RE-DO (((this is lame!)))
The room was dark and suffocating. I couldn't see much of what I was doing.
There was a stool that stood in the middle of the room, and tied to the ceiling was a rope.
I stood on the stool taking the rope in my hand. I ran my fingers through the big loop at the end.
I felt the texture on the rope. It was rough but small. But it was a sturdy rope and it would get the job done. I slipped the rope around my head bringing it down around my neck.
I then tightened the rope around my neck blocking my air way. I can feel my self losing oxygen already.
Just to get over it. I kicked the stool out from underneath me leaving there to dangle. I can feel the rope closing on my air way tighter and tighter. I kicked and tussled.
Right there and then I had regret kicking the stool away.
I thought this death would be a less painful one, well less painful compare to the others I heard about. I thought this death would be easier. But I was wrong.
Not wanting to go further with the suicide I tried crying and screaming for help. But my pleading and cries were muffled by the rope closing onto my air way.
If I could do this again, it would be different. If I can Redo all of this, I would. Death is not what I wanted after all.
*~ here is the second part to Redo! (((i know really lame this one too. im just so bored at work!)))~*
I awoke to a bright light that was shinning radiantly into my eyes.
"Where am I?" I asked when I realized I was no longer in the dark suffocating room.
All around were tall trees that were breathing, they were lushes and a beautiful deep green. Weird I thought to my self. In front of me there was a brown desk, that had tiny little angels carved into the crescent. The angels looked as if they could dance. It was a decent size desk you could find in a corporate room. But it was carved as if it were a masterpiece.
"Hello anyone here?" I asked, approaching the desk. I peered over the desk to see if anyone was behind it. No one.
"Where the heck is everyone?" I shouted impatiently.
"Hello Serena" A voice spoke from behind me.
I wheeled my self around to see a woman.
"Who are you?" I asked a bit startled, by the sudden encounter
"I'm carol." She smiled. She had the most beautiful features a human could ever desire. she had pale skin that looked so fragile, that if she were to step into the sun she would burn into ashes. She had dark honey brown hair that flowed gracefully down to her waist. And she had beautiful big green eyes. If she could stare right through you, she would. But the thing that made her look so kind and made her look exquisite was her soft lushes red lips.It made her look inhuman.
"What am I doing here?" I asked wanting to get some answers.
"At the moment lets put that off to the side and chat a little." She smiled. "So Serena I hear you try to-" I cut in before she could finish speaking.
"How do you know my name?" I asked creep out by this woman, even if she was beautiful.
"I know everything there is to know about you?" She said with confidence.
"What are you some like adult stalker?" I asked. This situation was getting creepier and creepier with the second.
"No" she said offended "I am your Guardian Angel."
"Guardian Angel? Are you serious?" I said angry for her thinking I was stupid.
"Yeah. Is that a problem?" She asked
I didn't take my eyes off Carol. Something was strange here and totally wrong. I wanted to know what her reasons for speaking with me was, and I also wanted to know where the heck I was.
"Look Serena I know this is all strange for you. I understand, but can you let me explain my story?" She looked at me with her piercing green eyes.
"I guess I really dont have a choice right?" I rolled my eyes at her.
"Great!" she said excitedly. She clapped her hand and out of thin air appeared a couch.
"Whoa how did you do that?" I asked in both awe and terror.
"Oh that was simple magic, anyone can do that" she shrugged it off. "Now sit down" she demanded.
Not wanting to wast time being here any longer, I did what she had told me.
"Ok so what is this so called thing you want to tell me?" I asked when she made no attempt to start speaking.
"Ok what ever I tell you Serena, you mustn't tell people. It would be too bizarre to them, and it could put you in danger."
"In danger? Like death?" I asked wondering what she had meant.
"Oh no. Far worse from that." She said getting a small laugh out.
"Far worse then death? What can possibly be far worse the death?" I asked waving my hands in the air.
"Well at the moment how do you feel?" she asked still staring at me.
"Fine. Why do you ask?" I said not sure where this was going.
"Well see, your fine. and plus your already dead, you can't die again." She said making no sense to me.
"How can I possibly be dead?" I asked thinking this was way to strange.
"You hung yourself. And no one was around to save you" She said repeating the scene that had just happen the night before.
"What? I'm really dead? Then where the heck am I?" I asked wishing this was just a horrible nightmare.
"This is the Gateway to the after life" Carol explained "When people commit suicide, instead of going to heaven, or hell. They come here for a test. If they pass the test they can go to heaven. If not, well you know the rest." Carol got up from the couch and headed over to the desk.
"What?" Was all I could say, I was in to much shock.
"Wait there is more" Carol said turning around to face me.
"What!?! Why does there have to be more?" I asked throwing a little fit.
"Just be quiet and listen." She snapped at me.
"Fine" I muttered in defeat.
*The story begins*
There is Heaven and Hell. Then there is the Gateway to the afterlife. The gateway to the afterlife is the middle barrier in which, Guardian Angels are located. Every once in a while we get adults, and kids of all ages walking pass the Gateway. Many going to Heaven others going to Hell. But rarely do we have people who walk in here and join the Guardian Angels. See the Guardian Angels. Protect the Gateway to Heaven, Making sure creatures that arent welcome cannot cross. But there are the Dark Angels that wish to destroy us. Everyone couple hundred years, a human being comes into our mist, and wounds themselves here. They become what is known as the seeker. Dark Angels can summon up evil spirits. Evil spirits can take a humans body and control it as their slave. They often make the body they "borrowed" commit suicide so they can wind up in here. They want to destroy heaven, so it doesn't exist. But Guardian Angels are suppose to stop them. Often times there are to many of the Evil spirits lurking around, and its just too many for us to handle. So we came up with the idea of the seeker. The seeker, is a spirit, but not completely dead. They can travel in both worlds. The spirit world and the human world. Its the same with the evil spirits. Since the the Guardian Angels and the Dark Angels can't cross over to the human side, we need the help of the Seekers. The Seeker is suppose prevent the evil spirit from ever coming in contact with a human. We cant let them take a human and come to the Gateway to the afterlife. So the Seeker must either kill them, with salt, or the Holy water. There are only Two seekers at one time. One has to be a girl, and the other a guy. The guy and the girl must be able to work with each other as one. The reason why it must be a girl and a guy, is because once they become a team, once they become partners communication between them would be easier. Although often time they dont become anything more then just friends, or co-workers. Also another thing to remember is that the Seeker can only come to the spirit world when an Guardian Angel summons them. But other than that, the Seekers are on their own. The good part of being a Seeker is that you have the ability to sense when an evil spirit is lurking around. But as far as that go, your going to have to fight with your own hands, and strengths. You as Seekers are the only ones that can see or sense the evil spirits. You cannot let humans know of their existent or yours. And lastly, I must warn you. Once your a Seeker, there is no getting out of it. Once a seeker always a seeker.
*End of story*
When Carol was done explaining the story about the life of a Seeker, I didnt know what to think of it.
"Serena are you ok?" She asked cocking an eye at me
"Yeah" I nodded. "Carol, when you said you were my Guardian Angel. What did that mean?" I asked not knowing where she fit in all of this.
"Each Seeker has their own Guardian Angel, I will be your mentor through all this, And answer any questions when you need the answer. But I cant cross over to the human side, so I can only watch over you from the spirit world. Also I can only talk to you when I summon you, so try to do things on your own" She reply.
"Wait! So your telling me that I am a Seeker? But I'm dead!" I said wanting to get my point across.
"Well, when I said you were dead, I think I had stretched it just a little bit. Your body is still back in your room. Your parents found you unconscious on the floor. Your hanging by a thread, and each minute your staying here asking questions, your life slipping. When you walked into the Gateway to the Afterlife. I felt your presence it was pure and strong. I knew you would be able to help us. So since your going to help us, I will now send you back to your life." Carol said fading off and out of sight.
"Wait" I tired calling out for her. I didn't want to take the role as Seeker. But before I can shout that across, I was wide awake in my room.
"Serena thank heavens your alive" My mom reached out giving me a hug.
That couldn't have been a dream. Could it?
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I believe in Jesus Christ,my Savior.If you do too,and arent scared to admit it,then copy and paste this into your sig!
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

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