She landed on her feet gently, gracefully, and unharmed. Her hair had changed to a gray/white and lavenders sort of color, and her eyes changed to red to match. They were staring at each other. He definitely knew something was wrong. Melissa reached and pulled the dagger out from under her dress. This seemingly frightened Mat. “Melissa...” He said. “Don’t take it personal, Mat...” she said. “But it seems Lelouch finds you to be an obstacle...and thus he wishes for you be eliminated.” “Why are you doing this?” He asked. “I told you...you an obstacle to Lelouch.” She said. “But to you...” He said. “I mean...do you want me dead? Do you even want to kill me?” Mat noticed she was thinking. “If you don’t want to kill me then why are you here to. Just because Lelouch wants you to kill me! Because he wants me dead!” Mat exclaimed. “What the hell did he do to you! Is he controlling you or something!? Brainwashed you!? Or is it because you feel obliged to obey his orders?!” I would dare him to speak of me that way. He didn’t even know me. “Don’t talk about him that way.” Melissa told him. “You don’t even know him! You don’t understand his past! THE PAST THAT’S MADE HIM THE WAY HE IS! A SAINT! A GOD LIVING AMONGST MORTALS! AN ANGEL! THE ONE WHO AS PASSED THE TESTS OF THIS SINFUL WORLD!” I could hear her voice betraying her. She was crying for me. “A saint! YOU THINK HE’S A SAINT! Melissa, if he were a saint he wouldn’t do this or make you or anyone else do this kind of stuff!” Mat exclaimed. “You wouldn’t know a saint if one came and b***h slapped you across the ******** face!” She yelled. She then bent into a crouch position as to attack. “Please, Melissa! Think about what your doing!” he exclaimed. “What’s there to think about!?” She cried. “I have my orders from Lelouch and I’m here to obey them!”
“But it’s not what YOU want!” Mat cried. “No it’s not! But it’s what LELOUCH wants” “How am I even an obstacle?” He asked. “You’re a poison aiming to destroy mine and his love!” She yelled back. “That’s the bull he’s got you believing! That’s what you think!” He yelled. “Melissa, I’m trying to save you! He doesn’t love you! He’s in love with your singing voice...and your kindness to him even though he’s a monster! He’s made you a prisoner to his madness! A damsel in destress!” Mat exclaimed. This was all lies. I was not a monster. And I had not made her a prisoner or damsel in destress! I was not a madman!

“Where in the world did you get ‘lulu’ from?” Mat asked. Ana laughed. “I get it. Think about his name. Lelouch. It sounds like ‘lu’ at the beginning giving you ‘lulu’. It’s her little nickname or pet name for him.” Ana said. “Whatever it is! He’s going to hand Melissa over without a fight. She doesn’t need this darkness inside her heart! She’s coming with us!” I ignored them completely. I leaned down next to Melissa, and sweeped her off of her feet and into my arms. I kissed her gently on the forehead, and saw Mat growl and clutch a fist. He was jealous. Heh! I smiled wickedly and he saw it. “Are you ok, Mel?” I asked. Calling her by one of her nicknames. Actually it was Mat’s nickname for her, which only made him angrier because I was calling her that when it was his name for her. She held her wrist tightly. “No....it hurts.” She looked up at me. I was still taking in her appearance. They’d torn Melissa to shreds with there cruelty...the light. I held her closer. Aoi threw Mat his sword, and he held it ready to fight. “I’ll fix it. I’ll make it all better.” I whispered in her ear softly. I turned to leave. “Where do you think your going, Phantom!” Mat yelled. “We have a score to settle! Hand her over! She doesn’t need you. Or darkness in her heart! Your killing her by doing this!” I laughed at him. “Another time, boy!” “COWARD!” Mat yelled as my angel and I vanished into thin air. We reappeared in our place again. I sat Melissa down in a chair, and got some bandages. I grabbed a few cleaning utensils for wounds, and then sat and started to work on her wrist “Ow!” She squealed, like a mouse, as I cleaned it. “Sorry.” I said. I was a little disappointed. Mat was still alive, and my angel was hurt. My anger seethed more as I thought about the pain they had caused her. “I tried.” She said. “I know. But it’s a lot harder now...he’s got two people to fight with him. No...he’s got five people helping him.” I said wrapping the bandages around her wrist. “Thanks.” She said when I was done. I kissed her lips gently.
I left her be. She needed to be alone. I went back to the drawing room to my music. I heard her go to change cloths and change back lay down on the bed. A few minutes later I heard her get up and go to the closet. I decided to check on her. Restlessness was not good for her right now. She really just needed to sleep. Forget all this pain she was in. “Going somewhere?” I asked her when I reached the bedroom door. “To get some air.” She said. “I wont’ be long.” I could tell what she was thinking. No. WHO...she was thinking about. “Forget about him, Melissa. It’s better to forget. He didn’t care about you.” I said. “If you used your Geass on me we wuldn’t have to worry about that would we?” He said. I got stiff. “I was only joking.” She said. “Take your time.” I said as she walked past me. She was sulking. “I will.” She replied as she vanished into the shadows. Hopefully Mat wouldn’t find her why she was out. I sat working on my 'Don Juan Triumphant' again. I almost forgot Melissa had left. I was only half focused though. My angel was hurting. And all because of that blue haired a** Mat. He would not be forgiven by me. Melissa was in pain because of him and his little friend Ana. Now I would take care of him myself as not to put my angel in harms way again. Then the sound of my name being shouted was heared. Melissa was back. Already! But she'd only been gone for at least 10 minutes. "Lelouch! Lelouch!" She cried. I turned to face her in my seat, but seeing her crying I rose in concern. "Melissa, is something wro-" I said. I was cut off when she rushed into my arms, and nearly knocked me off my feet. She hid herself in my arms. I wrapped my arms around her. I was a little confused. Why was she upset and crying?
All I could do for now was confort her so I could find out what was wrong. "Shh..." I told her, petting her head. "Make it stop! Make it go away!" She cried, sinking to her feet. Make what stop? Make what go away? I bent down next to her, and picked her up. I cradled her like a baby in my arms and kissed her. "Why does the angel weep? The angel shouldn't weep it's wrong." I said. And it was true. An angel shouldn't weep. She should smile. She should sing, and be happy. Happy she had the one she loved there holding her. "This so called angel saw that b*****d that cheated on me with that slut walking along the beach shore! That b*****d who lied to me! Toyed with my emotions! Lied to me by kissing me, and saying he loved me! Cared about me! ALL LIES!" She weeped. I knew who she meant. She meant Jordan. He was another one I would have to take care of. "It isn't fair! I did nothing wrong! I ONLY WANTED LOVE! TO BE LOVED!" "I love you." I whispered to her. I think it made her feel a little better when I said that, but unfortantly it wasn't enough to stop her glisaning tears. I sat down with her in my arms. She hid her face in my chest. I think she was a little ashamed of crying in front of me. I didn't mind. I just didn't like to see her cry. It was wrong for an angel so pure and innocent to. I wouldn't sleep tonight. I was upset to see my angel so hurt as she was. And not sleeping was not unusual for me. There were nights I stayed up till the sun rose. But tonight was for a different reason. I wanted to make sure my angel was ok...so I would confort her till she felt better. I'd always be there for her. I pet her head, strocked her hair, and whispered sweet, loving words in her ears for hours. This soon turned into the whole night.

But then I abrubtly came to a halt, when I saw someone's arms wrap around my neck as in the embrace fashion. I stared up to see my angel was the one who's arms were around me. I took her hand, and placed it on my cheek, holding it close and felt the warmth it radiated. It felt so nice, and I closed my eyes for a minute. "Does my Lady of the Moon feel any better?" I asked. She heaved a sigh, and I opened my eyes. "I love you." I told her. She smiled a little weakly in responce. "Why do the angel's fo the light moke us? Shun us?" She asked. "They're not angel's there demons! There's nothing angelic about them. they shun us because we do no wrong, and they want to hurt us. They think there supirior to us." I told her. "Shun the demon's." She said. I stared at her, and smiled. I stroked her cheek. "Yes..." I said. I rose, and held her close to me, tenderly in my arms. I was not violent...and I was not a bad person. I was gentle...despite my sometimes violent nature. "Lelouch, you didn't sleep well last night?" She asked. She must of noticed that I was tierd. Heh. Nothing escapes her does it? "I was upset to see you were upset last night. It kept me awake." I said. She blushed a little. "I'm fine now." She was liying. She wasn't fine. She was still hurting. "Maybe you should go lie down and rest. I'll be fine." I didn't argue though. She took my hand and led me to our room. I was little puzzled really. "Your hurt yet you don't want me to worry?" I asked her. "No. I just don't want you to forget to take care of yourself because of me." She said.
Perhaps this was hwo a mother would act sometimes. I wouldn't know though. I had never had a mother. My mother had never even deserved the title of "mother" in her life. A mother wouldn't abandon her child. She pulled the velvet covers over me, and she kissed me gently. "You sure your alright?" I asked her. "Yes." She said. She was a very bad liyer. "Just get some sleep." I closed my eyes and fell asleep slowly as I heard Melissa's singing voice. A lullaby that her mom had sang to her as a child.
Dancing Bears
Painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song...
Someone sings...
Once Upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory....
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory
Far away
Long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things that yern to remember
And a song...
Someone sings...
Once upon a December
I dreamt about my mermaid as I slept. She was sitting under cherry blossom's waiting for me. When I came towards her Mat showed up and we engaged in battle for her love. Though he had had skill I beat him, and took Melissa in my arms. Mat tried to tell Melissa I was not what I had made her belive but she didn't believe him. I woke up then and saw Melissa coming out of the bathroom in a new outfit. I sat up and stared at her. I think I knew what she wanted. "I want you to make me to forget." She said. I was right. She wanted to forget her pains. I sighed. "Not using my geass." I said. "But I can make you forget. A simple spell." "Whatever it takes. I just want all the heartache to go away." She said. "It'll be a bit painful though. And I don't want to see you in pain." I said. "what is painful about forgetting what you want to forget?" She asked. "It's not that. It's the way the spell takes away your memories you wish to forget." I said. I didn't want to use this spell on her. I wouldn't use my Geass. And I didn't want to use that spell on her. "I'm listening." She said. "The spell attacks your heart and mind...wher the memories are at. Where it affects you most. It literaly tears at the tow, brain and heart, eatting the cells and/or anyting that retains that memory or memories you wish to forget. Sometiems the pain is too much, and causes a person to need hospitalization...or unconiouness for a few days. Maybe a small period in a coma." I explained. "I'd take that just to forget." She said. I looked at her. She was lying again. She had a fear of hospitals. And she knew a coma was like a state of death...but actually a state of sleep. She was afraid of death...so coma didn't sound much better to her either. I think she would take any kind of pain just to forget her heartache's and those who caused them.
I knew she wouldn't give in. She was a stubborn girl. But a cute one. She had a heart that would not be tamed. Once she made up her mind she didn't change it to easily. "Just the heartaches?" I asked. "Anything and/or anyone that's caused me pain." She said. I heaved a sigh. "Lay down." I instruced. "You'll be in a bit, if not a lot, of pain. So it's best you be laying down when this is done." She strolled over to the bed. I swept her off her feet and layed her down, pulling the covers over her. "Close your eyes and try not to think about it. It'll be over fast." I said. She did as I instructed. "Realx." I told her. I placed my hand over her chest where her heart would be. I was hesitant though. I wasn't sure if I could do this. "Go on." She said. I started speaking an incantation. My hands glowed with an electriacal current that entered Melissa's body thorough her chest, as if just passing through air or something. She was starting to feel the pain. She started to jerk around. She was in the pain. I was tempted to break the spell and stop there. I couldn't bear to see her in pain. "Melissa..." I said. I don't think she heard me. "Lelouch, it hurts! IT HURTS! LELOUCH!" She yelled. I couldn't do this. Not when she was in pain. But then I thought. I could make her forget Anastasia...and...MAT! Erase them from her mind. She said to erase and make her forget anyone that had caused her pain. Mat had. "Mat, you've lost." I said. Finally she stopped jerkeing around in pain. I'd erased all things that could of caused her pain. Except for her mother. I could never take that memory from her. Melissa and her mother had been close...and losing her had caused her extreme pain. But I wouldn't take that from her. Never. I'd made her forget her father though. Everyone else in her family besides him had caused her no pain. But mostly I'd made her forget Ana....and Mat. "Melissa?" I asked her. She seemed to hesitate. I thought she was unconcious. "L-lelouch?" She answered. But then she fell into uncnciousness. Through out it all I'd learned everything about her. Seeing things of her past in my head. Some things I wish never happened to her....and others I just couldn't believe. I would help heal my angel's wonds though.

To be continued in Chapter 44...