Hiei stared angrily at Nakari, who by the way was now doubling over in pain from laughing so hard. Steaming silently, he brushed off a few peices of the cup that had stuck to his hair. " Damn you ..you..stupid kitsune ..baka onna...." After a moment or two of streams of curse words running through the demon's mind, he then suddenly remembered what the HELL just happened. " No..." Turning his head over his shoulder his crimson eyes widen as he sees he beloved barely breathing behind him. " No.." He whispered to himself once more. Her eyes were still closed and her breathing was still shallow. but unknowst to most of the others, Sakura's injuries were NOT from the fight with Mishka. The young Dragon Master was going through pains that rivaled the very harshness of Hell; and it all came from within her own body. Complex stuff this is....
Hiei stared at his lover and very hesitantely crept over to her side and parted the hair from her face." Sakura...." As he said her name all the things came back to him, all the things that had happened to him and to her ..came flooding back into his mind like a whirl of wind in a storm....
She said she'd marry me..
She told me she loved me..
She came to my side when I was hurt...She is nearly....nearly..
Hiei stopped, he couldn't bear to think those words, the words that scared him and made the hair of the back of his neck stand on end out of fear.
" DAMMIT, WHY??!!!" His voice echoed off of the walls of the apartment, the others stared at him with confused looking stares.
Seriously, who wouldn't? The guy just said.." DAMMIT, WHY?" I mean, what the hell right?
Rei was the first to ask what was going through everybody's minds...with a emotionless stare she spoke to Hiei. " What the hell are you yelling about, you big doofus?" Hiei didn't care what anyone said to him then, only one thing mattered..ONLY ONE THING.
He stared back at her with cold empty eyes and at the moment seemed to bare fangs. His crimson eyes slowly turned to Sakura, his eyes then flared with pain. Rei saw Hiei's sudden change, and snickered. She stood with her hands on her hips and laughed. " HA!! Oh, I get it you're worried about Sakura huh? Well, it's your own damn fault! " She said rather bluntly, her cold stare never wavering. " SHe came into that fight because YOU couldn't keep going on by yourself, you were down and she came to save you. Whick by the way, was MAJORLY predictable."
Nakari, who was standing next to the couch where Sakura laid, still as stone.
"Uh guys... "
No one heard the fox demoness since at that moment Hiei and Rei werehaving a " face-off"
" YOU b***h!" Hiei yelled, getting up into Rei's face. points: 1
" uhhhhhhh Guys..seriosuly..." Nakari said slightly louder this time.
" YOU ARE STUPID! YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT THIS WHOLE THING WAS MY FAULT!!?? " Hiei glared back at the skunk demon. " You didn't do anything might I add..you good for nothing a**..." Points: 3
" HA! That's funny, you actually think I care huh...well..your an a** MONKEY!!"
points: 3
" GUYS FREAKING COME OVER HERE!!!" Nakari yelled, but it didn't matter, Hiei and Rei ahad gotten into such the fight that they were collecting all of the attention.
Everyone finally stopped and turned slowy to look at Nakari.
Hiei's face went pale as he saw his lover was indeed stone still.
Nakari nodded her head and sighed." You guys were so ******** loud ..geezz.."
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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I think that I am going to try to get us at school again...I have ideas..HAHAH twisted
OH! I need to get the persocom thing into the story...eeeeeeeehhhhhh that and my brother...haheha 4laugh mrgreen
ideas welcome 4laugh