with or without my earing and scar.
i hope i get all the names right ^^

by Techno Munkii

by Kawaii_MoE

by MintS_101

by Satoro

by L.E. Death

by Qu33n0fDaN1t3

by S p u n x t e r

by hell_angle_of_darkness

by pyrofire2007

by x_asuna_x

by Blaguar Alchemist

by x - C l a r i t y - x

by communicate

by Amemya

by Ayco83

by Chineeko

by FearfulOfLiberation

by Gwappe DiNOROO

by Kimiko Misaragi

by Lady_Elentari

by Nara_Neji_02

by Pockii Stereo

by StellCrystall

by `+____paperhearts

by kiskis

by pink rhapsody

by xXAqua BubblesXx

by Floretta Syracuse

by A White Glove Murrder

by reno_tokino

by wolfmier

by Xii MELiSSA iiX

by bealmira

by magisterialy

group art by lily_spiral

by Inu1993

by MadHattersSweetRev

by Esurca

by Kiss -of- an- Angel

by chiiscake

by dead_end

by demon_gawddess

by demon_gawddess (with color)

by rymfy

by springmuffin

by theforevertimeago

by xanng

by miss stellar

by Snadowless-wolf-demon

by hana sasaki

by cristal jx