Race: Human, angel...
origan: She was born on the north star when it was above St. Louis, the place of her true friends, the ones she first would meet at least.
wepons: 8 Angelic Knives, with 2 demonic, and 10 normal kuni knives. Along with a kryhstle sword, some thing harder than dimond, and deflects angelic, and some demonic attacks.
Ocupation: Just a rurouni friend ( wandering friend) and sometimes will do jobs for hire.
powers: She controls air, wather it blows as wind, or she stops air from being around some1, ( yes they would die from not breathing, usally)
pets: A giant white hawk named Yasha. But yasha isn't always with her. She is mostly protecting the Angelic Castle...

please note, I did not create this charter in the picture above, and the info was made up by me for role plays...
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