S H M A L L ● W S

Have some fruits to brighten your life! It seems your road to a healthy lifestyle is not far! C;
Only 100g each.

-- L e m o n ----- S t a r b e r r y ------- P l u m --------- P e a r ----

.....80g each

.....50g each
Naruto Plushies: 185 Gold Ea

Chobits Plushies: 185 Gold Ea (buy both get little Atashi free)

Harry Potter Plushies: 250 Gold Ea

Death Note Plushies: 185 Gold Ea

Bleach Plushies: 185 Gold Ea

Final Fantasy Plushies: 185 Gold Ea

Kingdom hearts Plushies: 185 Gold Ea

Friutes Basket Plushies: 250 Gold Ea except Tohru who is 185 Gold unless you buy 4 Fruites Basket plushies in which case Tohru is free

Ouran High Plushies: 185 Gold Ea

Claymore Plushies: 185 Gold Ea
~Flower fish Bowls 300 Gold Ea~

~Gum Ball Machines 85 Gold Ea~

~Animal Wind Chimes 50 Gold Ea or 300 Gold for Set~


Animation!!! Each is 50 gold
(custom animation)


Fruits- 80 gold each
Bombs- 100 gold each