The Fae's Horror [Not Real Title] |

I ran. not once looking back. I could hear him closing the distance between us, inch by inch. Branches cracked and leaves crunched under each furious step. I ran faster, harder. Beads of sweat drizzled from my forehead. I panicked, thoughts whirled through my head, the sun was setting, and the sky dimming slowly as the trees overhead rustled as the wind blew past them. I was at a lost, but still, I kept running. Something told me I had to get away from my pursuer. Whether it was pure instinct or mere fright, I ran on and on, without ever once slowing my pace. I don't care who he is, or rather, what he is, but I just know one thing for sure, I don't plan on getting caught by whoever or whatever it was. I calmed my nerves and looked around. That was when I noticed it, noticed that I was in a familiar, yet alienated place. I slowed my place unconsciously and at that moment....
"Sena!" screamed a vague, but familiar voice. "Sena! Wake up!"I felt her grab my shoulder and she started shaking me frantically, voice trembling. "Oh no... Sena! Please no! Don't leave me! Not like mom! Please don't Sena! Please wake up!"
My eyes jerked opened to see Yuzuki sitting there, tears streaming down her face, biting down on her quivering lower lip, still frantically shaking me. I shook off her arms and threw my own around her tightly. "Yuzu! Shh... I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm not leaving you. Calm down. Shh."
Yuzuki's arm fell limp by her side, her harsh sobbing hushed, and fell back to her eternal slumber as her eyes slowly closed. I sat up on mu bed now, Yuzuki's body, motionless except for her now ragged breathing, laying across my lap soundlessly.
[If you are completely clueless on w/e has happened so far.. then to bad. XD Eh... I'll make some other entry explaining some things... like the eternal slumber s**t. ]
I will not be adding anymore than this. =P This isn't yours anyways. >.> DON'T complain. =D No one reads this anyhow. xD I might add more when I'm done... but most likely not??? This story's for Chrissy anyhow. XD
xXIceCold_And_DangerousXx · Thu Apr 02, 2009 @ 11:38pm · 2 Comments |