She tries to blend in, but fails without realizing it. Zaqui's master's words echoed in his own head. She wears all black, and her skin is pale white. She will not show any skin in the sun, she will be completely shaded. You will not be able to see her mouth, she will conceal it somehow. She may have one bright color, but if it is pink, it is not her. When you find her. Kill her with this. His master had said, handing him a special type of crossbow. Do not let her see you, and do not hesitate. Zaqui stared at her, trying to reach for the crossbow on his back, but found he was unable to move. What was she?
He can be so stupid, sending a regular human out to shoot a vampire with a normal crossbow out in midday. Not to mention, this isn't exactly a deserted area. Ha, he can't even move. I love vampire eyes. You stare into them for two seconds, and it takes days to look away. Hallow thought, staring at the boy across the street. "This will be over soon." Hallow muttered with a small smile under her scarf.