Ok I got up at 4:30 in the morning and arrived at the coaches house, who was taking all of us in her car. We left at 6:00am. We headed out on the road i was super hyper and everyone else slept. I wore the same thing i did on the way up to chicago and the drive reminded me a lot of the drive to Chicago! (minus one important very cute detail...hehe) I got a monster! whooo 4 energy! We combined our two cars of team members into one car and goofed off (girls threw pads at the guys) and ran lines the rest of the ride up there (9hr drive total) ABOUT HALF WAY THROUGH THE DRIVE WE STOPPED AT THIS WIERD LITTLE PODUNK CAFE ACROSS FROM "Graves Drugstore" lol and my bra strap snapped there (mucho inconvenience the rest of the day) We arrived in beautiful Ames Iowa around 5 o-lcock pm and headed to the commons area to check in. There we met up with our sister team from Stillwater and played wall ball. Then we went to see our dorms that were sooooo amazing!! they didn't suck like 2 years ago. They were 2 stories per dorm and had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms! there was a sitting room and kitchen across the hall. (we were on the 4th floor) We had these cool magnetic keys that got you into all the rooms. We put them in our back pockets and touched our buts to the sensor on the doors and they would open. (we found this very funny.) We unloaded our set out of the u haul and took all of it, including a behemoth set peice up to the 4th floor dorms. AFTER THAT I GOT ALL MY STUFF UNPACKED AND ALL MY PINS AND BLINKY HATS READY TO TRADE!! whoo!!! I put on my team oklahoma shirt and went to dinner in the cafeteria of the college. I had to snarf down my food cuz' i wanted to be in the opening ceremonie representing Oklahoma! I did get to be in the ceremony and i walked in with 9 other Oklahoma kids (ages9-17) and shook hands with lots of asian kids and screamed all the way through the ceremony! loud techno and people dressed up! great fun! Then we road the buss back to our dorms and hung out then rehersed our skit till like one then went to sleep. (whoo for public transportation!)
We got up and ran through our skit a few times then got in costume and went over to the building where we performed. WE loaded all our set parts into the u haul and set out. WE arrived at the arena and looked at the stage and it was freaking huge! It was like performing in a civic center. WEll we got on stage and beasted our play! Then the most fun part we went to the dumpster and totally trashed our sets!!! Anything that could break we broke! including our monxster of a set mande out of lots of wood, so we had one person hold the wood then we jumped off of the loading dock next to the dumpster onto our set! I love the sound of wood breaking! Then we saw some guyus from singapore, and note that every year singapore people paint themselves in crazy designs for their costumes. They like wear a speedo then paint themselves to look like a peacock with feathers and everything! or a tiger or fish! I got a picture with them! Then i went inside cuz' i wanted to watch them perform but i didn't tell the rest of my team and they were waiting in the car for me and so i held them up and didn't even get to see them perform, thought my friends sister said they did amazing! Then we went back to our dorms and changed and got all of our pins and blinky hats. Ok if you dont know about pin trading it is the biggest thing to do the entire week! Each state or country has several pins... some might be in a set or just a single pin and you sit in a common location and meet people from all over the world and heckle them for pins!!! its soo fun! Well after i ate lunch (soo many cute asian guys there you couldn't believe it!) I traded pins and had a freaking awesome time untill my team and the Stillwater team had to go to spontaneous. Spontaneous is either a hands on, verbal handsd on, or verbal problm where you have a set ammount of time to think and a set time to respond and you have to be as creative as possible! WE did that at 5pm then went back to eat and pin trade some more. We got back to our dorm and there was this little area right as you walked in and there were couches and a piano so we went in and found a team from ZFlorida and Korea. We played the ABc game where you think of a letter a-d and the persom holds out their hands and there are different hand motions for each letter and if they stop on your letter you get as many smacks as that lettter ie: a=1 d-4 and you slap away! Then we had a piano battle between my friend Rakesh (fabio) an awesome guy named Philip from Florida. He owned us all on freform jazz and a girl from Korea as well as the rest of her team. She played beautiful classical music. After we hung out down there for 2 hours or so we went up to the dorms and slept. I loved having both our long term play and our spontaneous on the same day cuz' that gave us 2 days to goof around and do fun crap!
Ok, I pin traded soo much and got a crapload of international pins!!! I also had a spitting contest. Me and all the guys from the two teams stood on the second floor of the dorm rooms and spit into the sinks only me a one of the Stillwater boys got our spit into the sink and I spit into the cup that was in the sink. Yeah girls own at spitting contests!! lol! We watched some more skits from international kids and other divisions on our problem. My friends went swimming i watched the game plan. After that we roamed across camput to the Maple dorms and chilled with the teams from poland and China. We were trying to get to thew German dorms to snag some free chocolate but that didn't happen, then we went back and had a marshmellow eating contest in the lounge area and chilled there and found a cool room we call the "sniper room" perfect place to hide out with a sniper and shoot a presedent. lol i ate popcorn in there that was all caramelly and we laughed so hard my abs hurt the next day!!! I fell off of a table and almost died! don't ask...and we burt marshmellows on a stove burner. it was soo funny!
Ok I ate breakfast and made friends with some more asian kids an dmet up with the Florida team again. Then I pin traded all day and went and saw more problems from my division and problem! I traded one of my blinky cowboy hats to a cute little Korean boy and he gave me Koreas version of pocky. He was so cute and wittle! We went to the internation al fair and met tons of cool kkids from Slovakia, Poland, Mexico and China! I bought a hong Kong shirt with a cow on it! A blue panda shirtr from Hong Kong, a white chinese shirt with my name, good luck, and you are beautiful written on the back in chinese! I also got my supser sexy boyfriend a china t-shirt with his name in chinese on the back. (Joseph if you read this before you have gotten your presents from me act surprised anyway! i have a few more so atleats i'm not spoiling the whole thing...) I got my picture taken with the kids from Hong Kong! afterward We went back to eat lunch and only ate with chopsticks. My friend nic got a little over obsessive with them, he wouldn't put them down for two days... sweatdrop At lunch i had a rap battle with my new friends fromm Virginia and the asian kids were laughing at us! lol! After that we decided to go pintrading again in the big arena area instead of the cafeteria where we were usually trading. I played frisbie on an empty buss on the way to pin trade! I went back to the Maple dorms with my friends and we played soccer with Hot guys from Hong Kong! But i still have a bf who is way hotter than they are so they better watch out! lol And my friend who is on varsity soccer was spazzing out cuz' Hong Kong feet touched the soccer ball cuz' they all played barefoot. And he met a little Chinese boy playing soccer who had the same name as him so the entire time he was like "little Tomas!" and the kid was all like "Tomas over here!" it was so cool to see them interact! I didi some gymnastics on the field next to the soccer field and we played keep the red bull can in the air for as long as you can. Yeah we are soo sophisticated... rolleyes We wrestled and goofed around then went back to the dorms to get ready for the closing ceremony and after party. We went and met up with the stillwater kids and partied! we got 20th place out of 70 teams in our division and thats exactly what we were shooting for! whoo!! We dunked our heads in the fountain and walked home with some cool (cute) Chinese guys and did parcore or freerunning or whatever you want to call it on the way back to the dorms. I took a shower and went to bed at one.
I got up at 6 and headed out on the road. I got hives and it was really hot so that sucked, but riding home with friends was fun. Then I Felt like an a** (for a reason that will remain unstated) and cried myself to bed untill one.
Then i woke up at 4 am then at 5:30 am randomly then 7:30 am then tried to go to bed again and woke up at 11 then tried to get my mind off of (insert unamed subject here) and played videogames and had lots of computer time! I e-mailed him all day...
Me with team from China at International fair!

Pin Trading!

My pins! (mostly international)

Putting on makeup before we performed

Our kick a** two level, two bathroom, three bedroom dorms! (with chill lounge upstairs.)