Lelouch bent over me his arms at my sides like he were blocking me from moving. I also realized that his legs were on the side of mine. He had me pinned. I felt the blush building in my cheeks. They were getting warmer. "Your blushing." He said. "Because you have me pinned down." I pointed out. He leaned in and kissed me. "You blush so easily. It doesn't take much." He laughed. He moved to where he was laying next to me. "I would turn over and look at you...but I'm stiff as hell." I said. "I can fix that." He said. He sat up and lifted me up with him. He started streaching my arms and legs, moving them around to help get the feeling back in them. It hurt a little. It felt like my legs would snap off. I ached. Slowly it went away though. "Better?" He asked. "Very." I said. I did feel relaxed. "Good." He said. I had almost forgot what I was going to ask him though. "Lelouch, how long have I been asleep?" I asked. He looked at me. "You were in a coma for a week." He said, feeling my cheek. I felt like I could have a heart attack right now. A week! I'd been out of it for a week? What the hell caused me to fall into a coma. Then it kinda slapt me in the face. I had asked Lelouch to make me forget something...but I couldn't remember what. But it was something or someone I had wanted to forget...so I didn't think to much on it. But a week asleep...in a coma wasn't very good. It hit more like a heart attack hitting me.
"Maybe we should get something on your stomach. You haven't eatten in a week." He said. I was hungry, but I felt more tierd then hungry. "Then you can take a bath on your own." He added. I blushed. "What?!" I said. Had he bathed me and seen me naked while I was asleep?! OH ********! "No, no. Not what your thinking. Knowing your a mermaid all I had to do was place your foot in the water and you changed. I washed you as best I could." He said. Then he'd cleaned me under my...mermaid bra?! OH GOD! "No." He said, as if he knew what I was thinking. "I didn't clean you there not wanting to violate your privacy." Oh." I said. Phew! Close one! That would of been humiliating and disturbing. I loved him. But I'm not sure I would let him bath me...or see me naked. Yet. Unless we had sex one day. Highly doubting it though. I was lost in my thoughts I didn't notice him leave and then come back with a little food. "Eat." He said, placing a bit of egg in my mouth. It was good. I was just really tiered and out of it. And a week asleep you wouldn't think you'd be tierd. "Still tierd?" He asked. "Yes." I guess nothing escaped him. After I ate I climbed out of bed and went to go bath myself. Lelouch went to go work on his music. I hoped that the water would help stop the numbness in my body. Water had always been soothing to me. And as I placed my foot in the water, sure enough there was my tail. It felt strange having my tail again. I was so used to the feeling of legs now, it felt strange having a tail right now.
When I was done I went back to sleep collapseing on the bed, and not bothering to pull the covers over me I was so tierd. Lelouch woke me up later and said it might help me feel better if I got a little air. I was dressed already so I just followed him. He helped me through the debry of the abandoned opera house (apparently remembering my clumsenis as a human). He led me to a gardan. It seemed to be experiancing all the four sesons all at once in diffrent sections of the garden so that all the kinds of trees and flowers could grow all at once. And then I caught the sent of my favortie tree....the Cherry Blossoms. The Cherry Blossom trees that had not only the sweetest smell but also the pretiest flowers adoren them. The Cherry Blossoms I loved so much. I learned that in some place called China the Cherry Blossom symbolizes feminine beauty, the feminine principle, or love in the language of herbs. In Japan Cherry Blossoms also symbolize clouds due to their nature of blooming en masse, besides being an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cutural tradition that is often associated with Buddistic influence, and which is embodied in the concept of mono no aware. The association of the cherry blossom with mono no aware dated back to the 18th-centry scholar Motoori Norinaga. The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beaty and quick death, ahs often been associated with mortality; for this reason (it is said), Cherry Blossoms are richly symbolic, and have been utilized often in Japanese art, manga, anime and film, as well as at musical performances of ambient effect.
In World War II, apparently, the Cherry Blossom was used to motivate and/or manipulate the Japanese people, to stoke nationalism and militarism among the populace. Japanese piliots would pain them on teh sides of their planes before embarking on a suicide mission, or even take branches of the trees with them on their missions. A Cherry Blossom painted on the side of the bomber symbolized the intensity and ephemerality of life; in this way, the aesthetic associateion was altered such that falling cherry petals came to represent the sacrifice of youth in suicide missions to honor the emperor. The government even encouraged the people to believe that the sould of killed warriors were reincarnated in the blossoms. In the Cherry Blossoms colonial enterprises, imperial Japan often planted cherry trees as a meons of "claiming occupied territory as Japanese space." For this reason, the symbolic import o the cherry trees is quite different in Korea, where the trees are Seoul's Gyeongbok Palace were cut down to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of liberation of Janese colonial rule. Cherry blossoms, from my understanding, were supposed to be a, as the Japanese/Chinese called it "omen" of good fortune/luck and is also an emblem of love, affection and represens spring. Cherry Blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the fleeting nature of life, and as such are frequently depicted in art. The english term "Sakura" meant Cherry Blossoms, and Sakura also is the equivalent of the Japanese flowering cherry. I loved this tree and it's blossoming flowers of cherry sent. I took in it's sent as I stood at Lelouch's side. Of all the trees and flowers in this garden I liked this sent the most.
Lelouch was watching me, chuckling a little at my reaction. I knew he was cause he was holding my hand, and I could feel him shacking a little from laughter. My nose was the only sense I was using at the moment and suddenly my head jerked to the right, and I saw the Cherry Blossoms. And Lelouch would swear to this day my face lite up with so much color that day when I saw them. I had never seen one in person. I'd seen pictures and smelt it through my shampoo, but never had I seen one in person. I forgot his hand and mine were linked together and dragged him to go get a closer look at the Blossoming Cherry Tree. This portion of the garden was experiencing spring. And though the roses, and those flowers were beautiful I really liked the Cherry Blossom's. As to Lelouch he sat down in the grass and looked at me admiring the Cherry Blossoms. It was just me and him. But I heard the distinct sound of what sounded like a waterfall. Waterfall in a garden by an Opera House. It sounded pretty far fetched to me. "Is there a waterfall nearby?" I asked out of curiousidy. He strode over to me. "Yes." He said. This garden was full of Cherry Blossoms, I realized, as he lead me towards the sound of the fall. It got louder as we approched. Then I saw it, and it was beautiful. The magic infused sunlight hit the water and reflected it beautifuly. And there was a rainbow. It was like something from a fairy tale. The wind blew a gentle breeze and the petals from the Blossoms came off the tree and blew onto the water.

The wind blew again and more petals from the blossoms floted down from the air and into the water. They looked like really small pink lilly pads. Just then I noticed a lotus blossom on its pad flouting towards me, as I stood up to go sit under the Blossoms. The petals were rounded with fine points, braching otu from the center in a six turn symmetry, the center curved slightly inward at just the right angle, flouting on a little lilly pad, which made it look so adorable and cute. The center sprialed skyward, and the petals were yellow with pink tips. Lotus' weren't my favoirte flower. of the flowers I liked roses. But above all I really enjoyed the Sakura tree. Still bearfoot, my feet on the bear ground I bent down to pick it up. I didn't really understand why it was floting towards me like this. Its like I was a magnite pulling it in. It was pretty. I didn't like the petals because of the color though. It still smelt nice though. I lifted it from the water, and smelt it again. I feddled with the petals a little. They were smooth. It had a sort of silky touch. Where was Lelouch. I wanted to show this to him. I looked at my reflection in the water. How I appeared beautiful to Lelouch was a bit of a wonder. When I lend my nose down to smell it again, I heard 3 distenct voices. Two males, one girl. The girls voice familer. The males to a point; not so much. "Remember your friends." They said. Remember you- I let out a shrik of agony. My head hurt. I dropped the flower and heard it plop back into the water, and saw it float away. My hand trembling, it flew up to my temples. I was blinded by the pain in my head, and very dizzy. I was seeing flashing images in my head. They were images of people I knew or I might have known. I saw a girl. She had blue hair back in a braid, next to her were two humans that had green bodies and tails. They were laughing. They faded as the next image forced it's way into my head.

Everything just made no sense. Who where these people. How did I know them? Had I ever known them? When? Where? How? The visions fadded out for now but my head was throbbing in so much pain. Oh god! Where was Lelouch. I needed his support. I was going to collapse any minute now. I was suprised I was still standing at all. My knees were buckling down on me though. Every inch of me had been weak. I had to ease the pain till Lelouch got back. WATER! Water always made me feel calm when I was hurting. As I bent over to splash my face with the cold water, hoping to ease my pain, my legs caved and I fell in. I did feel a lot better. The pain was numbing. But I wasn't changing back into a mermaid, I quickly realized. I saw something swiming towards me under the water. I couldn't tell who or what it was, but it looked like it, whatever it was, wanted to help. It took it's arms around me, and swame for the surface with me in there arms. I was losing conciounes from lack of air. I was obviously becoming human more and more each day. This made me fear I was losing my mermaid form for good. I didn't want that to happen. As this person or whatever pulled me to the surface, I looked at him/her....it...with confused eyes. Who was this person...or thing.
I felt the air smack my face as we came to the surface. By which time the pain began to creep up again though not very fast. I coughed up water and gasped for air. As I tried to open my eyes enough to see the person that had helped me, I realized they (he/she) were gone. "MELISSA!" I heard Lelouch's alurt, and franticly worried voice say. Though I was losing conciousness I could see his face. "Melissa? Melissa, answer me! What happened?!" He asked. He picked me up. "Melissa." Through my gaspes I managed to say a little bit before I faded into unconciousness. "Lo-Lotus...Remember your friends..."

To be continued in Chapter 47...