CODE NAME: Eclipse
NAME: Monako Sunen
RACE: Feral
FAMILY: The Sunen Clan ( This clan is known to trun into Panthers or wolfs but can trun back into humans they hate most vampires and have a horbblie past with them when one of the clan memebers was killed they toke it very badly to the point were all of them would kill anyone as a vampire besides Monako who was understanding about it and simpley left the clan to start a new life.)
PERSONALITY: nice somewhat silly and acts very diffent depending on who shes with has a strong meaning of right or wrong and is very understanding. Very lazy injoys drawing talking hates house work.
LIKES: anything liveing thats not evil the full moon sunlight wepones animals
DISLIKES: Some vampires............... know it alls, working, being telled what to do being, hated being the kind of person she would hate. Hates Ignorants
CLASS: Cruiser
TYPE: Shadow dancer
Strength ****
Power: ***
Speed: ** **
Agility: **** **
Skill: ******** **
SKILLS: All forms of combat, all forms of science,all forms of forestry and river fareing, all forms of food preperation, all forms of cultivations, and telepathic and a very fast learner
FAMILY SKILLS: Hunting Cleaning Fishing Fighting
Soul Take: the Rube apone her head will gowl red and has the power to use anyone she wishis but can not kill them once she useis this move.
Copy: can copy any magic move and any type of weapon.
Flash Step: Can move so fast if needed to the point were it doest look like moveing almost like disappering but takes alot and will become tierd.
Not very strong form, but very fast with good eye sight and hearing. This form posesses ravor sharp hook-like claws that can cut deep and inflict massive damage, as well as fanged jaws that can cause nasty bites. Taking this form instantly causes all attacks that are aimed for the head of her humanoid form to miss and protects her from Back Attacks, because she can hear the enemy no matter where they are as long as they are in the same sector and can see the movement of enemies with level 7 speed. But this form is also light and enables her to be thrown far easily. On the other hand it enables her to do a longjump across 3 zones. This form is also very good for climbing trees and stuff. When in this form, loud noise can scare her off for a while.
Strength **
Speed: ***
Agility: ****
Skill: ********
Not as fast as the panther, or good with claw attacks, but it's more agile, has a bite that can crush bones, and a very good sense of hearing and smell. In this form, being blinded will not slow her down in the least. She can use her sense of smell to trace her enemy's every movement and she can heare where her opponant is, even if they leave the sector. But loud noise really hurts her bad. This form is heavier than the panther and makes it to where she can't be thrown far or climb. Taking this form also makes attacks aimed at the head of her humanoid form miss.
Strength **
Speed: **
Agility: *****
Skill: ********
A form that Monako cannot help taking on a full moon. In this form, she is heals incredibly fast and is stronger, faster, and much more powerful, brimming with lunar energy. But, silver disrupts her power, rendering her incapible of healing. like the wolf she has exceptional hearing and smell. But loud noise also hurts her too. this form is heavy and makes it to where she can't be thrown far This form is sluggish in two legs, but on all fours she can run with level 3 speed and is very hard to stop and can run over or tackle her opponant. This form can also do a long jump from the
Strength *****
Power: *****
Speed: *** **
Agility: **** **
Skill: ******** **