Chapter 55: The Knight of Wind VS The Black Earth
I woke up the next morning not feeling to good. I felt like s**t. I sat up in the bed, ignoring the dizzyness in my head. The sun was shinning in through my window. My bedroom door opened and Ana walked in. Damn it! She could never just leave me alone! Mat followed behind her. "Ana, just leave her alone! She's been pissed off at you a lot lately. Just leave her be." He said. "No. I want to tell her something." Ana said. They weren't even talking that loud and it still hurt my head. Mat sighed and stood at the door with Flet and Jet. "Melissa, you look awful." She said looking at me. "Gee, thanks. Girls love being told that." I said irritated. "You must feel like s**t, Melissa, cause you look like it too." One of the eels said (not sure which). That blew my casket I reached for my clock on my bedside table and threw it at him. I hit him. "OW!" He cried. "You sort of had it coming Jetsom." Mat said. "I'll get an ice pack...and a themometer." Flet said leaving the room, Jetsom followed to avoid further injury. "Maybe I shouldn't have taken you out in the cold last night." Mat said. Ana looked at me with a look that said "details". Ugh. Now she'd harass me till I told her everything. He looked...conserned. "You look like..." "s**t." I finished for him. "I feel like it to." Flet came back in, and Jetsom hid behind Mat, with an ice pack on his head, away from me. Ana practiclly shoved the damn themometer into my mouth, and under my tonge. Did she have to shove it? GOD! She took it out a minute later. "101 degrees" She said. Oh god now Mat looked really conscrened. Fragile as I was I wouldn't be surprised if he was concerned.
She got up and left. I don't know where she was going. I didn't really care as long as she wasn't bugging me, I knew she would later though. Flet and Jet followed her, shutting the door behind them. For a moment I forgot Mat was there, and turned over in the bed, to go back to sleep. "I'll get you some breakfast if your hungry." He said. I glanced up at him as he stood next to my bed. "I don't care." I said. Truely I didn't. I was always like this in the morning: A cranky a** b***h, who wanted to be left alone. I snuggled tighter under the covers. "sasage and bacon it is then." Mat said leaving the room. He'd probably start with medacine later too. Yuck! As soon as he was gone, Ana ran in. Damn it! "Ok don't leave out a thing." She said. "What happened? Give me every deatil about last night." I gave her one of my death glares. And the phrase "If looks could kill" came to mind. She got this frightend look on her face. I noticed something in the room. There seemed to be wind blowing roughly and the water was getting angry and violent sort of. At first I didn't know what was causing it. Then I realized it was me. My anger was making it happen. I tried to relax myself, as the ground started to shack a little. I took at deep breath, that resulted with me coughing, and everything became calm. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. "Ana, leave her alone." I heard Mat say. She gave a pissed off "hmph!" and left the room. Mat walked over with some breakfast and a glass of juice. Joy! Nothing like this sort of breakfast. I, relucently, sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Thanks." I said as he handed me my plate, and layed my drink on the beside table.
I felt him place his hand at my forehead and feel the hot coming from it. He jerked it away as soon as he felt it. "Jeez! Your burning up!" He said. I took a bite of my bacon. It was good. I didn't know he could cook. I guess he had to learn though sense he was always traveling and having to take care of himself. When I was sick though I didn't eat much of anything. I sort of picked at my food. I finally gave up on it, and layed it on the bedside table. "Not hungry?" He asked. "I never have an appitite when I'm sick." I said, laying down, and snuggling under the covers. He was sitting at the window gazing out at the ocean. I closed my eyes to go to sleep, but then I felt someone leaning over me. I opened my eyes and looked up at Mat. "Can I help you?" I said. He laughed. "You look cute when your sleeping." He said. I blushed a little. "Uh thanks...I think." I said. He went back to the window, and looked at me. I tried to ignore it, and slowly fell into a deep sleep. Despite how sick I was I recovered by the next morning. I felt much better. I sat up and streached. I remembered how I could fell, despite me being unconcious, Mat watching me sleeping. I climbed out of the bed and walked down stairs. "Sleep well?" Mat asked as I walked into the kitchen. I streached some more. "Like a baby." I said. He laughed. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. "Don't know." He said. I had come to realize Aoi wasn't around. Something happened on her island so she had to go back to help out. I sat down at the table. Ana had apparently left somewhere so she wouldn't bug us. "Maybe a little walk along the beach wouldn't be so bad." I said. I could picture it now. Walking along the beach with him. Hand in hand. I looked at him and blushed. I think we had both had this really warm feeling between us sense we had been star gazing.
I liked this warm feeling though. "Sounds good." Mat said. He handed me a plate of eggs and bacon. "Thanks." I said. After I ate I ran upstairs to change. When I came down I was dressed in a simple blouse, a skirt, and blue knee high boots. I smiled at him as I ran down the stairs. I felt very anxious for some reason. He held his hand out to me as I came ascended the stairs, but instead I glomped him. I wrapped my arms around his wais sense I couldn't really reach his neck. He seemed a little taken back at first but he hugged me back. I could feel a smile crossing his face, from ear to ear. I could stay like this forever. He was warm, and I felt happy...not to mention safe...with him. "Ready to go?" He laughed. I looked up at him. "Yes I said with a smile. He gasped. "What?" I asked softly. "Your's pink again! And your eyes are brown too!" I looked at my hair. he was right. My hair was pink again. I could feel the warmth in my eyes of changing to, as everyone called it, "choclate" brown. He smiled brightly at me, and his embracing hug got tighter. I blushed. I still felt the darkness inside me lingering in my heart, but it wasn't as angry. Or as strong. It was like Mat had been sucking it right out of me sense he'd snached me away from Lelouch. I felt a small longing for it to come back. For it not to leave. He took my hand and we left for our little walk on the beach. I kept staring at him as we walked. I don't know if he was aware that I was or not though. The sun was rising in the horizon. I looked down at our hands, and blushed. It felt kind of funny holding hands with him. It was actually pretty warm for a late fall evening. Mat had said while eatting breakfast most of the color in my face was still gone though. Maybe he'd be even happier if the sun warmed my skin enough to give it back it's color today.
As the sun rose in the sky, Mat seemed to pull me closer. Soon I found myself leaning into his side as we walked. I knew he was looking down at me as soon as I did too. I felt him move his arm around me gently. It was about noon now (we'd left at about 10:00) so the sun was pretty much directly above us. It just seemed to warm for a late fall day. Other wise everything was normal...well besides Mat being around more. I wondered why he'd been around so much lately. Was it because of me? Had what Lelouch said to him back in the lair finally clicked into his head or something? If I were stronger I'd got with him on his little adventure's, but I was weak. I'd just hold him back. I tried to push the thought away felt the warmth he gave off while I lend into his side. I think this was one of the happiest moments I had had sense I had been taken away from Lelouch. "The dolphins are out playing." He said. I looked towards the water, and saw the dolphins jumping out of the water. I missed playing with them. I walked over to the edge of the water and stared humming. They looked over at me in the water, and swam up to use. "Do they know you?" Mat asked. "Duh!" I laughed. "I always played with the dolphins when I was still at home." I kind of missed it. "But won't they go tell your dad where you are?" He asked. One of the dolpins spit water at Mat. I tried to restrain my giggles. "He said 'No', and he's right. They're not going to tell. Cause they know I'm really angry with my father. Besides they know what it was like for me back home. So they know that maybe I want to go home sometiems. But they also know I won't because of my father." I said. He sat down next to me, and petted the male dolphin (the one that slapt him with water), while the female one loved up to me apparently having missed me for so long. Suddenly we heard a really loud sound that made the ground shake. I swor I heard somone yell, but it sounded more like a roar to me. The dolphins were frigtend and swam off. I stood up and looked around, Mat was too. "What's going on?" I asked. Something was approching from a small cliff not far from us. A figure appeared there, and Mat seemed to know the person. He tried to hid me behind him, but whoever it was on the cliff had apparently already seen me. The figure jumped down from the cliff, and I looked around Mat to see it was a guy with a hammer strapped to his back. A big guy...with a hammer. "Brocko!" Mat yelled. It was almost an angry snarl. 'Brocko' as Mat called him, looked towards me and I hid behind Mat. "When'd you get a girlfriend?!" He asked. "Leave her out of this!" Mat demanded. Again to me it sounded like a snarl. "Mat, what's going on? Who is this guy?" I asked in a whisper. "No time for questions." He said to me. He looked back at Brocko, there eyes meet, and then Brocko did some strange hand movements. Before I could figure anything out Mat swept me off my feet and started running. "Mat, what's going on?!" I asked. "He's an Earthbender!" He said. "I need to get you away from here so he can't harm you!" Did he mean those people that could manipulate the earth in any way they wanted to. Shape mounds of dirt into any shape if they wanted to.
I had heard of certain people that could manipulate certain elements of the earth but I'd never really sen them. I wasn't sure I could count as what they called a 'waterbender' because I was a mermaid and mermaids had a naturual conection to the water or do waterbenders also have that sort of conection? People that could do all these things could manipulate there element into anything. A waterbender could shape water into anything, and so could fire, air, and earthbender. Mat...I wondered if he was possibly a 'airbender' he could manipulate wind a little bit. And wind was part of air. Mat sped as fast as he could down the beach until he had reached Ana's grotto. Brocko in the meantime was trying to stop Mat by making the earh shack and rising it up. He even manipulated the sand into the shape of a hand that tried to grab Mat's foot. He ran inside and sat me on the couch. "Stay here. I'll be back." He said, running off again. "MAT!" I cried. Damn it. There wasn't much chanse he'd be able to get a shot in at this guy would he. He'd be to busy dodging Brocko's earthbending. I didn't need to be there though. I was weak and fragile. Mat was strong and quick. I would only get in the way. Brocko would most likely take advantage of me being there and try to hurt me instead of Mat. I tried to do what Mat said to do: stay put until he gets back. I couldn't help but worry though. I was starting to worry though. I had to go see if he was alright. I dashed upstairs and changed into a white jump suit, with some pink on it. A heart on the back. Knee high pink boots along with it. I tied my hair back in a ponytail, and dashed outside. I had hidden it sense I got it from Lelouch. I ran to the opera house, forgeting I could just return to Lelouch, and went to the gardens (tierd of running) to find my Mach Bike there. My pink moterbike that Lelouch had given to me (to my surprise expecially). Mat and Ana knew nothing about it. But now I'd have to give off the secret. I jumped on and kicked it's gears on. The engine came to life. I had no need for a helmet. I adjusted my position and then I speed off, and around the cornor to head towards the beach.
I might not be able to run as fast as Mat, but I sure as hell could ride better then him. My bike was the same model as the bike Peach was often times in Mario Kart Wii pictured with. The outfit was the same to. The only difference between her bike and mine was instead of a crown on the front of mine, I had a crescent moon. If I couldn't help him fight, I'd help him get away if things got out of hand. I rode up to the cliff that Brocko had appeared at. But I parked my bike in the parking lot near the beach. I jumped off and ran up to the edge of the cliff. Mat was in the middle of an intense battle with Brocko, and he was losing. He was only being allowed to dodge this a**' attacks. He wasn't useing the hammer though. That might of just been a last resort sort of thing. I was praying he could get a hit in but anytime he got near Brocko would make a shield of rock. He did a movement with his foot, stomping it on the ground, and suddenly a rock came out of the ground, he kicked it and it went towards Mat. I had to do something. I had to give Mat and advantage so he could hit the bastered. If only it was misty outside. Then it be hard for this a** hole to see Mat, and hit him. That was it! Mist! Mist could give an advantage! I had to go into my 'Sailor Mercury' form (what that was the best name for it sense I looked like Mercury when I transformed). I had to triger the transformation. But last time I had been angry when it happened. How was I supposed to do it now. I think Mat was getting distracted. I think he was sesning my aura. I had to focus for one. I thought about the water, as I closed my eyes and tried to picture being under the water again. Then I felt my powers flowing through me. I felt like Sailor Mercury suddenly, and overcome by that I cried "MERCURY POWER!" (yeah definatly overcome...heh) I think I got Mat's attention. I saw him look up at me, and so did Brocko. I had successfuly turned into Sailor Mercury (along with doing it very gracefully).
Still over come I pointed at Brocko, and said, "Show's over pale!" I focused my energy again. I felt it corsing through my vains. "MERCURY BUBBLES! MIST!" I said unleasing my attack. Mat caught on to what I was up to. He made sure he knew where Brocko was, as he got some distance between them, and the mist covered the area. I made my visor appear so I could keep an eye on things just in case something went wrong. I watched a Mat jumped in the air and prepared to attack Brocko from in the air. So far so good. Brocko was mearly looking around for Mat. He had no idea about the oncoming attack. I was scaning for his weak point. But then I stopped as I saw Brocko catch on to where Mat was. I for some reason changed back to my normal self, and the mist vanished along with my Mercury appearance. But how was my question. I didn't understand why I had changed back. Brocko grabbed onto Mat's foot and slammed him to the ground. Mat lay on the ground taken back by having been seen in the thick fog. He grabbed his hammer and, stepped on Mat's foot. Though I was a pretty far distance away from hearing anything like I was about to. I heard it. And it made my bones acke just hearing it. Brocko stepped on his foot, and I heard a loud and horrible sounding cracking sound. At first Mat didn't feel it, but then I think he started to cause he looked like he was going to scream in pain. Brocko then took his massive hammer, and slammed it onto Mat's foot. I know he had to feel that. I didn't hear a cracking sound this time because Mat's foot was already bound to be broke. Mat screamed in pain. Damn it! I had to get him out of there. I ran towards my bike. Mat had watched me too, and I got the image of him getting a curious (even though he was in pain) look on his face as he heard the engine to my bike come to life. The tiers let out a screach as I drove towards the edge of the cliff.
I jerked up on the bike handles as I hit the edge of the cliff. I jerked my body forward and did stood holding onto the bars while my legs were in the air. As I came down again, I jerked my legs sideways and spun them around in a circle before sitting on the bike again. I think I scared the s**t out of Mat though. He didn't expect me to be on a bike like this, that's probably what scared him. That or it was me pulling of dangerous stunts on this bike. I jerked the bike side ways in the air, and spun in a circle, right as I came at Brocko's face, as he got ready to swing at me with his hammer. "BACK OFF!" I yelled. The back tire of my bike knocked his hammer out of his hands and the front tire dug into his face as I attempt to squash him. Mat could only sit and watch as I did death moves on my bike, I wasn't even a professional on this thing, and I was making it look like it. I guess playing Mario Kart Wii as peach on the Mach Bike had paid off. Brocko fell to the ground, stunnd as I drove past him and Mat. I looked back at them smiling at how well I had just done.
Mat had this look on his face like he was going to give me a nice long scollding after this. He shouldn't though, I was the one having to save his skin for once. For once I wasn't the damsel in destress. He was. I think he also noticed I was dressed like peach was when she was on a motercycle, as well as the fact that this was the same model bike as her Mach Bike but with one small difference. I had to take advantage of Brocko being stunned to get Mat away. I jerked the handels making it screach as I jerked and made the bike turn around. Brocko was trying to struggle to the ground but having troubles. It was like watching a turtle that was on it's back. I approched Mat and as I did I streached my hand out for his hand, having to lean over a little on the bike to reach it. It took all my strength, and will power, weak as I was, but I jerked Mat as I drove by and threw him onto the bike seat with me. "Hang on tight." I said. "This could get a little rough." I swear he was scared to death of me driving because of the stunts I pulled on this thing. I drove off the beach and towards town. "We need to get him out of the town so no one get's hurt!" Mat yelled. His arms were around my waist sense he had nothing else to hold onto in case he got ready to fall. "What do you think I'm trying to do!?" I yelled. It was a retorical question. Brocko was following us. For a big guy I had to admit he was alright in speed. He kept using movements with his hands and legs to use the earth against us. He jerked a rock up from the ground, and threw the huge a** thing towards us, I moved to the right to avoid it just in time. I didn't do it till the last minute cause then he'd just make it follow me to the right. I sped through the town going way over the speed limit. I was going at a speed that was still slower then Mat's speed, but fast enough to keep a great deal of distance between us and Brocko. I finally reached my bike's highest speed of 120 miles when Brocko started manipulating the earth directly in front of us. He made a ramp like thing appear. Big mistake dumb a**. I sped towards it and then hit the ramp as we went into the air I spinned the bike in mid air, and then landed on the ground. As we did we got a extra small boost of speed where I had pulled off that trick. Sweet. I think Mat was holding on for dear life to. He pulled stunts like this all the time, and he was scared. Wow! First time I've ever seen him scared probably. As we kept speeding I saw something bad up ahead. Brocko had made the earth make spikes appear up from the ground and he had two hands made of earth ready to grab and squesh us. "s**t!" I yelled. I looked to my left, and saw a small little tarp over the door to a store, and a small ramp right next to the thing where they had crats loaded next to the store. "MAT!" "What!?" He said. "Do you trust me?!" I asked.
"What does trust have to do with anything right now?!" Mat asked. "JUST ANSWER ME! DO YOU TRUST ME OR NOT!?" I jerked my head around to look at him, forgetting the trap Brocko had for us for a minute. He was looking in my eyes. "Yes." He said. I guess something in my eyes said he could. I smiled. I turned my head back to the road. "You see that ramp made of crates there by that store?" I said. "Yes." He answered. "'s what I need you to do." I said. "When I hit that ramp...I want you to jump onto the tarp above the door of that store. Got it!" He looked at me. I could feel his eyes on me. "There's no way you'll survive that trap." He said. "Have a little faith!" I said. He was right. The likes of me surviving this was very slim, but I had to try. He was already hurt, and if anyone was going to die or suffer the worst possbile and imaginable attack it was me. "I know what I'm doing! Trust me!" I told him. I think he knew there was no chance in changing my mind, so he nodded in agreement. "Just be careful." He said. As I hit the ramp Mat jumped off onto the tarp above the store door, and I jerked the bike back in the air and did a back flip on it, as it flipped in the air, and then landed on the ground perfectly fine. I sped towards the wall of spikes and the two mounds of hands shapped like hands ready to kill me. There was a small ramp between the hands. Perfect I could use that. I went for the ramp, knowing Mat was watching. "Let's finish this" I said under my breath. I went up the ramp and then Brocko sent the mounds of earth hands at me. "Now I got you!" I cried. I jerked my bike and it started spinning in mid air. The mounded hands started crumbling to bits as I did. Soon they were just pillers off rock sticking out of the ground. I touched down on the ground and turned to speed towards the earthbender. "Melissa, don't!" Mat yelled. Just as I got ready to slap our rocky friend he vanished into the ground. I screched to a stop.
He'd given up realizing I'd outwitted him. Mat used his wind attributes to lower himself down onto the bike. "How's your leg feel?" I asked as I drove back to Ana's slowly (so I didn't give him a heartattack). "It's pretty much numb now. If I move it a little though I can feel the pain." He said. "I can fix that." I said. I'd missed all of the fight between Brocko and Mat so I didn't know how much damange he had taken. But I did know that his leg was most definatly broken, if not sprained. When I parked my bike in the entrence to the grotto I helpt Mat to the couch. I went to go get the the bandages to hold his leg straight while it healed. When I came back I pulled his pants leg back so I could look at the wound. I placed my hands over it, and they glowed with magic. I started humming a tune simler to the one that played in the spirit temple from ocarina of time. He let out a moan, but he stopped soon after. I was trying to heal his leg enough to were it wouldn't put him out of business for a while. It was working too. "There...." I said finally wraping the bandages around his injured ankle. That was really where Brocko had injured him, and I was stuck as his nurse for the moment. "That better?" "Yes. Thanks." He said. He seemed disappointed. "No your not going to be out of business for a while. That magic I used healed the worst of the injury. You've really just got to let your leg rest for now. And that doesn't mean run off with your sword or something." I said with a sturn look. These were 'doctor's orders', and I expected him to obay them. I got up to go lay on the love seat. I was beat after all that excitement, and using my magic. But Mat grabbed me and hugged me close ot him. I didn't try to pull away. Actually I felt very confrotable in his arms like this. I huged him back, and we lay there on the couch. I think he drifted off at some point while we lay there. I wasn't sure. It seemed like it because he was very quite. I didn't look to check though. I was tierd to, and confrotable. So I fell asleep about then too. We stayed like that till Ana got back and woke us up with her jumping to conclusions thing.

To be continued in Chapter 56...