the story stitcher wrote this and i love it.
part 1
The Missing Frame
By Autum Smith 1/20/09
"ughh" I moaned waking up from what must have been the worst night of my life. "Jess...what the hell just happened?” no answer "Jess? Jess!" My little brother, Jess, was lying beside me. Still. Blood dripping from his fist and from small cuts on his face. I shake him gently. "Jess! Are you ok? Come on man! Wake up! This isn’t funny!" Nothing. I checked for a pulse just to make sure. No pulse. The worst night of my life just got even worse. I look around. Wondering why no one else reacted when they heard me scream. I found out why. They couldn’t here me scream. They couldn’t hear any thing. They were all the same. Just like Jess. I stood up quickly, frantic, confused. What DID happen last night? I ran out of the Everlast Inn and into the cold, snowy streets. There were more people out here. But I doubt they could help me. They were all just the same. Some had blood on there fists and faces others looked like they just laid down and went to sleep. But they never woke up. I ran to the diner down the street. Then to some houses. Nothing changed. Every last house. Every last car, street, library, even the school. The whole town. Dead. "What happened to this town?" I whispered to my self. I went back to the diner and sat down in the nearest booth and lay my head in my hands. "OUCH!!" My face stung. I looked at my hands, streaks of blood clung to them about where I touched my stinging face. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself. My black hair was good, still spiked in the back and just long enough bangs to cover my eyes. My face on the other hand, not as good. I had three long, thin, red lines coming diagonal from my left eye. I lifted my hair to see if it went across it. One did. But I could still see fine so I guess it’s not so bad. Atreyu T-shirt had some small cuts in it and blood spots around them. I lifted my shirt over my head to examine the damage to my chest. Nothing bad. Just some small scratches down where my heart should be. I put my shirt back and looked down at my legs. My too-tight black jeans had grass stains on them. That was it. Nothing major. Just some scratches. "Hmmmm..?" I froze. That wasn’t me. I turned around quickly to see a boy around my age sitting up, looking as confused as I must have when I had woken up. He was shorter than me, his blonde hair just below his eyebrows. Pale skin contrasted well with his grey The Academy Is.... T-shirt. I rushed over to him and knelt down to where he was sitting. "Are you alright?" I asked. More curious than actually concerned for his well being. "Yeah... I think. What happened?" “I don’t know. I was hoping you would remember." The boy shook his head slowly in response." I haven’t got a clue. Who are you?" “I’m Aaron. I woke up in the Inn about an hour ago now I suppose." "I’m Alex. The Inn? So this happened there to?" "It’s happened to the whole town. I checked a few for pulses but after the first dozen didn’t have one I just came here. Are you sure you’re ok? You look sort of... what’s the word?" "Bewildered?" Alex interrupted. "Yeah I’m ok physically." he said as he stood up. “But I can’t remember a thing from last night!" "Neither can I. You think maybe the others will wake up to?"
"I don’t know."
His stomach growled loud enough for me to hear.
"I must not have eaten anything. I’m starving! You know how to cook?" "Yeah. come on ill fix us up something in the kitchen. What d'ya want?" "Any thing really. I’m allergic to cinnamon though." "Me to. Hey how old are you?" I ask as we walk into the kitchen of the diner." Oh wow!" Alex stops at the door, starring at the bodies that cover most of the booths and counters. His expression full of sadness and fear. "Alex...." I gently grab his arm, comforting him. He turned to me, eyes full with tears, but not crying. “That’s my mom." He chocked out pointing a shaking finger at a women in a blue dress in a booth in the corner. "Come on. Let’s get some food. Your stomach sounds like it’s about to eat itself." I say getting off the subject. His stomach hadn’t stopped growling since we left the bathroom. We walk towards the kitchen and I grab a skillet out of the stack of pans in the dish washer and placing it on the burner. "I’m 14." Alex says, sitting down at the bar. "Me to. Are taters and eggs ok with you? For a diner they don’t really have many ingredients for a meal."
“That’s fine."
I try turning on the stove. Nothing happens. “Electricity must be out. Stoves not working. Heres a granola bar. That should keep you settled for a while." I toss him the granola bar and he catches it without even trying. He suddenly jerks his head towards the window. "What is it?" I ask him in a wondering tone. "I saw something move.....outside the diner. Looked like Mr. Simpleton. You know, that creep that’s always trying to turn the town into a cult?" "Alex.... gets over here." "What? Why?" He asks, alarmed. "Just do it. Get down." I pull him down behind the bar. "Why are we hiding, Aaron?" He whispered to me, worry shaking his other wise calm voice. "I think I know what happened to the town." Ding. I heard the door of the diner open. Alex gasped. "Well it looks like it did go through all of the way to the diner. Well done Jasper." We heard a raspy voice say in a slightly evil way. Mr. Simpleton.
"Thanks, boss." A small, surprised voice responded to Mr. Simpletons compliment. "Let’s go check the Inn."
He said sliding his feet toward the door.
"Right behind ya" jasper said following after him. I heard them leave. I exhaled. I had been holding my breath the entire time.
"Mr. Simpleton! Of course! Why didn’t I see that sooner? He’s The Missing Frame!" Alex looked happy to finally know who was behind this. But there was something else. "What’s wrong, Alex?"
"I just remembered something from last night."
Part 2
Endlessly, he said
"I just remembered something from last night." Alex said horror growing in his expression. I got worried. "What is it? What did you remember? Alex, tell me!"
Alex started to cry lightly. I could tell it wasn’t really anything that was going to be helpful in trying to stop Mr. Simpleton. But I was still worried.
"Alex..." I said concerned. He turned to me and I put my arm around his shoulder. I hugged him closely and he tried to talk.
" Aaron.... I..I hurt her...I did.. I hit my own mother.." He was sobbing on my shoulder now.
I didnt know what to say so i just hugged him tighter and let him cry it out.
"Shes dead and the last thing I remember doing was hitting her.Im a monster"
"No your not. You werent in control of your self." I reassured him. It was most likely true to.
"But still, My mom!" His crying sped up a bit. I pulled him onto my lap and held him closer. He embraced me willingly and berried his face in between my shoulder and neck. I rocked him slowly and pressed my lips to his forehead. His crying slowed to a stop as he started to fall asleep in my arms. I quietly started humming a lullaby my mother used to sing to me to help me sleep. "Thank you." he whispered to me before he drifted into a deep sleep. I held him there for a while longer then fell asleep my self.I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night feeling cold. I realized Alex had gotten up.I stood up slowly and stretched. My neck ached and my shirt was still wet with tears.
"Mornin" I was greeted by a cheerful Alex sitting at the bar with a bowl full of cereal.
" good morning" I yawned "Whats for breakfast?"
"Found some cereal in a house across the street. Here." He said handing me a box of Lucky Charms."Thanks" i said taking the box and pouring myself a bowl.
"howd you sleep?" he asked me
"Fine.blanket was a little wet though." I said playfully.
Alex frowned." yeah sorry bout that."
"Its fine. everyone needs to cry sometime. ."
"Why are you doing this?" Alex asked sounding a bit insulted.
"doing what?"
"i wake up from a mini coma and you rush over and immediately ask if im hurt. Then when my stomach growls you find me food. I see potential danger and you hide me. I get sad and start crying and you hold me and let me sleep in your arms. You kissed me to. That was a little weird,dont you think?"
I stared at him,shocked,as he recited the events of the previous night.After i didnt say anything he did.
"I mean,theres nothing wrong with it or anything, I was just wondering why you care about me so much."
"I dont know...." I answered him softly."I guess I just dont want to lose any one else."
We smiled at each other and finished eating. Alex broke the silence.
"So... what are we going to do about Mr.Simpleton?"
"I dont think theres anything we can do.Lets go to the next town and get some cops to come check it out."
"The next towns an hours drive from here. Unless you know how to drive, Mr.Simpletons going to have all the bodies cleared out by then,dont you think?"
"I know how to drive.A little. I could get us to Van Buren in about 45 minutes. I got some family there we could stay with instead of sleeping in the diner again. "
"sounds good to me. My mom parked her car over there. The gold Mercury."
"Ok then, lets go."
We went out to the car. I got in the drivers seat and he sat next to me. I started it up and we were off. The drive through town was horrifying. Bodies lined the streets and leaned against windows. Alex had to close his eyes just to keep from crying. I turned on the radio. He opened his eyes when i told him we were out of town.
"We will be there in about ten more minutes." I told him after a while.
"Aaron, can I tell you something?"
"sure,what is it? You remember something else?"
"Sort of. Well, no not really. But last night,before I fell asleep,you started humming something. What was it?"
"Just an old lullaby my mother used to sing to me to help me sleep.Here we are." I turned into a long driveway. I turn off the car. We went up to the house and knocked on the door. My Aunt Sandy,a short cheery old women with sand colored hair, answered it.
"Well hello there Aaron! What a nice surprise! Weres your brother? And who have we got here?"
"Hi aunt sandy. This is Alex. We have some bad news about Jess. Hes dead. So is his mom. Actually the whole town is dead!"
"What? Little Jessie? Dead? And your mother! Oh you poor things! Come inside. ill get the police."
"Thanks sandy."while she dialed 911 we went inside and sat down on the couch. Alex sat so close to me that he was practically sitting on me. He leaned into my shoulder and closed his eyes."still tired I see." I put my arm around him with out thinking.
"yeah....Crying is a quick way to get to sleep but it doesnt do much in resting."
Aunt Sandy walked in the room, seeing him sleeping on my shoulder, said;
"Oh you boys must be exhausted! Here,Aaron,Why dont you take him to the guest room."
I picked up Alex,who was now dreaming happily, and took him into the guest room. I lay him on the bed and he wraps his arms around my neck. He opened his eyes slightly and whispered"dont leave please. Stay here" He slid over some to make room on the edge,signaling that he wanted me to lie down next to him. He pulled me onto the bed holding me close to him.
"Ill never leave you." I whispered back, my arms around his waist. He fell asleep. I lay there watching him. I found myself smiling,humming the same lullaby I did last night. I wasnt tired so i just waited for him to wake up. About an hour later,he woke up and smiled at me.
"your still here" he looked in my eyes
"I said I wouldnt leave,didnt I?"
Then he smiled bigger and pressed his forehead to mine. He just stayed there,looking in my eyes. I eventually got uneasy with the silence.
"What?" I said after he still didnt look away.
"Nothing. Im just reading your emotions. You know you can tell how much a person loves you if you look in there eyes.And how."
"Oh really? How do I love you then?"
"You Love me way to much than I deserve."
:"ok thats how much. But how?" I asked playfully. I already knew.
"like this" He answered. And then,he leaned in and put his lips to mine,ever so cautiously,afraid I would back away no doubt. But I didnt. When he released me I didnt say anything.I just looked at him,then smiled.He smiled to. Then I was back in his arms. He lays his head on my chest and listens to my heart beat. I spoke softly
"Do you love me?"
"Endlessly" he said
part 3
Bleed Black
When I woke up Alex was still next to me. I kissed his forehead lightly and he opened his eyes.
“Good morning” I said it wasn’t morning though. I think it was some time around noon.
“Oh good, you’re up. Boys, this is Officer Harold of the Indiana state police. He’s going to go with you to Everlast. He will need your help with the story and identifying people.’
Aunt sandy said standing next to a tall, muscular officer. Alex looked terrified at what she just said.
“We have to go back there?” He said both of us standing in front of Officer Harold
“well from what I’ve heard you two are the only survivors of this massacre so ill need any information you can give me. And that means going back.” Officer Harold stated, calmly.
“Don’t worry, Alex, I’m going too. I won’t leave your side.” I spoke to him trying to calm nerves. I know why he didn’t want to go back. Not all the bodies, but because of one specific one, in a blue dress in a corner booth in the diner. I didn’t want to go back there either, but if it meant shutting up Mr. Simpleton I would. Plus Alex would need me.
“When do we leave?” I asked him
“Now would be best.”
“Ok let’s go then.”
We walked outside. The sun was shinning bright, but no heat came from it.
We left right then. We stopped at the Everlast inn first. I held Alex's hand as we walked in. It was just as I left it. Officer Harold was speechless. He left to check out some houses and the library.
We went back to the diner. Alex had left some things there he wanted back. When we got there we stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes. No bodies there.
Alex wanted to be left alone for a while so I went to the kitchen. I could here him through the door though. I heard him crying first. Then I heard something dripping slowly.
Then he screamed with shock. I rushed in to help. I saw him on the ground holding his waist with his arms. His right hand held a knife that was dripping with something black.
His left hand had the black around the wrist and running down his forearm. I rushed over to him.
"Alex!! What happened? Who did this to you?" I asked taking off my shirt and wrapping it around the wound, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding.
"I did." Alex said, Pain twisted in his voice" But that’s not what hurts. Its my head! AHHHH!!!" His scream filled the room
"You did this? Why?" I said Stunned he would cut himself here. Or at all.
" Whats happening? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He screamed louder this time, Crying too. But not tears. More of that black stuff.
"Alex! Open your mouth." I looked in and saw his eye teeth grow and sharpen right in front of me. I looked in his once beautiful green eyes. They were turning color. I remembered a poem I had read once.
Eyes of ash and sight of the crow.
With sharpened teeth, they’re unable to grow.
They will steal your soul, Bleed Black as coal.
Masters of the mind, they know there role.
Skin of stone, cold as ice.
To them, a cat, you but mice.
Daughters of the moon, sons of night.
Always keep them in your sight.
some of part 4 not available
heres some of it though
I felt like I was on fire. But I didn’t scream from that. I liked it. It was wonderful warmth I had never felt. I wanted to feel like that forever. It wore off after about ten minutes. I opened my eyes and saw Alex standing over me, crying tears of blood, black blood of course.
“Aaron…I…I’m so sorry…..I didn’t-“He tried to choke out an apology but I cut him off.
“Alex, its ok. Better to get the threat out of the way now than to have to worry about it all the time.” I reached for his face and wiped away his black tears. I smiled, showing off my new fangs. Alex laughed seeing them. I sat up and pulled on my clothes. He already had his on. I went over to the mirror to look at my new self. Not bad.. My eyes looked as if the irises had been burned to ashes. Dark grey with little black chains running around it in the center. My skin was as white and cold as freshly fallen snow. I ran my tongue along my now razor sharp eye teeth. Alex came over and put his hand on my shoulder.
“Kind of cool isn’t it?”
“yeah. I guess. My God, my throat burns! I need something to drink.” Aaron walked out to the kitchen. The sun was setting outside into a stained sky. The remaining sunlight bled through the thick glass and drenched the out-dated tile floor in a dusty, tired glow that would be suitable inspiration for any writer with a slightly twisted view. It ran along the cracks and holes in the tiles leaving a path that gives one the feeling of something bad about to happen when you look at it. Thats what I felt when I looked at it from the doorway of the kitchen, momentarily forgetting the intense burning in my throat. The bleeding sun made its way from the floor in front of the window slowly and menacingly until it met the body of a young girl, around 13 id guess, with dark hair braided in the back down to her waist. As my anxiety grew, the dusty glow continued to creep onto the girl until she was fully submerged. Then…….she moved. Just barley enough for my recently renewed eyes to catch. Then she moved again. This time she rolled her head and moaned slightly. She gradually regained consciousness and picked her self up. Alex walked into the room and noticed the new girl staring at me. Then she saw Alex and sprung up to hug him.
“Alex!! Oh Alex I thought id never see you again!” then she kissed him full on. My heart fell to my feet. His girlfriend. Alex still looked amazed.
“Z-Zira!” He said her name like a hero says it to an enemy he thought he had defeated. My Love Like Winter. Its beautiful but it stings.
Kiss And Control
“What’s wrong, Hon, aren’t you glad to see me?” Zira still had her arms around his neck standing on one foot with the other popped up behind her. She moved a lock of hair out of his face gently. Alex quickly snapped out of his trance and pushed her arms down looking sort of confused.
“What are you doing Zi? We broke up, remember?” He said almost angrily.
“What? No, we were just mad I didn’t think you meant it. Did you?” Zira looked as if she were about to cry but there was a lot of confusion mixed in the words she managed to choke out.
“Yes I meant it. And I still do. I’ve already moved on, Zi.” By now tears were making there way down Zira’s pale face “M-moved on? Bu-but with who? There’s no one even still here except that skinny emo kid!” Alex made a face that looked to say ‘Well…..’ and there was an awkward silence as we let it sink in. Here eyes widened and she sounded frantic. “NO! No no no no no! You’re kidding me! You are not leaving me for another guy! That’s just…….NO! You cant! Please!” I walked over to Alex and put my arm around his waist and pulled him close. He looked up at me and smiled. “He already did.” I stated calmly.
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