Name someone with brown eyes, (not including yourself) jasmine
Can you remember who texted you last without checking? my MOTHER
Do you know what the message was about? she told me she was coming to pick me up in 20 minutes
When was the last time you danced? ...when the sped up happy music came on in 'phantom reviews' at jasmine's house
What's the last piece of jewellry you bought? HUGE silver hoop earrings
What's the last thing you drew on yourself or someone else? i drew a heart and a teardrop on nikki's face
Do you have a passion for anything? music and singing
Do you know what your next injection will be? what?
When's the last time you had fried eggs? uh... i don't really remember as i don't like fried eggs that much
Does anyone call you darling? If so who? uh... no
Do you know what hyperbole means? yes, yes, i do, i do!
Have you found your Romeo, or Juliet? i don't know...
If not do you think you ever will? i don't know... i love a guy who can sing, but no guys i know have the balls to sing with me.
If you could give advice to one famous person who would you choose? Michael Crawford (if you're wondering why his name is correctly capitalized unlike the rest of my profile, its because Michael Crawford commands divine respect)
What would you say to them? And why? i'd tell him it was in his best interest to sleep with me. because he's unbelievably handsome.
Do you like sugar with your tea? yes, yes i do. yum.
If you had to have a cartoon character tattooed to you what would it be? how about Erik? (see above note on Michael Crawford) there is a cartoon version of phantom of the opera, made in 1987
You have to dye your hair two colours, what do you choose? b-b-but i like my hair... i guess i'd dye it black with a blue tint
Ever bought shoelaces? yes. twice.
Are you thirsty? kind of...
What is the advert on this page advertising? uh, there's no ad. it says advertisement, but there's nothing there
Is it distracting at all? not in the slightest. now if it was that godforsaken 17 again ad.....
Do you like speedboats? no
Ever had something stolen? If so what? yeah, a book
If you had to destroy one photo that is on display in your house...
...which one would you choose? And why? hmm... my recent skool picture (i look so bad)
Would you call shopping a therapy? no, but it's fun (if i'm at hot topic)
What's one thing you'd like to know about your future? if i'll get into Julliard and get to sing
If you could would you look at your future self? yeah, to make sure i don't become a whore or a stoner or anything
Would you look at yourself when you were younger? maybeh
If the above question was actually possible what advice would you give, or what would you say to your younger self? start shopping at hot topic now instead of building up a pile of shirts that you wear when you're little that are destined for goodwill at this very moment!
You get on a bus, do you choose to sit on the left or right? the left.
Front middle or back of the bus? back
Do you hate it when people play their music too loud? yes!!!!!!! urg!!! i hate rap and country music so much...
If you could have anything to eat and drink what would it be? japanese food and diet pepsi
Any famous last words? daaaaamn you allll to hell
~ Your Favorite... ~
movie? phantom of the opera (1925 silent movie)
tv show? .....i don't really watch much tv these days...odd.
ice-cream flavour? ooh, definitely mint chocolate chip
band/solo artist? Michael Crawford
animal? i like siamese cats
actor? Michael Crawford
actress? Sarah Brightman (see above above note on capitalization)
comedian? dane cook
tv channel? i like the animal planet, they have kitty cat shows
radio station? i don't listen to the radio anymore
colour? i like purple!
instrument? my voice... oh, okay, the organ or the violin
food? mmmmm sushi
school subject? lunch! (only joking,
~Would you Rather.....~
Would you rather kiss a Jonas Brother or win a million dollars? win the million, definitely. the jonas brothers disgust me.
..... have t.p. on your shoe or snort milk out of your nose? the milk
..... have your crush ask you out or become popular? for my crush to ask me out (not that i have one...)
.. have a trillion$ shopping spree or live in a mansion? the shopping spree, definitely. hot topic here i come!
... get pantsed or walk into a plate glass door in front of your fav celeb? plate glass door.
... live in Austrailia or Europe? europe!
... attempt to dive: execute a belly flop or have food in ur teeth all day? belly flop.
... become famous or stay the way u r? become famous
accidentally call ur least favorite teacher 'mom' or trip in hall? trip. it's not a huge deal.
... be the brains or beauty? uh...brains.
... play hide and seek or tag? hide and seek. i'm a terrible runner
Unleash a long, loud, disruptive burp in class or get a really bad hair cut? hair cut. hair grows.
... have your own t.v. show or record deal? definitely the record deal..
.... have your skirt being tucked up, not down or have bird poop on you? bird poop, cause it didn't say where. according to me, it's on the bottom of my shoe.
... be popular or have the best personality? personality
Coming to an end....
Did u like this? kinda. the questions went downhill.
What was your favorite part? when it ended
Fav question? i like ice cream
~random stuff~
How may relationships have you been in? 1 in real life. didn't last long at all. and now i'm sad...
Have you ever been kissed in the rain? no...
How many states have you lived in?What states? erm... i think i've only ever lived in california.
Have you ever locked yourself out of the house? no, actually, because our garage is one of those ones where you punch in a code if you don't have an opener and it lets you in. useful.
Do you have a crush at this moment? no
Are you tired of these questions? they just went kind of uphill, so no.
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