From Axel to Roxas
Axel and I were in math class on Monday and we got suuuuper bored, so we wrote a note, and I just thought it was so hilarious, so I decided to post it as a Journal entry. (Please note that I did note change any of the spelling) (Please also note that Axel was also writing notes to Saix and Sora at the same time, so her spelling and grammar is off. She was the only one I was writing to, so my grammar will be noticabely better)(Please also also note that Saix's real name is Josh)(Please also also also note that there are references to Axel and Roxas's "children" and to a doujin called "SERVED" by ladychimera on DeviantArt)(And lastly, please also also also also note that Axel's real name IS "Caitlyn" and her username is Gin Xyria)
Me: Why did you die, Axel?? Whyyyy!?
Axel: IDK to save your worthless a**
Me: Correction...Sora's worthless a**. Me no Sora.
Axel: Your in him he dies you die get it?
Me: I'm IN him?! O.O
Axel: You Idiot not that way!
Me: "Kairi's inside of me?!" Like that?
Axel: What the no ok he is part of you
Me: Or am I part of HIM?! O.O
Axel: Both ya'll are part of each other
Me: "Ya'll?!" when did you turn hick?! o.e
Axel: It's a diesese kickyness! fear the hickness
(At this point Axel starting talking to Sora and Saix and said "Youse" a couple of times)
Me: "Hickyness??" Gross. "Youse?!" creepy...RAWR ;D
Axel: Uhh! hick zombie power you will become one of us! Don't touch Pet Josh
Me: But Saix-Puppy needs to be petted! D:
Axel: Nooo! Stop now
Me: "That was the gayest thing I've ever seen!" "Squee~! heart " "That was NOT A COMPLEMENT!!"
Axel: There, There I hide you from the evil Larxine
Me: : O You mispelled "Larxene"!! She gonna get you!!
Axel: I know Ill pour water on her "Zap"
Me: We should have one named Axis~! (I lost Roxel at the grocery store! D; )
Axel: No kids! I have no kids
Me: : O Yes you do! Now I have to go tell Roxel you're not his daddy...as soon as I find him...I think Xigbar may be the father...You didn't hear/read that!
Axel: WTF I don't care who yo baby's daddy is!
Me: Maybe we should rename him...Maybe Xigxas, or Roxar...
Axel: WTF I like Xigxas
Me: No! We shall name him BOB!!
Axel: Why?
Me: Because Bob is awesome!
Axel: OK new subject
Me: Or Steve...How 'Bout Gin Xyria?!
Axel: No then it be a girl
Me: Says who? : )
Axel: cause its my Name tu madre
Me: No...then it's be named "Caitlyn"
Community Member
Looking forward to seeing your beautiful child by the way. ;O