“We need to get the lid off the tank.” Mat said climbing up the later those two stupid sailors had left there. “Oh, and I should tell you. She can’t swim as a human.” “Then I’ll dive in there and get her out.” Mat said. “Of course. Where was my head?” She said. They pushed the lid of the tank enough for one of them to go in and get Melissa and get back out with her. The Sailors came back and Ana got ready to fight, while Mat dived in the tank to get Melissa. Like a torpedo almost. Then he used the bottom of the tank to shoot them out after Melissa franticly pointed to her legs saying she was starting to change back. She looked like she was going to faint from lack of air at the same time. Ana formed a shield of air around herself and sprayed the sailors with mist….not going to do much sorry to say…but she was still in training. They barely had time to look or defend when she unleashed a torrent of icy daggers upon them. One of them looked down for the count, but the others quickly charged at her. She defended using the fog of the day to her advantage. Though she looked like she was going to win, she was wondering if Melissa had changed back. “Let’s help Anastasia.” Mat said just then. Melissa stayed near the top of the tank after Mat dried her with a spell, and went to go help Ana. I stayed and stood there in the rafters omniscient and yet present. Melissa noted my presence and then looked like she was gawked at me. She went white eyed as I spoke to her. “So you admit you’re a mermaid” I heard a muscular sailor say. “Your friends are no better.”
“Are you going to take that?!” I told her. “Who are you?” She asked under her breath. “A guardian.” I told her. “A guardian?” She repeated as a question “Why are you douching yourself?” I asked her. “I don’t have any powers. I can’t help them.” “YES YOU CAN!” I yelled back at her. “Your powers are there waiting to be awakened.” She stared in disbelief. She noticed my voice sounded a bit like my ultimate forbearers. “Can’t you feel it flowing though you right now?” I said. “It’s flowing in your veins right now.” She could feel it. “Get up and fight!” I exclaimed. “How? I don’t know anything about these powers. How to use them…nothing.” She said to me. “Wait for them to make you mad. Then you’ll know. Awaken yourself.” I told her as I made my voice sound like it was fading. I had to leave to another part of the room. “But…who are you.” She asked me. “A guardian phantom is with you.” Is all I said to her. I was with her. I would always be with her. Now…tomarrow….next week….year…24/7.…365 days a year. “MELISSA!” Mat yelled. “A little help here.” Anastasia said. Melissa jumped down from the tank, and landed gently on the ground next to Ana. Mat summoned the Ocean Omega Sword and helped fight off the sailors, as Melissa came in. But then, unexpectedly, a crowd starting forming outside. We didn’t need that right now. He had to go take care of the crowed. His little friend was there too. She took over so Mat could go back and help with the battle. “Oh the mermaid’s going to join in.” The skinny sailor said. “so scary she’s not going to do much better.” The muscular one said. “Shut up!” Melissa yelled. “I think she’s mad.” The muscular one said. “I thought mermaid’s were gentle. Guess not.” The skinny one said. “Shut UP!” Melissa yelled again.
That was it….get angry…awaken. "Mat, I’m sensing a strange power around her.” Anastasia said. “That makes two of us.” Mat said. Leaving Aoi to take care of the crowed. “What’s wrong mermaid?” The skinny one said. “Did we offend you. Even though you know it’s true.” Suddenly I could tell she felt a massive bit of anger inside of her body. A massive power. “Shut……up!” She yelled. “Watch out she might blow a cap.” The skinny sailor said. That was the breaking point. She’d gotten to her boiling point. She’d always had a temper so this was much worse then her usual temper tantrums. Very different. “SHUT UP!” Suddenly her hair and eyes changed to blue. Her body started to flash blue. The water tanks behind all of us shook. The water uneasy to match her anger. I saw Ana and Mat stare in shock as she undergone a transformation into a Sailor Mercury look. Her Elemental, and main one, warrior self over water. “YOU TWO ACT LIKE I’M A PRIZE TO BE WON! JUST ANOTHER FISH IN AN AQUARIAM!” She yelled at the sailors. “WELL YOUR WRONG!” Now Melissa’s cloths had changed her to look like Sailor Mercury. Some of the water from the tank that had fell to the ground when she was transforming started making swirls around her. Everything about her probably could appear different. But I had learned that Melissa was able to changer her hair and eye color at will so that part was normal. Everything else was changing though. She knew I was watching over her, guiding her though this whole thing. Anastasia and Mat seemed concerned. “Let’s finish this.” Melissa said. She was not happy. She stepped in front of her friends. The sailor’s definetly hadn’t expected this. They were frightend of my mermaid. They jerked around and tried to run away, but I could sense my angel was not going to let them….not after what they had done.
She made her hands make a circle in front of her, and a small bubble started to form in my between them. She spun around in a circle, and I noticed a symbol glowing brightly in the bubble…the symbol of the plant Mercury. As she brought the bubble up above her head and it burst into a swirling circle around her. She brought her arms in towards her chest. “MERCURY BUBBLES!” She yelled spreading her arms out away from her body. “MIST!” suddenly the whole place was covered in mist. I could hardly see her. I think I saw her shape in the mist moving though…reaching for her ear if I was right. I then saw a small tinkle of light from her tiara and a blue visor, from the looks of it, came down and covered her eyes. I laughed to myself. These sailors were so stupid….they lacked the brains to see they were trapped….Melissa had them where she wanted them. She was looking through the visor I couldn’t be sure but I was guessing something was on the visor lenses that she was looking at. As if she were scanning there bodies for something. If I had to guess…she was looking for a weak point. “Your not getting away.” I heard her say as she was hidden in the mist. “Melissa, are you feeling ok.” Ana asked her. “Never better. I feel great.” She said in more of a hiss then anything. “SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!” She yelled. She was drawing something towards her. I saw a dot of something in the mist float towards her…a drop of water from the tank. It came out and fell to the ground, then Melissa started spinning around on her tip toes like a top, conjuring up water.
She was guiding the water through the air with her right hand, like a snake, then she shot a massive column of water at the sailors….freezing them solid in a block of ice. The mist died out, and I saw my angel again. Her face so beautiful to me. Mat and Ana were standing, just standing, staring in disbelief. “I’m not done yet.” Melissa hissed. The visor was gone. She smiled wickedly and I followed her facial expression. Yes…that was right my angel. Awaken yourself. Show people not to mess with you. A mysterious blue flame was burning in her eyes. “MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY!” She yelled. A harp appeared, and started playing it Suddenly water shot out from the harp, and shattered the ice around the moronic sailors. They gasped for air and feel to the ground. One of the sailors ran for it. The other tried to follow….however Melissa didn’t let him. “I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU!” Melissa screamed the mysterious blue flame burning more deeply in her eyes. “MERCURY AQUA MIRAGE!” My angel yelled. A swirling stream of water came from the tank behind her like a snake, and started to form a sphere, which she was guiding with an arc with her right hand, finally causing it to drop and splash at her feet. It had then started to swirl around her angelic, and so fragile of a body. Then she raised her arms above her head and thrust them in front of herself, sending forth a large column of water that divided into a smaller columns, which seeked out the sailor that was left and struck him, forming a glowing sphere around her enemy, which suddenly exploded into a huge wave of water, revealing the targeted sailor, who was now just a mass of water, then he exploded also.
She prepared to go after the other sailor but Ana grabbed her shoulder. She looked at Melissa afraid of what Melissa had done. She had tears in her eyes. Mat even looked at her like he didn’t recognize her. Melissa’s mysterious blue flames still burning in her eyes but slightly faded. “Please….please stop.” Ana cried….almost a plead. The flames in her eyes vanished from her eyes without a trace. Her anger lightened bit my bit until it was gone. As Melissa would put it it was like a ocean calming after a furious storm. Her hair was pink, and her eyes returned to a chocolate tent. Those chocolate eyes that I so dearly enjoyed so much to look at. Her cloths now a pair of jeans, and ruffled black top again. Her hair bow now back in her hair. I was behind the tank now. She turned to look at me and saw me. Her guardian Phantom. “You have awakened." I mused and then I vanished to the banisters again where she didn’t see me this time.

To be continued in Chapter 37...