Too many. I give up.
The bunny slippers aren't even worth getting anymore, they'll only sell for 100k!
And guess what....I had a really weird dream last night~!
It started off with me going back to school after Easter and not remembering any of my classes, where they were, the teachers, etc.
Strangely, I kept looking at my schedule but couldn't figure out what it meant...I could read it but not comprehend it I guess.
So I went over to Mr. Heifetz (English teacher) and he read it to me, and, funny enough, he didn't seem that surprised when I couldn't understand him.
I eventually made it to first period. The weird thing is, Cassandra was sitting next to me, even though she doesn't have my 1st period. And on my other side was....Kim Heechul.
Cassandra was confused when I shrieked at him and asked him why he was in America, and he seemed surprised that I knew who he was, because no one else except Rachel and Tram had recognized him.
Somehow he ended up reaching across Cassandra and pulling me onto his lap. And Cassandra didn't seem concerned at all.
So I spent English class on Heechul's lap. Mr. Heifetz didn't even notice.
Then I was congratulating him on the Sorry Sorry album and we were doing Gee dance, even though I was still on his lap. (I'm not sure how I didn't fall off)
I guess he wasn't gay in my dream, because he didn't make out with any random guys in the halls.
Then I had to go to my next class, and once again couldn't remember what it was. After thinking for about 10 minutes, I finally figured out that it must have been art.
So I walked down to art class. In my dream, I had been dating this Indian kid for a long time but had just broken up with him. (No idea whatsoever who the kid was, and I have never even had a crush on any Indian boys.) So he made this random announcement that I was everything to him and that he still loved me and he wished we could get back together...on the school loudspeaker system.
Then I was walking in the halls because art was over, and I decided to skip class because I just couldn't figure out what my 3rd period was.
Heechul randomly appears out of nowhere and happily skips toward me smiling...
...And the next thing I knew, he turned me into a mouse.
(I must have been on drugs last night)
So mouse!Chul and I were going to go to his place, but then I woke up.
I think he must have magical fairy Barbie powers.
I can just picture Heechul going "Mwahaha, I turned a girl into a mouse!"

First I'm seeing Heechul at the golf course, now he's in my dreams.
He must be stalking me inside my mind o-o
Like the Phantom of the Opera!
"In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do I dream again?
For now I find
The phantom of the opera
is there,
Inside my mind."
(If I don't post again before Easter)
Don't eat too many peeps!
Because I hate peeps -__-
Nasty little marshmallow things.