(Free bump art)

(My friend Nolee)

(My Venice(Yes I own her xD))

(From Stephannie after donating.)

(Free from......s**t, I have no clue anymore, it's from a long time ago..)

(Mah Venice)

(Flob won in a bump contest, drawn by Nana Pii)

(Me to Me)

(Bought)(Made by ummm...Her name flashes in the bottom right corner.)

(Made by Riviri)

(Frooooooom.....I will edit this later to say)


(Bought from a b***h that said it would be 3k, then raised it to 8k.)

(Bought, artists name on it, And these are the old avatars of me and Venice)

(Made by me, for Plenk_noise the. But he used to be just Plenk.)

(By me for Venice)

(By me for Inuyasha so rules)