Age: 25
Race: Cat demon
Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Bio: Lien-hua was born in a coastal area of northeast China. Since she was a little girl, she always believed that she didn't belong with her family, though they loved her dearly. When she reached sixteen, her mother explained to her why. When her mother was young, she had been seduced by a demon, and became pregnant with Lien-hua. She told her husband immediately, and instead of casting her out or making her abort the baby, he comforted her and told her she could keep it.
Upon hearing this, Lien-hua's ears and tail appeared, as if a seal had been broken. However, this news and the new appendages frightened and upset her. She went off to search for her sire, eventually accepting what she was as she got older.
When she turned 21, She had a run-in with a dragon named Keung, who took an interest in her, and decided to accompany her. Though she was confused about the dragon's intentions, she let him join her. From then until present, they've grown very close, and she trusts him completely now, thinking of him as her best friend
Dragon's name is: Keung