Chapter 1- Phone Call
~kringg~ ~kringg~ Sound of the phone call was heard that morning, everything else was silent, Then along came the sound of running steps from the wooden floor boards... "Uhmm...who is this?" Asked Clay as he picked up the phone... "THIS IS WAR!!!" shouted the caller! "Wut teh??? if this is a prank call im gonna trace you and kill you scream !!!" "Chill dude, this is The King's Guard, War, and the King needs you here" "Oh..."said Clay in a faint voice.. "Tell the King to buy his own towel neutral " "No, its not about that..it is something 'important' " replied War... "Yeah sure whatever... im coming" A faint smile showed on his face as he put the phone in place, but clearly showing that he have something troubling his head. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked to his cabinet where he would put anything in it, but rarely taking anything out. He reached in, trying to feel something, the dust dirtied his hands as he takes his hand out holding a small rectangular box with a flower carving. He opens it, showing a sad dark face. He's hands were shaking as he grasped a small sword handle out. He was staring at it blankly for a long moment until he got up, placing the handle in his bag. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clay went outside to get his bike... The sun was scorching, it would likely start a forest fire in the spot. Checking the tank, Clay exclaimed. "crap, im out of fuel... the gas station is like 80 miles from here..." He lives in a house far away from the City, very far, like... from Japan to Taiwan..yes..that far xd . Etherion was a vast place, and there isnt so much inhabitants. Nations were built and Regions were organized, rule by the strongest of the Region. Clay started walking, bringing the stuff he needed, and his WatchPhone. "Man... it would take me years to get there without fuel in my bike...Well i might meet someone along the way with fuel in his Raptor twisted " So he decided to talk his bike with him...LOL...it is like...800 pounds without the Sprint Booster... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds of loud crashes was heard along with the ugly irritating grunts of the Wolfhogs... these creatures has the appearance of both Wolf and a Warthog. These were savage creatures that can grow up to 8 feet tall. They hunt in packs and stay in deserts where their main hunt was found trolling in...humans. These beast learned the human speech and can speak up to 30 languages...including Latin. They like chasing their tails... and Raptor tail-lights. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WolfHogs..." Clay assumed "There must be someone else here... it's my chance to get some fuel twisted " Clay chuckled, not caring about the person who was about to get eaten. As he was walking, pushing his big bike, the group of WolfHogs he was thinking about spotted him, not too far from where he was standing. "That would be a good catch, Sir Linus" said one. "You definitely know my taste Denver" Exclaimed the White Furred WolfHog as he raised his Axe. "He will be our dinner for the night".
To be continued... twisted