Chapter 53: Where In The World?
Mat tried to cheer me up from my slump when I woke up again. I'd been kind of upset after I told him about why I didn't trust boys. He led me outside the grotto, dragging me along, the sand. He was wasn't sure how to cheer me up though. I followed along quitly constently keeping my gaze on the sand. We walked for awhile before he stopped, and me not paying attention, slamed into him. "Sorry." I said. "You did the right thing telling about what he did." He said. "I'm just glad I'm still a virgin, don't you dare think Lelouch took that from me...he didn't because you were watching!" I snapped the last part of my sentense at him. "So am I, Mel. If it were different...I wouldn't know what I'd do." He said. I looked up at him a little. "What do you mean...if it was different..." I asked. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I fell like and idiot." He said. "No...what were you going to say..." I asked. If he was going to say something then say it. "I...I...I don't know how I would handle this if..." He made a gulp sort of sound. "He (he means jordan and lelouch) took your virginity." He paused. It wasn't like he could really do anything. The damage was done. "Oh screw it!" He cried. "I'd love you eithr way, and nothing could change that, not even if you revealed your most darkest secret! And I'm not saying you have to." I looked down and blushed, trying to hide it. He even said the world "love". I think he saw me blush though. Really I think he noticed things I never did notice. "I already did tell you my darkest secret." I said. He smiled for some unknown reason. I don't know what it was with him and smiling at me. I wonder if he thought that's what it mostly took to get me to smile. I liked his smile though. Mat definatly couldn't be like all those other boys that had hurt me. He didn't seem the type. "What are you smiling about exactly?" I asked. He didn't answer. I think he wasn't entierly sure of why he was either. It was getting late so we started heading back to Ana's. Dinner fast approching I could have swore I heard Mat's stomach growling. I tried to hold back my laugh. Our walk back to Ana's remaind quite.
When me and Mat came back into Ana's, Ana didn't greet me with her usual (and annoying) hug and kiss on my cheek. She remaind in the kitchen and continued to prepare the night's dinner: Shrimp cocktails and "mocktail" cosmos. Yuck! I hated shrimp and mocktail cosmos (I'm a very picky eater). Dinner passed in relative quite, for me at least. Ana harassed Mat, questioning him about how I had behaved on our outing and then she told about this collective company about someone named "Mei Li", and done at Jareth's operahouse today. I just sat silently and picked and stirred at my cosmo. I never did have much of an appitite at Ana's place. One night this week I would cook dinner. Maybe posion Ana so she's stop attacking me with hugs and kisses. "So did she try to pull anything dark on you or anything?" Ana questioned Mat. "No. She was fine. She's still acting...'emo' but she's lightning up." Mat said. I was glad he wasn't mentioning why I was distrustive of boys to her. If I was going to say it to somebody it would be him. I didn't want anyone else to know. Lelouch did...but only because I asked him to erase my that gave him acceses to my past memories. I stared down at my plate trying to ignore there conversation. Some of the things Ana was asking was hurting just a little. And Mat's term of 'emo' seemed to be a little melodramatic. "She's still very quite though. She doesn't seem to want to talk much." He said. I think he knew I was half listening. "Did she smile or show any signs of changing back to light?" Ana asked. Fat chance. I wasn't going back to light so easily. "She smiled a little. I guess her smile was the only thing that showed any signs though." Mat said. "And What was that about earlier...with her sleeping in your arms in her room in her bed?" Ana asked. Why'd she have to be so noisy?! God! It was none of her buisness anyways! I hid my blush by making my hair into a curtain. Mat looked at me from the cornor of his eyes. "She was upset so I was just confronting her." He said.
"About what?" Ana asked. Will you shut up b***h! It's none of your buisness. "Nothing really. She was...just...a little homesick. that's all." Mat said. Phew. Good cover. I think Ana was a little spectical, but she didn't say anything. "Aren't you going to eat, Melissa?" Ana asked looking at me. Mat did to. I think he just realized I hadn't touched my food once. I kept my eyes on my plate. "I'm not hungry." I said softly, pushing my plate away. I layed my head down. "Besides I don't like shrimp, or mocktail cosmo." I think I had irritated Ana when I said that. Didn't bother me. I didn't feel good anyways. It was flu season, and I think it was getting to me. "Maybe you should go to bed after dinner." Mat suggested. I glanced at him. "Your not looking to good. But that might just be because you still don't have your natural skin color back yet." "You've lost so much of your natural color that you might not get it back till spring...because there's hardly any sun now. It's getting close to winter." Ana added. After dinner Flet and Jet were cleaning up (it was there night for dishes). I sat on the couch to read a book. Mat was talking with Flet and Jetsom. Ana came up behind me, and placed her hand on my shoulder. My red eyes turned to glare over my shoulder. I was still mad over the guardian thing. She looked a little irritated over the dinner thing. "what is it?" I asked her. "something's wrong, isn't it? Normally, you're bombarding me with affection and friendship that I don't want to a point I wish you would stop already. Why the sudden change?" It did make me wonder what was wrong when she didn't attack me with her usual hugs and kisses when me and Mat came back today. "I need to talk with you about something," She told me. She glanced over her shoulder and towards the kitchen where Mat still sat talking to the eels. She lowered her voice, "Preferrably where the guy's can't intruede on us." I closed my book, marking my place, and looked at her. "What do you suggest?" I asked. "Let's take a bath together. I need one anyway and you need to wash the lake water out of your hair. Besides, we haven't talked in over a month."
Oh god! A bath together. That sounded wrong! I was disturbed. I wasn't a lesbian! There was nothing wrong with Bisexuals, gay's,or lezbians. But I was straight. I was attracted to boys....not girls. I didn't want to see a girl naked. I also took offense to her saying "lake water" she made it sound like it was a horrible smell or something. Ana sank into the tub with a loud "Aaaaaaah!" as bubbles floated all around us. I could sense the water was a warm and right tempeture. I was hesitant though. "Come on in," She beckoned me, moving her hand in motion to her words. "The bath is fantastic." I slipped out of my slippers, and put my feet over the side of the tub. I dipped my hand in the water. It was warm. I cupped a handful of it and tossed it at Ana. She looked away to avoid getting it in her eyes. When she did I jerked the towel off, and dived in (this way she wouldn't see me naked. That's why I splashed her). Under the water I would play a trick on Ana. She looked where I had been, and noticed I was gone. She looked a little worried. God! Has everyone forgot I'm a mermaid. The tub was so huge it was a pool rather then a ******** tub. Screw the tub when you can have a pool. My tail looked for silver under the water right now thanks to the light in the bathroom hitting it. And my hair was still silver. I decided to put my joke into motion and swam towards her, still under the water. She moved back against the edge of the tub and made to grab her towel. Not happening. I resurfaced in a fit of giggles. I slapped her upside the head. "I gotcha!" I laughed. "Don't scare me like that!" She was trying to hide her embarrassment. What for I did not know. "Sorry. It's just that you look so funny you're scared." I truely wasn't sorry. She'd done nothing but annoy me sense Mat had dragged me away from my Lulu. If I wasn't around him....she was pestering me. "I'm glad to see you still have a sense of humor. You were acting so emo, I thought Lelouch had robbed you of more than just your skin color."
There was that word again: Emo. I wasn't Emo. If I was emo I'd be cutting myself. Duh. Gothic seemed more like the term to use. Besides Lelouch hadn't robbed me of anything. And they couldnt' say he did my memory. Cause I asked him to take that from me. And for another what did it matter to them if I wasn't acting the way they remembered me. Lelouch was all I wanted. To be with Lulu. But at the same time Mat was pulling me away from Lulu, and towards him. I swam up to Ana, and sat in the water, then stared at my tail...silently. "All joking aside," she said as she put her arm around me, "Let's talk." I took my hand and shoved her arm away. She started atacking with the questions. Mostly about the first time she had seen me and Lelouch together. God she had to get into my personal buisness. "Where exactly did he take you, and how did he do it? did you feel or see anything strange down there?" She was getting in on a little personal in my opinion. "I hardly remmber anything," I said. "I was unconscious for most of the journey. I remember was a white horse, sprialing down a staircase as if burying into the earh, and then a boatride across an underground lake. Lelouch, evne though I didn't know him at the time, guided me to his underground home, his haven of darkness." I said. And his music. I told her about how we had disembarked and he sat me down and knelt before me afterwords. How he had said he was neither ghost, nor angel, nor genius, only Lelouch and that he loved me. I sensed anger in her but I wasn't sure why she was. I told her how I had petted his head as he wept into my lap, probably from the ecstacy of being in my presence. How and A-minor chord resounded in the cavern and I began to sing "Phantom of the Opera" in the hopes that my Lulu would stop being said and join me in song." Ana looked at me. "Did he?" She asked. Was it not obvious. "Yes. He even danced with me. We twirled around the cave together as if we were floating on air instad of standig on solid stone. As the music rose higher and higher, so did the passion in our harmony, until all broke loose when I reached the last high note." I said. I would cherish that moment always. I felt so alive and happy when that moment happened.
I told her that when the music had stopped we had too. How we had stared at each other and smiled for a long while. How I loved his smile. How during that time, I had thought about how the 8 heartbreaks I'd suffered here and left me torn and shattered and how I had finally felt at home inside Lelouch's sanctuary of darkness. How in the midst of being safe at last, I felt unworthy of the angel I was with. He was so beautiful, and cultured. He was perfect. "Unlike the guys who dumped you before he came along?" She asked. That word dumped still wounded my heart in so many ways. "Yes. He sat down again and the "phantom's lair" scene resumed again. He told me how he had brought me to his kingdom of music and how he had needed me with him, to serve him, to sing, all for his music." She knew what happened next. She started humming a few bars to Lelouch's "Music of the Night" in a teasing voice. She kept teasing until I dumped water on her and soaked her hair. "Hey!" She shouted. "that's not very nice." She shouldn't have teased me. Really it was hurtful. It made me miss my Lulu more. "Neither was the vision that Lelouch showed me when we got into bed for the first time together." She looked worried. "Don't worry, I was still in my white gown and he had his boxers on. He touched his face to mine and showed me a circular room in a far off casle. Your and Mat were there and so was a blond man whom I had never seen before." She told me it was Jareth. Of course that person she was always nagging about. "Yeah, I went to his castle one day after a week or two since you disappeared. I was having no success in finding you, so I thought I had better call in some help. He had proposed an offer to let me be his items supplier and I thought that I could oblige as well as ask about you." She said. She said that Jareth had guessed the nature of her visit and that he took her to his study (the cirular room that lelouch had showed me), and how he showed her and Mat a vision of me and lelouch dancing together. I then told her that lelouch showed me the same thing. That I saw her brake down on the floor and how she started crying "you silly 'phan' girl" I called her. She looked away.
She blushed deeply, but I turned back to me and with a straght face she said "Did Lelouch show you anymore?" I told her "No. I was grateful that he had taken me away from you (truely I was). Since you had eventually started kissing Jareth back, I told him that you didn't understand the meaning of being true in love." And she didn't...she never would. "Funny thing. I had a dream that same night about you saying that to him too. Does he have lithe limbs, athelitically toned abs, and violet eyes?" I was shocked. How'd she...? "Yes! Wait, how did you know what he looked like when he laid beside me during our fist night together?" I didn't understand how she could have seen it. "This may seem strange, but I think I saw through your eyes. You were still in control of your mind, but I was granted access to your senses (without my notice). I've only heard of the closest of companions, or the strongest magicians, being able to do it or to grant someone else that kind of access to their own thoughts. I never had a dream like thatagain, so it must be really rare to be in a situation like that." Curious I wanted to ask further the wonderous feat that magic had but she said it could wait for another time. She told me to continue my story. I told her that after a few days of living in the little apparent bliss with Lulu, I began to get curious to see what my Lulu was hiding underneath his half mask. What he looked like. "You must have forgotten that you don't do that unless you want to be hurt. I've grown used to the reaction, having seen it so many times, but I still get a little scared when I hear him yelling at Christina." But this was me we were talking about you dumb a**. I told her he yelled at me too. How he had grabbed my wrists and dug my fingers into the dead part of his face (I didn't mention him slapping me to the ground then she'd never leave me alone). How he had implored me, in the voice of a madman, to tear off his face, his permanently scarred mask. I admitted that it was truely the one time I had ever been afraid of him. She ruffled my hair and moked some of his words from the movie version of the Phantom of the Opera. I told her it was stranger then I dreamt it. Especially when Lulu shared his "Don Juan Triumphant" with me and also when he told me about his Geass." She ducked her head under the water and swam towards the center of the bath tub where it was warmer. I followed quickly behind, and when we reached the center I asked her, "why are you acting like me all of a sudden? According to ou, I'm the one who's supposed to be 'emo' not you."
"I'm sorry," She said. "It's just that I've been exposed to the Geass personally, even though I don't exactly know what that is." "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Well after the night where I saw Lelouch and you in bed together, I went down to walk on the sea floor. You'd never believe it, but your brothers rescued me from an underwater volcano. Okay, Zero personally would have left me there to die on account of my having legs, but still your brothers came to save me." "My brothers?!" I cried. Oh no! Not good! Did this mean they knew I was a human now? "You didn't tell them anything about where I am did you!?" She assured me she didn't...not anymore then she had needed to. She said she only told them ath I had been taken by the phantom and that she had needed more information. She said they gave her a porfolio of stuff about Erik and his family trees and such. She said among the documents, she found a locket on a gold chain made out of a ruby with a mother -of-pearl fairy on the front and the lyrics from "Learn to be lonely" on the back of it. That it also had a picture of what she assumed to be a young Erik Legrange (the one before my lulu) and his family inside. She said that while she was researching, the locket fastened itself around her neck and wouldn't come off. Beats me why. She was unworhty of anything that belonged to Lelouch she was a wrech, and an annoying one at that. She said she called upon Jareth to have a look at it since the thing was fiary made. She told me that he took her to the Realm of Dreams to help me search for answers to my questions. That since she knew she wouldn't find Erik in the real world she would look for him in a place where anything was possible. How lovely. She said that she ended up there without a doubt, in a the graveyard wher Christina had gone to see her deceased father. She said Jareth hadn't turned up beside her, so she thought he had given her the 'slip'. She said she sat in silence until she heard a voice calling out to her, the "wandering child" what she thought was Erik's voice carressing her ears and had promised to heal the scares that my Lulu had left when I took me from her and Mat. She said when Jareth found her she was ascending some stairs to the mausoleum in front of her. She said they sort of had a romantic moment. And that in that moment a figure had dropped down from above them. She said she had pushed Jareth away, that she drew a sword, and she then engaged into a battle with the hooded figure.
Great so now she swordfights!? Mat was obviously behind it. He'd probably taught her. Not much, but probably a little if not a lot. She didn't go into details about the battle but she said the giure was then on top of her, ready to take his rapier and stab her heart and end her suffering (more like her pathetic life) when Jareth distracted him practiclly begging (in my opinon) for him not too. Damn! Why couldn't we kill her? "Erik's face was revealed when he turned to Jareth and barked at him to stay out of it. He leaned into my face and asked me what I was doing with his Majesty; he didn't recall me having any boyfriends before then. I told him, no swore to him, that upon my honor as his student, Jareth was engaged to another women. When I said these words, my romantic feelings for him, however weak they were, blew away in the winter wind." b***h he wouldn't be your teacher if you begged. He'd be annoyed with you no time flat. "Erik demanded of me the locket that I had discovered. He said it was the last thing his mother had given to him before she disappeared from his life forever. I felt such saddness and pity for this "phantom" figure that I embraced him as if he would shatter if I ever let go. Then..." I was curious. I had a feeling it was a trick. It might not of been Erik. "What? What did you do?" I asked. I had to know. "Do you really want to know?" she asked. I nodded. "I kissed him." I opened my mouth to say something, but she stopped me. "I didn't know it was Lelouch at the time. I wasn't thinking of anyone but myself when I did it, not Jareth, not Mat, not even you. Looking back on it, I feel selfish and shallow for having done such a thing." I was seething with anger. She'd kissed my Lulu! I didn't care if she didn't know it was him! She would pay! She was unworhty of him! I was more worthy then her! She was a wrench! A pathetic little nobody! She'd never be anything in this world but a little worm in the dirt! We rose to the surface, she was hanging her head. I swam over and put my hand on her shoulder. I wanted to strangle her for kissing my Lulu! She was guilty! I didnt' care if she didn't know it was him or not. "What happened after the kiss?" I asked. I was irritated. I'd slaughter her with my bare hands right now if I had too. I'd splater her blood everywhere. Just try to stop me Mat.
"Jareth took me back to the real world," She told me, "and he told me the story of how Lelouch came to his kingdom and he taught him the act of subduction." She said. I told her that was strange cause Lelouch told me the same thing when he was telling me about how he came upon his Geass. I didn't go into details though. "So, what exactly does the Geass do anyway?" She asked. "It gives him the power of absolute control over someone. His victim has to be in a certain range of sight, and that also counts on looking into a mirror to see behind him, and they have to be in direct eye contact with him. But also he can only issure commands verbally. He can force them to obey any command he issures if those conditions are met; he demonstrated it to me by ordering a bird to chirp a lullaby. The "power of the kings" is so powerful that his mask serves the dual purpose of both hiding his face and suppressing this power." She said after Jareth told his story she went on a quest to find the Spartan Cloak that Jareth wanted. On her ways she said the first day she met a man in the woods who had golden eyes. She said she had a feeling that she was missing something as she stared at him. She said he seemed to know about her dating hyadis, which she had taken for me, but she couldnt' remember who she'd taken it for at the time.
She said he pulled her in close to him and as he gave her information that would set her on teh right track, she got a good smell of his hand. She said 'smell' because of how strange its odor was apparently to her. She said it smelt like freshly mowed grass and rotting flesh. Sounded famliler. I knew why too. "Sounds like how Lelouch smells almost, except for the grass part." I said. "That's what I thought was strange too. It was like a mixture of old death and new life. I found out that he was neither alive, nore dead, but an immortal soul trapped in a human body. That's all I found out through because after he pointed me in the right direction, he jumped into the trees and disappeared." She continued on forever about how a few nights later she met him again ond the edge of Sunset Town. And told me how he told her that she wasn't using her powers to their full potential and also the birds told him that she was straying down a path that would lead her deepr into the darkness. She said that the barn owl, which she said meant Jareth, was especially worried about her because he feared a confrontation about a new information she would recieve. After she told him that he could thank Jareth for nothing, he told her to sleep on it and took his leave. Before he left the circle of flame though he told her his name "Phonix Rose" He sounded useful.
She told me what he looked like. Then she said she found out why she was forgetting me that night when she fell asleep. She said she dreamed about being in total darkness, all alone and folorn. That the grief in her heart moved her into song one about the endless night around her. She said she heard Erik's voice calling to her and she ran to embrace him, but when she put her arms around him, he did not embrace her back. She said she looked up and saw that it was Lelouch that held her in his arms! Of course he was going to make sure she'd never interfere with me and Lelouch's love again. So he erased her memories. She said he shrank away from him as he slandered her, about how easy she had been to fool (she was..silly nieve girl) and how willing she had been to let him cast his Geass on her. She said she braved him hitting her and pulling her hair, trying to hide her disgust at herself and also to show him she was stronger than him. Not likely. Lelouch was undefeatble. And in no way weak. She said that he used her to his own advantage and she had thrown all cation to the wind and let him just because of his eye color change. That was the only difference between Lelouch and his anscestor...there eye color.
The way she put it she was furious and full of rage towards him. Calling him a horrible person. I wanted to b***h slap her for saying that. she said he was horrible to spread throughout every fibre of her being. She said most of the time she could surpress her temper, but her anger felt so stronge and right that she let it spread through her whole body. Then she said she was towering over him when the anger was gone and she told him if she couldnt' remember her me in her mind, she would in her heart. So lame. She was patheitic. She said when she woke up she glimpsed her reflection, and that Erik was staring back at her, mask and everything. She tried it again, she said, and she said the successfully became the phantom. She passed the story telling to me. "The days passed like usual, Lelouch going out for a while or retreating into the solitude of his music, and me being left to my own deivces. One night though, I had a dream about killing Mat and then when I woke up, Lelouch actually asked me to do it. I felt obliged to obey him since I loved him and I knew it wouldn't be good to betray his trust. I went along the rooftops of Sunset Town, searching for Mat. I actually killed a couple of guys who asked me what I was doing; it felt good in the spur of the moment, feeling like I actually had power to rebel against the sex who had donw me wrong, but looking back on it, those men were mad martyrs to my wrath. My sething anger. They hadn't done anything to provoke me."
I told her after I ran around a little longer how I found Mat. And how he told me Lelouch was trying to brainwash me and that my hands were stained with blood from his (lelouch's) hands. I told her that I didn't believe Mat and tried to defend Lelouch's honor by engaging in battle with him (Mat). "You don't have to continue with that," She said. "Eventually, Aoi and I came onto the scene and I blasted you away from him with a ball of magic. I'm sorry again for doing that, but I didn't know it was you. The Geass command came into full affect the night I got my shapeshifting powers. When I tried to think about you as I fell back asleep, I found I could remember nothing abut you. When Lelouch said your name, I finally rememberd the mermaid princess you had once been, but I couldn't make the connection beween her and what you look like now." Exactly. Who I used to be. I was not that light, push over, hearbroken mermaid again. I had Lelouch. I wouldn't let boys push me around anymore. They'd done me wrong so I'd get even. But why couldn't I get even with Mat? Why was it I felt calm and trustive of him?
"Did you eventually remember me?" I asked. "Yes, but I think you forgot me in the same moment. Mat had gone off to train in the darkness and Flotsam had swum out to prevent me from forgetting you completely, on Phoenix's orders. Aoi picked up Mat's sword, which he had left for her to use along with his light magic, and said that you were lost to us forever. I didn't understand her,but Flotsam immediatly understood what she meant: you ahd forgotten about Mat and everyone who had caused you pain, but most imporantly me." You weren't the most important person I forget stupid. She said she grived along with the furious storm that came that day as the connection my old self and the new finally materialized. . At the end of the day, I was drained from the lack of food and sleep she had gotten that she fainted from fatigue on the boardwalk. She found out that Flosam when she woke up that she had caught a cold from being out in the rain all day."
Strange I thought Sea-witches and mermaid's couldnt' get colds. "I got all weepy and desperate after Lulu and I got back to his lair. The pain fo the hearbreak finally hit me and I wanted him to make it go away. After going out for some air, even though I didn't stay long because it was raining and Mat was out there, I had him cast a spell on my heart. just like you said, I forgot about you, Flotsam and Jetsam, all the boys who broke up with me or hurt me, my father, not to mention....Mat. Lulu warned me that the affect of the spell would be strong. It was so strong that after he performed it it left me in a coma a week after that." She stopped me. "Before you tell me what happened," She said. "Let me tell you waht happened with me. Flotsam brought me home to recover, and after a few days back to rest and rejuvenation, Jareth called me out to talk about my 16th birthday party. I brought him back to the grotto. Flotsam approached to show me the lotus blossom he had made. I judged it pretty good for ameteur work, considering he had never seen a lotus before. After calling Jetsam to my side, I crystalized it so it would never break or fade. Jetsam then doused the blossom with a potion that looked like callomine lotion and the lotuswent from a lifeless, black mass to a thriving flower with yellow petals with pink tips. Remembering who the blossom was for, Flotsam made it for you, we whispered 'Remember your friends.' into the petals."
It was the lotus I found in the pound when I was in the gardens. She'd made me start remember the things I didnt' want to remember. I was more angry now. Why'd she have to make me start remembering what I really didn't want to remember. Yes, Mat had finished the job, but she started it. GOD! "I actually remember that flower. I found it when Lelouch was taking me on a tour, or rather showing me, the garden outside of the operahouse. He took me to see the cherry blossoms, which I had never seen before then, and he planted another one of his beautiful kisses upon my lips. We had shared many before then, but that kiss felt particularly good because of where we were and also because my heart was under his influence (at my free will b***h)." I said. She just sat there listening. She was lucky she was still alive and that I hadn't killed her on the spot. "He let me near a pond with a waterfall while he went to see off to some important business elsewhere in the garden. I think to check on his roses, there his favorite. The blossom came floating up to me as I wad dipping my toes in the water. I picked it up, even though I didn't like lotus blossoms, because I wanted to show Lulu how pretty it was. When I leaned in to smell it again, I heard your and Flotsam and Jestom's voices say "Remember your friends" I continued. Then memories I didn't want to remember came slamming back into my head....weither I wanted them or not.
"Bits and pices of memories that Lulu had erased came back to me. I remembered my father, my break-up with Jordan, even you and Mat. I couldn't remember either of you completely, but I kept seeing things that reminded me of you throughout the rest of the day. When I asked Lulu about what I had remembered, I saw an expression I had never seen on his face before, complete and utter horror. He told me to forget about him mentioning Mat and to focus on getting used to being awake again. The next night, he asked me a question. He had known me for a while and he knew that he loved me, so he was curious about it." "What exactly was 'it', the question he asked I mean?" She asked. "He said he felt we were past the point of right or wrong and he had-" I said. "Wait!" She interupted. I wish she'd stop interupting me. It was rude and annoying. "I know what you're going to say. I'm hoping I don't sound prying when I say this, but I have one final question for you: Are you still a virgin?!" Why did she want to know? She had no right to know. She wasn't intitled to or anything. Weither I was still a virgin or not. I don't care if she was my friend or not. I'd shut her mouth for good. "Don't be silly! Of course I am," I said, brushing my wet hair out of my face. "Trust me. I was just as scared about seeing him like that as you are now. (and at the same time dazed and dazzled). Actually, I wanted someone to kill me before I died of fright and embarrassment, so no, I was actually more scared than you. Lulu calmed me down with his touch, and even though he undressed me before we got into our bed together, I felt completely calm. I felt as if I could melt into his felsh he was so warm. He wanted to take it slowly since we were both new to this whole 'sex' thing. I layed against his chest, as if I was alseep, and smiled." I told her. "You don't have to tell me anymore. His stargazer showed me everything. I saw you lying against him like that; him when he turned over so he was on top of you and the covers slipped down; I even heard you laughing." She said. "That all happened. I felt like I was going to pass out when he was on top of me like that. I was just about to when I heard someone ask, 'Lelouch, why?'"
She said that was Jareth asking why history had to choose that time, and Lelouch, and me as a women (hardly...still a teen here...young adult...not women), to repeat itself. I remembered Lelouch didn't let them see anymore; because he destroyed the link in our room that had somehow let them. "So my flash vision of you, Mat, and Felt and Jet watching me wasn't just a dream. I recall a similar crystal shattering from just inside our bedroom. Lulu spent the rest of the night comforting me and reassuring me that I was safe with him." I said. "your sure he didn't do anything else to you?" She said. I was annoyed why couldn't she just mind her own mother ******** buisness!? I didn't care if I had been friends with her before. It wasn't her buisness. I don't know why I had ever been friends with someone so annoying as her. "I'm still a virgin aren't I?" I said almost snapped. She smiled and grabbed her towel. "I'm glad we had this talk," She said. She got out of the tub and slid into her slippers. "We should do this more often. Do you remember what is always observed in a bathroom?" "Privacty?" I said I got out too and sat on the edge of the tub drying myself. She'd forget us ever taking a bath together again. I wasn't a lesbian. I didn't want to see her naked. Who would? "Exactly. What happens in here stays in here, and that goes for this conversation too. I swear upon my honor as your friend, and self-taught sea witch, that I will tell no one of what was exchanged between us. But..." she said. "But?" I said. What'd she want know!? "You ahve to promise to tell me if you have problems like this ever again." "Fair enough." I told her. Though I wasn't sure what problems I was supposed to tell her about. She didn't say another word and went to bed. Didn't bug me. She was out of my hair. I pulled on a silk pink nightgown that was strapless, and went downstairs in the living room to read with Mat and Aoi playing wii. Mat looked up when I entered, and I don't know what went through his mind when he saw me. But something was. He looked liked he'd had a heart attack in my opinion. I ignored his staring and went to read my book. One of my favorites intitled The Odyssey. As I was reading I felt Mat being half distracted by something. I had the book up to where it covered my face so I didn't see his face. I pecked over the top of my book and looked at him.
"Is there a reason you seem to be distracted, and why you keep staring at me!" I snapped at him. What was he looking at? Was something about my apperence appeling to him? He nodded his head 'no'. "Then stop staring!" I snapped turning back to my book. "Would you like to play some Mario Super Sluggers with me?" He asked. I noticed Aoi wasn't around now. I think she got iritatted with Mat getting distracted by me...or whatever it was. "What?" I asked. "Sumper Mario Sluggers. It's a baseball game. You wanna play?" He said. I think he forgot I didn't know what baseball was, or anything about sports because of me being a mermaid, and having no interest in sports. I gave him a dumbstuck look. He took my book and marked my place, then layed my book to the side. He took my hand and placed me in front of the tv. He explained how to play the game, and then we choose our teams. I nearly hit him with the remote when I swung to hit the ball in the game though. He complemented that. I hid my embaressment the best I could behind my hair. It didn't work to much though because my hair was silver pink would show through that. I finally lost though. By the end of the game he'd beaten me by 2 points. I still kicked his a** on Mario Kart Wii though, just hand me peach, and a motercycle that's pink and I'll kick your a** (my alternive characters were Roasaline, and Baby Peach). I grabbed my book off the couch and got ready to go up to bed. Mat was going to take a shower before he went to sleep though. I went into my room and layed my book on the bedside table. I climbed into the bed and the minute my head hit the pillow, despite the sound of the water running in the bathroom, I fell asleep in no time.
The next day past a little fast. I didn't feel all that good, but that just passed a little because they couldn't really tell because my skin was so pale. They did notice I was a little slow paced though (I was slow in responding to them and more). I did nap most of the day to. I think that started raising concernes. As if it was bad enough that Ana was being nosiy. I got this nagging feeling that Mat was wondering, as well as Ana, if I was falling into a depression or something. I told them I didn't sleep well last night so they wouldn't be so concerned...I think they still were though. I didn't eat much, and if I was in the living room with Mat he didn't focus on his game to much. I finally got him to leave me alone and go outside and practice with his sword. Ana finally caught on that she was probably better off to leave me alone, so she Flosom, and Jesom went somewhere else. I took another nap. When I woke up again it was because Mat was waking me up for dinner. I kept refusing food and drink though. He just didn't really seem to want to give up though. I kept a pillow over my head too, lights were bothering my head, and even the smallest sound hurt my head. I think someone, most likely Mat, thought I fell asleep (for like the 6th time that day) at some point, because I felt him put a blanket over me. I finally got board with the napping and took the pillow of my head and sat up. My head got dizzy where I moved a little quick though. Mat was coming downstairs with a telescope, and smiled at me. "Good, your awake." He said. "What's with the telescope?" I asked. "Come on, I'm going to go show you something....magical...beautiful, whatever you want to call it." He said. I got up and followed. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Star gazing?" He said.

To be continued in Chapter 54...