Auuuugh XD I got my eyes on a cool avatar, but alas, money does not come easy XD

Total Value: 33,755 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Tribal Torso Tattoo
Black Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
Black Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Outlaw Biker Pants - Coal
International Gasmask (Anarchy)
Seeeeeeeee? How's a person like me to get my hands on enough for this crap? XD Maybe I'll just buy some Gaia Cash after I check where I stand with money issues.
That crap aside, I sit here hoping those damn flying cows of Camelot don't eat me... ::Shivers:: HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THEY CAN DO?!

Total Value: 33,755 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Tribal Torso Tattoo
Black Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
Black Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Outlaw Biker Pants - Coal
International Gasmask (Anarchy)
Seeeeeeeee? How's a person like me to get my hands on enough for this crap? XD Maybe I'll just buy some Gaia Cash after I check where I stand with money issues.
That crap aside, I sit here hoping those damn flying cows of Camelot don't eat me... ::Shivers:: HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THEY CAN DO?!