We got to the bus just as the other ones were pulling out. We walked on the bus out of breath but glad we made it. There was barely anyone on there. Then again, there isn't that much people up here in the mountains who live in Fresno.
We sat in the 5th seat on the right in silence...awkward silence. I had to break it. I hate silence out of no where,"So, are you excited?"
"For what?"
"This." I answered.
"Well..." he shrugged.
"Well?" I said. I don't know how he could not be excited about this. He just found out there was such things as aliens, that the Doctor is one, there is an awesome robot dog in existence before the technology is even real yet, what more could he want?
We sat in that silence for the rest of the bus ride there, that silence I hate. I thought about mom, dad, and my sisters. Even though I was almost perfectly positive that I would make it out of this, but what if I didn't? I couldn't bare the feeling how my family would feel, not knowing how or what happened. I'm helping some people I barely even know...at all. Is that why Austin is nervous?
About an hour later, after all those stop lights and bad traffic, the bus stopped about a block from the Sheriffs Department,"All right," the bus driver said,"that's as far as I'm going."
I looked at Austin, he had fallen asleep,"Austin! Wake up!" He wouldn't wake,"AUSTIN!" Still no budge. I took my book I had been reading on the way. It was Eclipse, third book of the Twilight Saga, so it was pretty big. I hit him in the shoulder,"SHERLOCK! WAKE UP!" Finally he woke. My friend, Sierra, calls him Sherlock sometimes because he started wearing a long jacket with a hat that looks a lot like Sherlock Holmes. Sierra does the weirdest things sometimes.
We got off the bus...well Austin stumbled off the bus...while saying thanks to the driver. We walked out into the cold, bright city and watched as the bus drove away,"Lets go." I said and we started the walk down the block. Austin was still half asleep, he looked like a zombie as we walked. I could see our breath in the cold air. By the time we reached the end of the block he was wide awake. We could see Sarah Janes car in the parking lot behind the Sheriffs Department. We saw the others around the car waiting for us. We quickened our pace.
"Ah! You made it!" the Doctor exclaimed as everybody else turned around to face us,"How was the ride?"
"Long,"I answered.
"Well," Sarah Jane started," What are we here for, whats the plan?"
"I have no clue." he answered.
"What?" Clyde asked him. Sarah Jane grins,"He seems to make it up as he goes."
"That's great." Maria said sarcastically.
The Doctor smiles,"Lets go!"
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Around the Worlds
First few entries are archives from the journal I posted before I...yeah, can't talk about that. Once the archives are complete I will begin posting new entries.
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