"Never make someone your everything, 'cause when they're gone you have nothing."
My Name The gave Me "" Ino Yamanaka
The Age I'm At "" 17
I'm In "" Chunnin
I come In Peace "" Konoha
I Kick But In "" Genjutsu, taijutsu and Ninjutsu skills like Mind Destruction justsu, along with others.
I Act Up As The Little Ninja I Am "" Kind of hot headed, a bit too into herself, boy crazy, but not as bad as when she was younger. A serious fighter, unless against Sakura, then she just mocks her most of the time. Other than that, she's all over nice and cheery. She is also self-aware and hard working.
Though Digging Deep Isn't My Thing "" Ino was raised in the Yamanaka household, learning all types of different things about flowers and roots. Poisons and other things dealing with the mind. Ino has always had a rivalry with Sakura, whether it be over Sasuke or just plain beating her. When Sasuke left, she went into a mild depression, but was soon brought out of it by her team. Since then she has been training as a medical ninja while still honing her skills over mind and flower jutsu.
You May Know My Partner "" Has a crush on Sai
I'm In The Awesome Tag Team! "" Team Ten
I'll Make It Out Fine"" Just Dance
I'll Scream Out "" Silver and Purple
My Puppet Master "" The End of Reality