Did anybody think that you would really seriously slit your wrists
In fact I think that everybody thinks you're seriously full of s**t...
The U.S sucks,I hear people say all the time.Yes it can suck balls sometimes,but if you don't like it here WHY THE ******** DID YOUR FAMILY COME IN THE FIRST PLACE,Oh yea Jobs! thats right.If you wanna go back to where ever your people are from then just buy a plan ticket back.
~Females of today~
I can't stand Hoe's like that,Ok wow your pretty you don't have to keep askin people "Am i pretty?"if YOU think YOUR pretty then thats all that matters,you should hae to rely on someone elses thought about you.Oh and just because you may/or maybe not pretty don't give you the right to talk about some else behinde their back.People like that make me sick to my ******** stomach.You weren't put on this earth just so people could admire you.Females should stop using their bodies to get what they want and use their inteligence.Females get judged as whores/sluts by just relying on there bodies and phsyical features.You atract the wrong kind of attention by doing that.
~Emo kids~
Ok People say that Emo kids belong in the Hospital and that they are crazy and just begging for attention.
Well Begging for attention maybe true but they are not crazy.They just can't handle the real world and think they can escape and hide somewhere.You hae to deal with your problems!Cutting yourself won't solve thing,you just scaring up your body hopin someone comes along o hold you and tell you everything it fine...well I guess what YOUR DEAD WRONG!

~Females of today~
I can't stand Hoe's like that,Ok wow your pretty you don't have to keep askin people "Am i pretty?"if YOU think YOUR pretty then thats all that matters,you should hae to rely on someone elses thought about you.Oh and just because you may/or maybe not pretty don't give you the right to talk about some else behinde their back.People like that make me sick to my ******** stomach.You weren't put on this earth just so people could admire you.Females should stop using their bodies to get what they want and use their inteligence.Females get judged as whores/sluts by just relying on there bodies and phsyical features.You atract the wrong kind of attention by doing that.
~Emo kids~
Ok People say that Emo kids belong in the Hospital and that they are crazy and just begging for attention.
Well Begging for attention maybe true but they are not crazy.They just can't handle the real world and think they can escape and hide somewhere.You hae to deal with your problems!Cutting yourself won't solve thing,you just scaring up your body hopin someone comes along o hold you and tell you everything it fine...well I guess what YOUR DEAD WRONG!

You think you're saying something relevant as you connect the dots
You never realized you have to get in line to suck a c**k
Msi-You'll rebel to anything(As long at it's not Challenging)