~Character Data~

Name: Aiur [Ay-er] Alcander [Al-sand-der]
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Sometime in 6th Century
Date of Death: Still in the 6th Century
Status Rank: Arrancar
Numero Rank: None
Zanpaktou: Arena del Hueso - Arena means Sand, Hueso is bone, and is believed his blade is supposedly connected to time. Aiur's blade, if looked at closely, seems to be made of grains of sand, but that is due to the reiatsu sealed in it. He can use his blade's power to move the bone sand of Hueco Mundo, but does not have control over it. The blade gives him a maximum of 54ft of control through the sands of Hueco Mundo.
Orientation: Independent, but will try to connect with the Espada and Aizen.
Personality: Aiur has always been a joyful, but at times, serious person. Through his ages, even with his young looks, he has grown very mature, but often doesn't show so. He sees the Living World as just the beginning to the bigger picture, Soul Society as something bigger, and Hueco Mundo as the place trying to figure it all out. He's philosophical a lot of times, and seems to annoy Hollows with his abilities in geometry, human biology/physiology, and history from present to pre-egyptian times. Is one that can actually pull off those corny little jokes.
Mask Remnant: Looks like a jaw forming over his right eye.
Hollow Hole: Middle of Chest
Number Area: Tattoos on him imitate the look of a 3rd Rank Espada, but is only the tattoos from his culture.
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair: tealish color, is in pic.
Eyes: Also a tealish color.
Physical Appearance: He seems to be well-maintained.
History: He lived in what is now Europe. His family was part of the head of a brave, and very large, barbaric tribe. At five years old, he received his tribal marks, and those are what gives the imitation of a 3rd Rank Espada's tattoo. The tattoos are filled in every year, so that the markings stay permanent. He doesn't know much about how he died, but he remembered a bronze blade coming at him as his father scream his name.
Once he became a hollow, he didn't know much of what to do. He followed some, and soon began to understand what you must do to survive. He devoured those he called, 'friends'. Those he said were his 'acquittance', seemed to not be eaten. He soon found the way of once again receiving his old body, even with the downfall of still keeping a mask fragment. He then decided he would tear away his own mask, and become an Arrancar. Once he did become an Arrancar, he didn't know what to do, and didn't bother with Aizen and his 'Arrancar Army'. He kept to himself, and ate those that looked tastey to him, even attacking Adjucha's to feed upon.
Aiur now just roams the desert, keeping a shawl to cover his mouth from the bone-grind desert.
Garganta - Black Cavity or Throat
The way arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.
Negación - Negation Box
A beam of light, similar in nature to a tractor beam, that is used by high level hollows to rescue their wounded. When it is used, interference from outside the light becomes impossible, and the space inside becomes completely segregated from the outside world.
Bala - Hollow Bullet or Bullet
an arrancar alternative to the cero. The technique hardens the user's spiritual pressure and fires it like a bullet from their fist. Though weaker than a cero blast, it moves about twenty times faster and can be fired at a much higher rate.
Sonido - Resounding Movements
The arrancar equivalent of the shinigami flash steps and the Quincy hirenkyaku; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances. Use of sonído is punctuated by a brief static sound, in contrast to the "swish" sound used for flash steps.
Hierro - Steel Skin
Refers to the hardened skin of the arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual power. While their skin is strong enough to block even released zanpakutō bare-handed, it is by no means impenetrable. Stronger arrancar have proportionally stronger skin.
Pesquisa - Spirit Sensory
Abilety to sence people's spiritual pressure, amount, and location.
Caída del Hoyo - Pit Fall
A technique he developed using his zanpaktou, where hollows believe they are walking on still ground, when the sand beneath their feet rapidly deteriorates and they fall in a black pit. He has used this many times for hunting for his food.
Pulpo de la Arena del Hueso - Bone Sand Octopus
This is a technique developed, and almost fully trained, where he can control eight arms made from the bone sand of Hueco Mundo.
Entierro de la Arena - Sand Funeral
This technique is where he may incase the target in the bone sands, and squeeze him to death, and then replenish the endless desert with newly fertilized sand.
Arenas del Tiempo - Sands Of Time
He creates a doorway of sand, and then uses the blade as a key to open it. Once inside this doorway, all laws of times cease, and he may spend a maximum of what is a week in there, but only 7-hundredths of a second in the Hueco Mundo time physics.

In his Resurrecíon, Aiur grows a pair of wings made of bone and flesh. The bones feel rough, and resemble sand. He also grows a pair of spines on his forearms and upper parts of his arms. He grows two pairs of horns on the top of his head. His blade is replaced by the scythe, which gives him the ability to manipulate the bone sand which Hueco Mundo is comprised of.