Could anyone really blame me though. Anyone would feel scared wouldn’t they. I wasn’t a bad person. I was just lonely. I was good at heart. I was not a monster. “I hid from the world in the abandoned Opera House It was going to be home. As I ran in the Opera House many things happened at once.” I told her. “When I entered the house that once held beautiful music I…felt…a great sense of welcome. Home, warmth….darkness!” I stressed the last word of my sentence again. Darkness, despite it’s damp, cool, frighting appearance it was very warm, and welcoming. It was home. “I tripped over some rubble as I ran, and cut myself on some glass. The glass, I realized, had been part of a chandler that had apparently been sent crashing to the ground age’s ago. I saw a black mask laying on the ground, and felt I knew who it belonged to some someone I was very close to.” To Melissa this would sound like I was describing that I was directly related to the ORIGINAL Phantom of the Opera. Could you really be so surprised. As similar as he and I were it was very likely wasn’t it? “Then I had remembered what was on the locket I had Jareth decipher for me. I pulled it out of my pocket, and looked at it. Reading what it said now that I could read.” I said. “And what did it say?” Melissa asked. She was very patient with me. Something I was glad about. Though she felt she shouldn’t of asked me this I didn’t mind….not really anyways. I heaved a sigh. I rose, and strolled over to the curtain with the maniquen of Melissa in the wedding dress and stared at the replica of the radiant beauty in the chair at the piano. She was mine. “It said…
Child of the wilderness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely.
Learn to find you way in darkness.
Who will be there for you?
Comfort and care for you?
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion
Never dream that out in the world,
There are arms to hold you
You’ve always known your heart was on it’s own
So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone
Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived, life can be loved, alone
I glanced over my shoulder and saw a tear escape the corner of her eye. In ways I felt it meant me and her. But we had each other so I was finding that damn inscription to be a lie right now. “I cried,” I told her continuing with my story. “I wondered around the Opera till I fell through an old trap door, and came upon this place where we are now.” Then Melissa realized I was related to the original phantom. She realized the story of Christina, all of it had happened. The book by Gaston Leroux told the story of my ultimate forebear as it actually happened. “As I looked around I felt the feeling of welcoming, warmth, home, and darkness again…and it felt stronger. Like the mask I felt like this place had belonged to someone I knew (but never meet), and was close to.” I said. “But there was no one around but me. But the feeling stayed. Jareth found me…as I worked on feeling at home, which wasn’t to hard. He knew what had happened (why did he keep such a vigilant eye on me I will never truly know or understand) He knew I wasn’t going back with him so he said. “‘Erik…” I told him to call me Lelouch so he tried again and said ‘Lelouch…it’s time you knew the origins of your family. You’ve heard of the legend that happened her right? The stories of Christina Daa’e, Rhoul De Changy, and Erik…the Phantom of the Opera?”

“I wanted to change that.” I said coming to the end of my story. “I would be the mastermind behind it all. Why did I resort to violence? Destruction only calls for more hate and sorrow. War…terrorism…it’s a cycle of hatred and pain that repeats itself. It’s a senseless game of cat and mouse. That is why someone has to stop the cycle. And that’s you. I’m not that arrogant. I just want a world with no war, where no one loses their dear ones…But…that’s why…I’m going to crush those who hurt me, anyone I care about, or tries to make war. I’ll tell you something, though. You can only shoot…if your prepared to be shot.” These last words had stuck with Melissa forever. It had moved her. She new it was true. If anyone stopped to think about it they would realize it.

“My Geass,” I said. “Grants me ‘the power of absolute obedience,’ allowing me to plant commands within a person’s mind upon eye contact which they will obey without question…or hesitation. Activation of my Geass is visually represented by the manifestation of a Geass sigil in my left eye. Commands dictated in this state are written into the minds of the designated targets once the sigil projects from my eye to theirs.” Melissa was following my words…I could tell. “I could initially toggle Geass activation at will, but subsequently lose this control. I can use a contacts lens that blocks my Geass, but indicates that my Geass will eventually grow powerful enough to render it ineffective.” I said. “Of all the Geass abilities, I have explored the most, and also seem to have the most restrictions and side effects of any Geass yet introduced to the world.” She was staring at me. “Yes, my Geass has many restrictions and limits.” I told her. “Like? I don’t understand how. What kind of limits?” She asked. I turned to face her taking my eyes off of the mannequin. “…Commands must be issued verbally,” I said diving into my long list of my Geass’ weakness’. “…The victim must make direct eye contact for commands to be issued. The maximum distance is 270 meters. Line of sight via a reflective surface is sufficient for the effect to occur.” This list was long…and at times could seem endless to anyone who knew about my powers and it’s limits. “Commands may be issued only once to any given individual, but any number of commands may be issued at initial application so long as eye contact is unbroken. Since some Geass abilities can cancel negates all Geass effects, those exposed to it may be commanded once again.” I explained. “The victim will not person an action disallowed by their physical or mental capabilities, though they will try to carry out the command to the best of their ability. For example, a victim will not be able to correctly answer a question they don’t know the answer to, but will direct the user to someone who can if they are able. However, commands that affect the mind or consciousness, such a telling the victim to forget something, will take effect despite the fact that the victim could not normally force themselves to do so.”

She was a very good listener though patience wasn’t her strong suit. “So long as the listed conditions are met, commands may be issued to anybody (including the user him or herself) besides those who have gained the power of immortality and to any number of individual at once. Those under the effect of Geass have a red outline on their irises, presumably a visual cue for the showing it’s in affect since its never really pointed out.” In the end despite my Geass’ limits and restrictions I had the power to change the world. To stop the terrisom…war. I could change how people were judged…by their color of skin, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I could make the world better. Rebuild it. But it would take time…it’s not easy to change. “Will you demonstrate your power for me?” Melissa asked me. I stared at her as if she were insane. Was she wanting me to use my Geass on her? Why? Or did she just want to see it performed in person to understand more clearly what it looked like…how it worked? “Yes.” I told her. I laid my mask to the side, and left the room for a moment. I roamed around the room I went into for a moment until I found what I was looking for: a sheet over a bird cage and a bird in it. I walked back into the room where she was at, and placed the cage on the piano top. I held my figure out for the bird and placed it on an unlit candle. Melissa watched carefully as my left eye turned red, and the Geass sigil appeared. “I, Erik (Lelouch) Phoenix Legrange order you! You can chirp a lullaby!” I ordered the bird.

To be continued in chapter 43...