Age: 30
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Bio: Dean was born on January 24, 1979 to John and Mary Winchester. He is the couple's elder child, and has one sibling, Sam, who is four years younger. Dean was named after his maternal grandmother Deanna Campbell (and possibly himself), while his brother was named after his maternal grandfather, Samuel Campbell.
Dean drives a black four-door 1967 Chevy Impala (given to him by his father), and is a fan of classic rock music and heavy metal. He always wears a metal amulet, given to him as a gift by his brother, [1] on a long black cloth band necklace., which turns out to be a Christmas gift from Sam in 1991. In addition to the amulet, Dean always wears a silver ring on his right ring finger. Dean sports a MTM-Special Ops Watch (The Black Patriot Model) and wears it in the fourth season with a Velcro band. He also has a small black tattoo on the upper left side of his chest; it is a protective plated pentagram with rays of the sun surrounding it. The symbol is said to ward off demonic possession.
Dean appears to be a fan of Jack Nicholson, and possibly watches Oprah. He tends to make light of some of his and Sam's adventures, and is known to use crude humor and make sexual innuendos. Dean is terrified of flying, and claims that it is the reason why he drives everywhere. Despite his working knowledge of existence beyond death, he is skeptical towards religion.
Dean values his family and their safety more than anything else, even going so far as to kill a demon and its human host in order to save Sam's life, as well as selling his own soul to save Sam's life.

1967 Chevrolet Impala

Name: Sam Winchester
Age: 26
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Together with Samantha O'Ryan
Abilities: Visions; Sam exhibits both telekinetic and precognitive abilities, as a result of being fed demon blood by Azazel as a baby
Bio: Sam was born on May 2, 1983 to John and Mary Winchester in Lawrence, Kansas. He was the couple's second child, four years younger than his older brother, Dean. Sam is 6' 4" tall. He is named after his maternal grandfather, Samuel Campbell. When Sam was only six months old (November 2, 1983), his mother, Mary, was killed in his nursery by the demon Azazel, who his mother walked in on while he was standing by Sam's crib, doing something mysterious. Interrupted in his act by Mary, Azazel kills her by trapping her against the ceiling, cutting her stomach, and then engulfing her in flames. Infant Sam is saved from the fire when Dean carries him outside while their father unsuccessfully tries to rescue their mother.
Sam (and Dean) spent their childhood moving from town to town every few weeks as their father "hunted". In 1997 they had been enrolled in four different high schools by the end of November. Sam was a quite capable fighter, easily dispatching a bully that was several inches taller and 30 pounds heavier, and carried a butterfly knife in his book bag. Sam also caught the attention of a writing instructor for his "fictional" story of how they had killed a werewolf the previous year - the teacher encouraged Sam to consider carving out his own life instead of getting into the "family business".
Sam was a senior at Stanford who is applying to law school. He rebelled against the family business of hunting supernatural evil and hasn't spoken to his father, John, in years. Dean goes to see him to ask for his help in finding their father, who went missing while on a hunting trip. Sam lived with his girlfriend, Jessica, before her demise twenty-two years later to the day, in the same manner in which he killed his mother This spurred him to embark on a journey with his brother to find their father and kill the demon that killed their mother and Jess. While their father is off on his own mission, he occasionally contacts the boys to give them hunting assignments.

**Information filched from