Gender: Female
Race: Humanoid
Sexuality: Straight
Age: About 19.
Occupation: Assassin
Appearance: 5'2", blond hair, blue eyes. Wears weapons on belt around waist. Keeps her right eye covered at all times by her hair.

Personality: Kind and curious and a sweet, youthful voice. At times, she's very manipulative. If she is given a task, she will most likely complete it, given the reward is worth such. She will take both offensive and defensive approaches to things.
Anatomy: Although she looks normal (of course), she has had many updates to her body. Her muscles were created out of exclusive rubber-like material, and her bones are plastic. Plastic blood veins run through her body, since a bit of solution runs through her body. Whenever Blair receives a cut, she has a small bottle of spray that mixes with the flowing solution to activate thousands of nano-machines contained in the solution that instantly work on repairing any damage done. Her skin and other tissue, additionally, was worked on to include microfibers that are able to be repaired as such. Her skin feels almost normal to the touch.
Weapons: Uses small daggers and knives. Also has small handgun. If all fails, she is great with hand-to-hand combat.
Abilities: She can't feel pain at all. Faster than most humans.
Eye: Her right eye is covered because she had an infrared view installed into it; small electromagnets were installed in one portion of her hair, which covers her face, to cancel it out so that she isn't distracted while she is looking as normal.
Weaknesses: Just because she can't feel pain doesn't mean she can't die. She can't die of blood loss or injuries; however, diseases and poisons (if given in large dosages), may kill her.
History: She was taken at birth in the middle of a civil war, and (of course) she had no memory of her parents. The scientists had thought that the experiment had gone wrong.... But it was just the opposite, as they unfortunately found out. After wandering for a few years without a home and mysteriously surviving, someone tested her abilities in the streets and gave her a career - as an assassin. She was very successful in all of her assignments, until her boss told her it was the "end" for her, that too many people knew of her and the other assassins would be out of business. Scared, she killed him, and therefore is often contacted to assassinate.