Name: Chibi Kina
Age: 16
Height: 4-11 Very short
Weight: 62 Lbs
Race: Neko/Demon
Known Jutsus
Crystal style
E-rank Crystal style Crystal shards" a bunch of small crystal shards launch at the foe.
D Rank: Crystal Style Crystal barrier Jutsu:A Barrier of crystal rises from below protecting the user
C Rank: Crystal Style, Crystal spikes.: Medium size Spires, come from below at the users foe.
B Rank: Crystal Style Crystal Sealing Jutsu: The usere encases their foes in crystal making them fragile and brittle.
A rank: Crystal style Crystal dragon Jutsu: A Crystalized, dragon is launched at the enemy.
S Rank: Grand Crystal Style Crystal storm: A storm of shards spins around the foe cutting them up.
Wind Style
E Rank: Wind Style jutsu: Blades of wind go towards the foe, it also goes well with her crystal style jutsus.
D Rank: Wind Style Wind burst: A gust of wind is sent at the foe blowing them back. (More on the jutsu's later.)
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