This is a little thing I wrote while at the "Writer's Camp" thing I went to a month-or-so back. (I wrote it in first person because I was actually experiencing the beginning when I wrote it...)
The instructor keeps talking, but I want to write! I came to this writing camp in hopes of writing, not listening to this old crone go on and on about relaxation tips. I like being here, but I just want to keep writing. So, while the instructor keeps talking, I write... lost in thought.
I see the words as I write them down, the paper twitching every time I press my pen to the paper to express my ideas, but I see no expresion! The hardest part in any form of writing is expression. Coming up with a great story means absolutely nothing if you can't express what you mean onto the paper so that your readers understand where you are coming from. I've noticed that writing something that is mainly explaining the characters or the world around the characters is much easier when you aren't actually writing. Seeing the picture in your head is easy, but putting the words on the paper to explain what's going on in your head or paint a beautiful landscape in someone's head is easily twice as hard. It's not like painting a picture even though that's what you're trying to do!
What's the point of having one hell of a great story idea if you don't know how to express what you mean?! Sure, coming p with a good plot and characters may be simple, but expression is not... With out the right words, you just have a blank sheet of paper waiting to be YOUR canvus! Writing without expression is writing, is just a bunch of jumbled together thoughts. To write you have to paint; paint a picture of expressions so that writing isn't writing, it's art.
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