Here are some more roleplay characters i made!
Name: Alex
Age: 17
Name: Catty
Age: 16
Element: Electricity

⌘Experiment 8
⌘She is sometimes quiet and doesn’t say much but when you get her going, she talks like there’s no tomorrow. She’s pretty intelligent, and can be sarcastic and witty around enemies and people who annoy her. To the experiments she is kind and sometimes gentle with the younger ones.
⌘Death, drowning (but she’ll swim), and being captured again.
⌘The experiments, flying, and making people laugh.
⌘Scientists, hunters, and pepper.
⌘Never too late
⌘She can also shift parts of her body, for example she can make dragon wings sprout out of her back and claws out of her fingers, but remain in human form. She can also breathe fire, but is still working on that power.
⌘Don’t under estimate her form.
Name: Alex
Age: 17

Name: Catty
Age: 16
Element: Electricity

⌘Experiment 8
⌘She is sometimes quiet and doesn’t say much but when you get her going, she talks like there’s no tomorrow. She’s pretty intelligent, and can be sarcastic and witty around enemies and people who annoy her. To the experiments she is kind and sometimes gentle with the younger ones.
⌘Death, drowning (but she’ll swim), and being captured again.
⌘The experiments, flying, and making people laugh.
⌘Scientists, hunters, and pepper.
⌘Never too late
⌘She can also shift parts of her body, for example she can make dragon wings sprout out of her back and claws out of her fingers, but remain in human form. She can also breathe fire, but is still working on that power.
⌘Don’t under estimate her form.