0-Gabriel-0 - 103
22Maria22 - 85
Akira Igura - 173
Amaryllis Van Ostaijen - 104 / 339 / 315 / 320
Amythest Dawn Rose - 167
Annenomi - 550
Aqua Vanilla - 263 / 171 /
ArchBish - 1017
Arioeh - 578 / 586 /
Arjia - 139 / 114 / 81 /
Armpit Lady - 679 / 549 /
Artaesan - 58 / 48 /
Azalea Aeris - 66 / 128 / 86 /
Baron Hyde - 339 / 51 / 273 /
BlackPidgeot - 648 / 726 / 852 /
Bold New Mule - 359 / 486 / 783 /
Bold New Solution - 348 + Hermit Cat / 967 / 371 / 320 /
boopsie63 - 149 / 81 /
Bootygrabbers girl - 462
Booty Grabbin - 401 / 559 + Hermit Cat /
Boundless Secrets - 350 / 345 /
Boycotting love - 392 / 428 / 750 /
boysb4flowers - 342
Canal - 209
Carson Beckett - 306
Choclat - 526
Cloud Revolution - 225 / 226 / 454 / 880 / 768 /
Countess Sapphire - 65
Cressen - 341
Crymea - 168 / 124 / 430 /
Cute Bad Girlz - 210 / 107 /
Ddraig Asheart - 306
Deb_Sapphire - 235
DestructoGrrrl - 768 - 252 - 308
desiderium - 61
DiaboIic - 538 / 353 / 388 / 573 + Hermit Cat / 742 /
DiSienna - 241
dizneyfreak - 455 / 291 /
Ducky Zilla - 791 + 2 Hermit Cats
EeveeChan - 223
emosgirl - 140
Errodu - 401
Eyosakura - 343
FancyFaceAnita - 586 / 684 / 814 /
FIavie - 295
galaxy201 - 445 / 205 /
Gemini Doll - 207
Genro Panda - 158 / 1066 /
GrandmaD - 364 / 344 / 299 /
Hava Cookie - 743 / 747 / 437 / 540 / 520 / 441 /
halcyon2150 - 214
heathen.accolade - 41
hell bloodstone - 111
Helmi - 250 / 154 /
Hot Metal Ladydi - 220
HubbaBubbaTrubba - 444 / 528 / 589 /
Hybride Phantom - 460 + Hermit Cat
I-wanna-be-a-Marysue - 118
Ic3_R0gu3 - 242 / 287 / 169 /
I demand a shrubbery - 315 / 430
Incorruptible Malarkey - 175
Irrylathciel - 150
itsme219 - 497 / 246 / 315 / 284 /
james suicide - 364
JamieF26 - 838 / 667 / 797 / 409 /
Jeme4545 - 32
Jezebel Poe - 330 / 451 /
Jimmy Pow - 263
jojo_da_crow - 249
just nigel - 640
Kabuki Kyoshiro - 520
KagaKeiichi - 100
kagenotenshi - 328
Kalinushka - 124 / 327 /
kamamausdi - 304 / 293 /
Kara Darkholm - 468
KarinaKatrea - 542
Keiko Dreams - 423 / 376 /
Kelianya - 651
keptSecret - 137 + Hermit Cat
Kilomech - 263
kindmale - 194 / 243 /
King Henry - 371 / 844 / 421 + Hermit Cat /
Lachesia - 194
LadyJossy - 36
Laniphoria - 507 / 318 /
LadyKKat - 100 / 166 / 196
Lash_Devore - 887 / 265 / 237 /
leon_lover69 - 360 / 442 / 593 /
LiLCherryDreamer - 311 / 340 /
lildinkums - 438
Lord Haplo - 313 + 3 Hermit Cats
Lord Orochimaru_Akatsuki - 640 / 642 / 276
LSD Sweet Tart - 212
LustRules - 71
Magus - 289 / 388 /
Maja81 - 638 / 464 / 402 + Hermit Cat /
mamaQ - 230
masterhandbanana - 168 / 301 /
Melkoshi - 343 / 530 / 338 / 693 / 602 /
Merovic - 63
Mickey-M-Mouse - 393
Midii - 169
Mishono - 414 / 394 /
mmz_the_tenth - 369
mommafotsch - 297 / 147 /
Moonlight Silver - 150
Mr Eggo Waffle - 300 / 786 / 687
Mr-Klinn - 550 / 524 /
mrsteddybear15 - 38
mule number 562 - 199 / 171 /
my_eyes_bleed - 92 / 250
MyMyMyra - 856
nadi_shoal - 278
natsumi88 - 61
neka - 79
nikki11367 - 180
O6 Mustang - 407 / 613 / 302 /
oOo M1KEY oOo - 400
Overwhelmer - 335 / 263 / 302 + Blue Magical Giftbox / 386 /
Oh Toodles - 586 / 655 / 492 / 980 /
Physco Professor - 410
Pink_goddess0818 - 686 / 551 /
PiperBree - 149
Poncho-Soncho - 202
puck6600 - 333
Purley74 - 284
quirki mouse - 266
Racheling - 752 / 437 /
rain4ever - 184 / 445 / 483 / 403 / 715 /
ReUndead - 400 / 284 / 528 /
Rei_Toei - 195 / 383 /
Rionnea - 141
rosewolfe - 356
rsx-dc5 - 321 / 341 / 256 / 319 /
Sagebomb - 259
Sapphina - 232 / 241 /
Sasuke_Uchiha_Luver3186 - 77 / 60
SCARRED!! 4 life - 255 / 271 / 212
SchitsenGiggles - 264
Schlaghund - 155
Shakti Mouse - 310
SheElf - 193
Socially Acceptable - 662
sons_of_liberty95 - 852
SooMinie - 254 / 276 /
spandrew - 230
Staircase Wit - 381 / 528 / 511 /
Stripper Kiss - 319
SubZero Assassin - 458
Sugrie - 338 / 177 /
sultans queen - 574
suspicious_looking_mole - 369 / 481 / 546
T2ixY - 880 / 966 / 956 / 1036 /
TaiTaiETTE - 243
Taki Arika - 200
Takuto_Girl - 413
.teh.leslie. - 152
teh lolrus - 68
Ten no tsubasa - 350
tenz mule - 402
The Chatterbox Freakzor - 331 / 447 / 615 / 365 / 715 + Hermit Cat
the_infamous_joyner - 134
The Internets Lady - 148
The Lord Haplo - 371
The Promiscuous Finger - 485
Topsy Krett - 607 / 632 /
Triangle20 - 83
TrixieKoontz - 112
Ty_Vaniko - 133
Unlimited Lila Works - 336
Urikho - 127 / 67
VampiricNature - 559
weirdfrog10 - 179 / 401 / 437
Wicked Lilith Thing - 188
willowbb9 - 401 / 732 /
X-antippa - 128 - 209
Xanthiar - 243
xd_Kaori182xo - 175
xeloriah - 69
yamaguchikumi - 34
yanagurl94 - 79
Yet Another Mr-Klinn - 822
Yuzuha - 591 / 415 /
Zombie Pussycat - 71
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