There he ran, frantic, frantic towards her,
Frantic towards the one he loved,
He yelled out into the rain, into the storm,
As she walked further and further away,
He ran fast as he could as the tears streamed down his face,
His love was furthering away from him,
And his world seemed to crash all around him,
The rain, poured upon him hiding his tears,
There she was and he had caught up,
“Wait; please don’t go, there’s something now,
That you ought to know,
I love you deeply, my heart is true,
I’m broken now; I'm lost without you,
I need you by my side today,
Please, oh please don’t walk away!”
He pleaded to her for her to stay, and still she had to walk away,
He reached out and touched her hand, and she turned around,
With a look of demand,
You could see the hurt in her eyes,
And the death looming over him by her surprise,
He looked into those brilliant hazels eyes as the tears fell,
And he beckoned to her for he was in hell,
“Please, don’t leave me, I need you hear,
I want you now, can’t you see that dear?
I would walk through seas of broken glass,
I would stand as a million demons whipped me,
Ripping my skin with a slash,
I would fill a river with these tears I cry,
Please don’t leave me, for I think I will die.”
She looked into his eyes, and saw his heart broke,
His soul was in a strangle hold and was starting to choke,
She saw his tear drops through the darkness through the rain,
She was that he was in insurmountable pain,
He got down on bended knees, and there again he started to plea,
“Please don’t ignore, can’t you see, can’t you tell,
My heart has cast me into the deepest hell,
I need you, I want you, oh can’t you see,
I’m willing to give up all dreams and desires,
Just to put out this burning heart fire,
It’s not of a good one, the pleasant disease,
It’s a torturous yearning; it cuts at my sleeves,
Please take my hand, so I can call you mine,
If you want me, please, just give me a sign,
A hope a prayer is all I want,
You’re my only desire; no it’s not a front.
There he looked up, pleading and broke,
As his heart tensed up and he started to choke,
The love he felt for her was so pure and so true,
That at some points he felt like a fool,
His love was so deep and so full of passion,
That when she was gone, he never saw the sun,
She was his light, his hope in the rain,
He wanted her by his side, an angel to gain,
He looked up for hope deep within her eyes,
As he saw a tear, she started to cry,
He stood before her and gave her cheek a kiss, and he turned around,
And spoke one last so she could hear his one last sound,
“I love you so very deep and so very true,
The only thing in life, which I want, is you,
You’re everything I need to keep me awake,
And without you my tears could fill a lake,
But I’m not deserving of such and angel fair,
Your stunning eyes, your long flowing hair,
I wish that you were mine, and nothing more,
It would be like a fairy tale, of old forgotten lore,
But sometimes wishes they just don’t come true,
I’m not good enough, but ill leave that to you,
My hand is still yours, as well as my heart, my soul,
For without you I’m like a bottomless hole,
So please take a minute, to think things through,
And know as you ponder, that I love you. “
He stood, awaiting, her answer for a few,
As the rain poured down, hindering his view,
Nothing but wind and thunder strokes here and there,
And silence behind him, he could feel her stare,
He lowered his head, and he took a step off,
Waiting for her hand to grab his, and feel her embrace oh so soft….
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You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
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