I originally have my thoughts on a writing site called Booksie. But because not, I am showing it here: Junior Speaks on "A Night In Space"
Main question, how do I feel about this? First, for all of the people that are actually reading this I thank you for tuning in. You made my day. But back to the focus question. Answer is, I don't know. I was kind of hoping that other people could give me feedback first. But then I said nah, let me give in my input.
It was actually kind of weird how I kept doing this, because I don't get many views or looks because I don't have any sound or vocals added to them. Just pen and paper or a computer with me. Microsoft Word is the best I can do. Strange thing is I'm not even college yet, and I can rhyme pretty decently. I'm nowhere near the best, or can even dream about that title yet, but I'm going to get there. As for the standing of the pamphlet, it seems like a good collection. I was kind of "iffy" about the whole creating a pamphlet idea because I didn't know if people would care or not. Then I thought about, does people even care about my rhymes in the first place? So I went full throttle with the idea. I honestly don't think it's a bad one either.
I guess another question I may need to address is the reason why I called my collection A Night In Space. Other than the fact that it just sounds cool and everyone is hopping on the band wagon of wanting to go out into space an freeing their mind and stuff, I wanted to stay close at home. So close that I stayed in my mind, and brought it out to the open, if that makes sense. A Night In Space is suppose to represent the unconscious area in your mind that's been floating around with thoughts and ideas that never came out. And for me, rapping was one. It sounded silly at first, like one of those dreams you wish you can do in your life. But then I realized, you don't need to be famous. And I really don't care if I ever am. It's a hobby for me. I want to be a Graphic Designer. This is just a side thing I do other than basketball. Also, I decided to call it A Night In Space because it never shines there. Just your ideas floating around, no interruptions and no pressure. No glares and no interferences. It's just there.
And so, the art I picked out for it was from a person on Aviary nicknamed "tdq11 (http://aviary.com/redir?http://aviary.com/artists/tdq11)." The art was so vicious, like a 2D nighttime you would be in a dream. So I used that artwork, and he has a bunch more that I like, but the one I chose was the best overall.
Well, I guess that's about it. Be on the look out for the next volume soon.
Album Cover:
