I opened the lid to see the liquid that filled the black Styrofoam.I smiled and stirred a green straw that came with the drink into the iced pink and the sour/sweet sent immediately illuminated my breath.After stabbing the straw threw the tiny X above my soda I slowly sucked the mixes of light flavors into the filmed tunnel and watched the tint creep between my lip.The taste shocked me at first but the strike eased around my tongue and crashed into the white walls of teeth,working it's way down my throat.The static is over and i mustn't dare to sting my mouth again! But I defy my excited fear and take the lid off,gulping sour soda like a thirsty animal♥♥♥
ya i know..i'm a little...."Off" XD

AHHH MY NIPOOLZ!*rubs* O_O...~creepy whore..~


BunnXiLove · Fri Apr 03, 2009 @ 12:14am · 0 Comments |