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View User's Journal

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Who Am I?
Look deep within my wounded heart;
Past the barricades and broken walls,
Towards the hidden secrets; and
Find the real me.

Filter through the obvious data
And discover the furtive memories
That rest within the center chamber
Of my soul.

Seperate fiction from facts,
Real from the unreal, to coax
The clandestine me out of the shadows
And into the light.

Wander the corridors of my
Essence in search of the truth,
Don't be decieved by the protective
But counterfeit personalities.

I've lost sight of who I am,
So I need your guidance
And perservation to rediscover
My true identity

User Comments: [2] [add]
Musician At Heart
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 01:40am
I usually dont like non-rhyming poetry, but theres such meaning, such a desperate call in there that i cant help but be moved, bravo

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 09:05pm
Don't expect to feel better right away, Lennew, especially since you placed your hopes up way to high. You ever heard the saying 'The bigger they are the harder they fall.'? In your case it's 'The higher one is the farther down they crash.', and your result was devastating, yes? I know this is a painful experience for you, but take it as a lesson to learn. Don't give your commitment so easily anymore, okay? Oh, yeah, Z always tells me this when I'm in a bad/sad/whatever mood, 'What ever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger once you recover.' Let's see if what he says is true for you. *holds out hand* What do you say, Lennew? Are you ready to walk through the path to recovery or would you prefer to stay where you are for now?

Serene Remnant
Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]