I just bought a new wahmbulance camelbak wahmbulance but it feels weird to use, i can use it anywhere when im thirsty like on a bike ride or a hike but it feels awkward carrying a bag full of water with a hose... I also got a new bike its a mountain bike and i like it just it's blue i hate blue with a fiery passion of a thousand suns. Anyway this week was good it seemed weird that i didnt go see a movie but i did see Monsters vs Aliens it was funny but sad, not like notebook sad but like a kid fell in the hallway sad. I had Chipotle, i always eat a steak burrito bowl with guacamole and sour cream, but today it just didnt taste like all the other days. sad . Its almost 10:30pm and im still not tired on school days i pass out at around 9:00pm but today i feel like an owl. I wish i could just fly away from all my troubles and go to a place where if i did something wrong it was lowered to a lower level, like stealing would be a slap on the wrist while murder would be like theft. But that would be a lot of killing... anyway i have been on gaia for quite sometime and have been in relationships which i regret but so far nothing big has happened.Today though i stayed at school until it closed and all the kids were sent out but today felt like i was outside prison when school is my prison! Well i should stop rambling on and on about this kind of stuff but i dont know what to talk about. I like games but not the gory kind...i like the ones where if i shot you, you would just die and then respawn...i sound like a nerd emo . I play a lot of games ill make a list...
5.Animal Crossing
7.Cooking mama
8.Gardening mama
9.Wii fit
10.Super Smash Bros Brawl
That is my top 10 list of games i play the most. I have a new subject Call of Duty. I sat here in my room texting people when out of nowhere my best friend called me and asked what i was doing. I told him i was doing nothing. So he asked if i wanted to come over and hang out for a little and maybe go to the mall. So i told him as long as i get to drive. He got a new car its a Scion Tc a small car with only two doors automatic it was fast. I still needed to learn how to slow down fast but other than that I'm a good driver. Anyway as we headed to the mall i was driving around 35mph when we saw a police or as we call it the sirens. We named his car so it's new name is Xavior i like it because you never hit a light and if you do its for only a short time but we got to the mall and he told me to wait at the food court or he would calll me. So i waited for about five minutes and headed off to Victoria secrets. As i got there about 10 minutes later i get a text he said to meet him by the car. So i bought my things and went to the car. When i got there he had also bought something. The bag a Black and red logo saying GameStop. I thought he bought a new Wii game but it was for his Xbox 360. As i drove to his house i went to his bathroom and freshened up a bit. When i went out i heard gunshots electro fire i looked over at his tv and he was playing a war game. I looked at the box and it said Call of Duty 4. Now i'm not big on playing these kind of games but he told me to sit and we would play Wii soon. I love his Wii it has all my favorite games like Animal Crossing and Wii Fit so i waited for an hour then two and finnally it got dark. Now I now not to walk when it's dark but i had no other choice it was that or take Xavior. So i asked him for the keys and i also asked if i could borrow his Wii and Animal Crossing. He let me and i left i told him i would return his car tomorrow. Now my parents are like super religious and since today was good friday the first question they asked me was...why are you so late. I stood there with a bag that said Wii in big white bubbley letters and i told my mom and stepdad i was with Josh so they didnt care because my mom wants me to marry this guy. So i waled up the steps and into my room when i got there i found out my little brother and his friends were playing "dress up" as i looked at my room it was a mess my dresses were on the floor and bed and my shoes were everywhere and they were also in my makeup. Now I'm to old to yell at kids that are like 5 and 6 so i told everyone to come here and so i played with them for a little putting make up on them. When it was around 9:00pm they all went to bed. So i cleaned my room and then turned on the tv and skimmed through the channels and nothing good was on so i pushed the video button and set up the Wii. I pulled it out and set it up. When i put the Animal Crossing disk into the Wii it wouldnt go in. So i pushed the eject button and something weird happened. A resident Evil game popped out. Now i know Josh is scarred to play Resident Evil so i thought it was his friends and put in animal crossing and i'm still playing right now! Well if i have anything to add it will probably be on monday or on sunday. Well have a good Easter and get a chocolate bunny for me too! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
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