I would be right here where you need me. Anytime just believe, and I would be right here. If you need a friend, someone to care and understand….I’ll be right here. All you would have to do was call my name…no matter how close or far away we were. Ask me once, and I would come running. And when I can’t be with you…only had to dream me near. Keep me in your heart and I’ll appear. All you have to do is turn around, close your eyes, and look inside yourself. I’m right here my angel. I’m ready to go wherever your at. ANYWHERE, I’ll be there. I’d be here when you needed me. Mat and Ana, many time that day, tried to get Melissa to open the door to her room. And though they never even yelled at her to come out or made threats Melissa was getting annoyed with them. Mat in particular for some unknown reason to me. But it became more clear as the day went on. Even if they weren’t yelling at her Melissa got so irritated it sounded like they were yelling at her. Disturbing her peace. She enjoyed snapping at them too. When they were at the door together sometimes the most. Mat in particular. He was of the sex that she felt so much hatred to right now she particularly seemed to enjoy snapping at him. I found this amusing.
At one point in the day when they came banging at her door again Anastasia said. “Melissa, come out. PLEASE!” She was practically begging. Melissa was looking in her mirror…and was pissed off. She looked like she wanted to slam her fist into the mirror, and shatter it. She was pissed at Ana for one and wanted to take her anger out on the mirror. But I also sensed she felt disgusted with her appearance. Thinking she wasn’t beautiful. Like that girl in the mirror….was a beast. OH ANGEL NO! You were not what you thought you were. You were a saint! An angel band from heaven for some unknown reason to suffer on earth until you could find love restoring your hurt soul. You were, and are a radiant beauty. You gave a new definition to the word beautiful. DO NOT SHUN YOURSELF ANGEL! YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH! YOU ARE SUPIRIOR TO ALL THESE MORTALS! I wanted to cry. I didn’t want my angel to be like this: Disgusted with herself…shunning herself. “Yeah, Melissa. You’ve been in there all day. We’re starting to worry about you.” I heard Mat say. Melissa seemed to have a clear picture of them behind that door in her head clearly. In her eyes she seemed to think they were on the verge of tears at seeing her so hurt….so isolated from them and the world. She seemed to laugh slightly at the thought. She moved over to her desk again to work. “Melissa, is this because of Jordan hurting you?” Ana asked her. This was the wrong thing to say. I could tell Mat and Ana had jumped from fright at this point because of Melissa’s reaction (Mat fell down the stairs from it actually. HA! LOSER!) as she banged her fist as hard as she could on the desk. It sounded like a cannon going off.
“I WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!” Melissa yelled. “Melissa, come on, you need to see a doctor!” Mat said. He was trying to pry the door open. Which to Melissa sounded like he was banging on it….irritating her. That twit would be smart to back off. “Your not yourself!” Melissa looked like she was ready to take the scythe from the corner of her room and take a swing at Mat’s head. I like her was thinking what part of “want to be alone” did he and Ana not get? “Melissa, you haven’t eaten all day! COME OUT!” Anastasia yelled. Melissa seemed to depressed to eat. Even I wanted her to eat….but she wouldn’t. “MELISSA! OPEN THE DOOR!” Mat cried. “NOW!” He didn’t actually yell. He was just frustrated. And to me and Melissa where he had been aggravating her all day it sounded like he was yelling. He had lost his patience with her. My angel could do better. She could be more furious when angered…Much…much more then he could. “Mat?” she said softly. As if she had calmed down. Like Melissa, I sometimes wondered if Mat was his real name or just short for Matthew or not. (any who) “What?” He said just as softly. Did he really think she had calmed down. Damn…this boy was pathetic. So sad. “Melissa? What is it?” He asked. She grinned devilishly. “If you don’t leave me alone! I swear that tomorrow you two will wake up very lost…and very confused!” She said. “NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!” they took her threat seriously. Cause they did not say another word. In fact they had left the door. They might have been thinking of another way to get Melissa out of that room. She wasn’t going to come out. She had choose what she wanted to do. Friends or not…she wanted to be left alone. That’s what she wanted, and going to get. Ana invited Mat and that Aoi child to stay with her tonight. Thinking that when Melissa finally did decide to come out of her room she would want to see Mat. (fat chance loser!) Later that night my angel lay in bed thinking about my voice. If I was not wrong I would say she was wondering about what to do. She felt….complied to find the voice that was mine. But she also wondered if she should at all. Anastasia, and Mat both were frantic with worry. And personality I wanted that twit with blue hair, Mat, to stay away from my radiant beauty. As she lay in her bed she decided she couldn’t stay in the house any more. She got up and dressed (I looked away as to give her her privacy...I wasn't a pervert). She dressed in an outfit that was not what you would expect of her to wear. The Melissa Mat and Ana had known was slowly vanishing into the dark abysses. She was being eaten away by darkness. She didn’t want to be that old Melissa any more. That Melissa had been hurt to many times. She was never going to that Melissa again. As that Melissa she had taken to many beatings. Never again would she be her. “The angel’s will weep tonight.” She said.
I knew what she meant by her statement. She meant that the angel’s had lost one of there people tonight and would be crying over there lose….if they even cared that was. Anastasia’s room was right next to her’s so she removed her heels as she left her room as not to wake her. She closed the door quietly. She had gathered all her things. Her works of art, books, everything was going to leave with her. As she walked down the stairs and towards the exit she and I sat Mat on the couch in the living room. Why was he still here? Why was that moron still here? It didn’t matter. She was leaving, and coming to find her love. Her voice. I wouldn’t have to worry about him bothering us again. She quietly tiptoed to the door, and left. She quickly place her shoes back on and started running. In heels it didn’t seem to bother her. She had gotten the running and walking thing as a human girl down. She ran through the cover of night until she came to a cave as the sun began to rise in the horizon. The cave was near Anastasia’s home but about an hours worth of walking, if you ran it was about a 10 minute run. She ran into the cave with her ghostly looking cape on her back as it started to poor of rain. Suddenly she slipped and fell and hit the rocks hard. She let out a cry of pain, but quickly covered her mouth. She didn’t want to be discovered there. Especially by Mat or Ana. Not unless she was discovered by the voice who had wanted her to find it. The voice that belonged to me. I wanted to help my angel with her wound but I dared not approach…not yet.
She sat quietly as the rain poured. She sat with a lantern light so she could see as she worked on her poems. Saying the words as she wrote. At last she had found peace. No one was bugging her. No one was nagging her to come out of her thinking area. Then I choose it. The time was ripe. Thunder clapped outside but I used my magic as I entered the cave entrance. Suddenly she jerked her head up as she heard a thunders organ eco through out the cave, and a furious wind blew the lantern light out. We heard the sound of Anastasia and Mat coming towards the cave. I looked behind me to see them running towards the cave fighting through all the beasts that tried to stop them.But at the entrance they weren’t standing there as she looked up. It was me! The owner of the voice. And her guardian angel. She stared up at me, frightened by the thunderous A-minor chord playing on the invisible organ went off, nearly making her jump. I stared down at her. Just staring. She looked at me as if she knew who I was deep down inside her heart. She was taking in my appearance. In my outfit I looked like a shadow that had taken form in the darkness of the cave. But what really gave me away and surprised her was that I wore a white half mask. My mask…was the clue…the key…to who I was. To her….I was…The Phantom of the Opera…her Guardian Phantom. The one who had helped her realize her powers as a mermaid.

Insolent boy this slave of fashion
Basking in your glory
Ignorant fool this brave young suitor
Sharing in my triumph

Angel I hear you
I listen
Stay by my side
Guide me
Angel my soul was weak
Forgive me
Enter at last…
She sang so beautifully….oh sing again angel. You fill me with joy! She was so wonderful. I would forgive you for your “weak” soul I would enter at last, stay by your side and guide you. She paused waiting for me to continue the next part of the song. She was probably comparing this to the move of the Phantom of the Opera. I chuckled a little. Yes Christina looking into the mirror, and seeing my ultimate forbearer. But in mine and her case it was the water showing our reflections.
Flattering child you shall know me
See why in shadow I hide
Look at your face in the mirror
Now I paused and waited for her beautiful voice to answer mine. She had a look that made it seem like she wanted to approach me now….without fear! A pull she wanted to answer. She wanted to…and could trust me. She knew she could love me. She knew in her heart that she could be with me, and not have to fear about being hurt ever again. You can trust me angel. I wouldn’t hurt you. I wouldn’t shun you. I would take care of you. Love you. Need you with me every waking moment of this life.
Angel of Music
And Guardian
Grant to me your glory
The music to this song played in the background and all around us in the cave thanks to my magic. This angel felt trust in me. Felt feelings for me. SHE WAS LOOKING PAST THE MASK AND INSIDE MY HEART! YES! YES LOOK THERE ANGEL! I WAS NOT A EVIL CREATURE! I made my voice sound gentler and softer. Mesmerizing to her….as if it weren’t’ already. I extended my black leather gloved hand out towards her. I wished for her to take my hand. She seemed to want to take hold of it…badly. She was feeling trust in me…her Angel of Music. Her hand was slightly trembling as she stared to reach out for my hand not taking my eyes of my face. She seemed to be thinking….about her friends. Wondering if they would care if she fell into the cluches of darkness. Fell victim to it. Especially with Mat. She remembered that kiss. She wanted to know how he felt about her. If he felt the same as she did. She looked behind me and at Mat and Anastasia. Anastasia holding Mat back as he tried to get to me to tear me to pieces. Turning into a mut again from anger. To bad for him. She had chosen who she truly wanted: ME! She couldn’t think to straight though. She seemed to want to call out to Mat and ask him. I had to take her now. She had chosen me when she extended her hand out to me slowly to take mine. I sang softly, and gently.
I am your Angel of Music
Come to me Angel of Music
I am your Angel of Music
Come to me Angel of Music

To be continued in Chapter 39...