Tell me which vid to choose for this entry..this vid is a little too...violent for this one...u know what i ment i think its meant for fighting..but w/e..
] lol the guy's face is funnee! Well your always going to hear these songs in zombie movies... when i was little my dad would always scream at me for listening to this...wat an a** XD [color=darkred]ok i just love this song..
 I'm broken from the intense passion I shared with my companion by the glass shattering in the kitchen.We paused for a moment to listen for any hint of sound to identify the intruder,like prey frozen in fear...nothing."Ethan go see what's going on."I handed him a gun and and sent him out.Silence filled the brightened room."Dad?"Ethan was surprised to see his father standing at the counter looking dumb founded."Where have you been?!...Dad!" I heard a hungry groan and a scream. Ethan's dad strangled his son,bloody mouth gaping."Ethan!" I screamed again and again as i watched Mr.Davis lunge at his own flesh and blood,ripping the pale meat from Ethan's neck with his gruesome teeth. Blood spurted from my beloved's shocked painful face while the monster continued to tear flesh off the bloody corpse,devouring every bit. It was only seconds til' Ethan's gorgeous face was no more, just bloody bone. The cannibal whipped a wild stare.Fear built up even more within me and I couldn't move,as if his evil gaze was hypnotizing. There were no white,pureness in his blackened eyes that filled with angry hunger and hatred.

the pictures are like...peeks at what happens later...Uh this is your typical zombie story...I LOVE zombie stories just like Vampire stories..speshooly the ones where some one falls in love and...i wont ruin it anymore then it rly already is...^_^ lets just hope i keep at it..i think i might! Tell me what you think so far..i think this was pretty easy but i might need some changing i dunno..its basically a draft right now...^_^ ya.. another little peek of where Olivia will be next.
Oh..uhh i dun rly have an intro cuz this whole things just popped in my newdlez! and uuuh...Olivia is the one of the main character..the narrator..I'm not rlly sure if i should put a narrator in it just makes it a little easier..maby i'll change it..i like to give the characters views..ya..:3
BunnXiLove · Sun Mar 29, 2009 @ 11:07pm · 0 Comments |