he listen to me. i like him as a friend.
he knows wat is to happen is my parents slip up.
he is the nicest,coolest,fun,sweetest,caring friend i have.
thats why he is my best,best,best,best and more best, best friend ever,
wait in the whole wide world!!!
heart i love him!!! i love him because he is so....so...
well the something what a said early.
i call him Romeo, and he calls me Juliet.
no matter wait we talk about it always end in a "lol" but i dont care.
i hope you are reading this Romeo because you are my very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very, very
best friend in the whole world.
none of my other friends can be compare to you
heart you work hard, y
our gf still loves you,
no one is every that hard working or fun or nice
or what ever it is you are always going
to be the most of very thing i wrote down
burning_eyes even sometimes you make me
blush and that is the true Romeo